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Krystyna 01-25-2016 07:00 AM

I just found this thread. I'm happy to say that so far I've finished 5 large quilts, one baby quilt and 6 art quilts. I don't want to clutter the thread with pix, so I'll wait until the one in the machine is done.

Janice McC 01-25-2016 07:03 AM

Correction, there are a total of 41 completed UFOs to date. As soon as my head hit the pillow last night, or should I say very early this morning, I realized my mistake. Ugg. Sorry for that confusion! My next tally will be on Feb 1 so we can see how many UFOs were finished for the entire month of January. (Note to self: math skills are better earlier in the evening! :o )

How are your UFO finishes coming? I'm still trying to get the binding on my r/w courthouse steps. I was away for the weekend and fully intended to take it with me in the car to finish it. Well, I brought the thread, scissors, my favorite thimble, a few needles but not the quilt. Nope. It was sitting right on the edge of the sofa, just where I left it, when I returned home Sunday night. :rolleyes:

Hope you are having better luck! Any finishes this weekend??? I'm just itching to blow that whistle, you know!

Anoka Quilter 01-25-2016 08:25 AM

Letawellman - great quilts, I especially like the colors in #2.

Rryder - What is that technique called. They are very pretty and this technique looks like something I would like to try. If you are up for it we could have a PM conversation.

Wow, 41 quilts so far this month!!! That is amazing.

I really wanted to get another item finished this weekend, but too many other things kept cropping up and I didn't even make it down to my sewing room. Maybe I will really try to get down their a couple nights this week. Weeknights are always hard for me. I don't get off work till 6pm, I live an hour away from home, and by the time I get home, make supper and we eat I am out of steam and don't feel like going down to the quilting room. I do have the binding ready to be hand sewn on a WH that dates back to 2011 or 2012. I have been trying to find out the exact year I started it and cannot find the information anywhere. Oh well, it is still an old UFO that needs to be finished and that is going to make its way from the sewing room to in front of the TV so I get the binding stitched down.

tkhooper 01-25-2016 10:17 AM

It is still only progress over at my house.

I frogged the Christmas Heart Table Runner again. This time I am marking the lines in the hopes that it will come out the way I want it.

The blocks are done on the Star Flower Quilt and I have started cutting all the sashing pieces. I have high hopes.

The victorian crazy quilt is stalled again. The bird is really frosting my tootsies.

happylab 01-25-2016 12:21 PM

I so enjoying seeing all of the finishes, all 41 0f them. They are all so pretty, candy to my eyes.

I'm slowly sewing on my doll quilt for my sister. Working lots of extra hours and catching a cold slowed me down. I'm just now getting back to normal. I have the 8" blocks sewn. Now need to pin & sew these blocks into 16" blocks. Then I will make the appliqué strip and put the quilt. Together. I hope it looks nice put together, because it looks great in my mind. I'm a little unsure of the color combination. Oh well, it's what she wanted.

Then I can put borders on a dragon quilt for my niece. That should only take a day. Could be a next week project.

Enjoy sewing all all and happy quilting.

pyffer3 01-26-2016 07:16 AM

I am hand sewing the binding on a baby quilt right now.....quilting the other one. I will post a pic when they are both done as they go together for a set of twins. I started to sandwich a large one last night and found a huge mistake! I am not taking it apart and redo those rows with a different background color. Chevron stripes, too much work! I never noticed it when I had it on my wall as I put it together! Ugh....

tkhooper 01-26-2016 07:26 AM

quilting the christmas heart again. And cutting the sashing for the star flower. I'm glad it is ok if quilts take a long time to make.

equigle5 01-26-2016 12:02 PM

I had high hopes to get a chevron quilt finished. I am quilting on DSM, just straight lines following the chevrons. Other projects and work got in way and now a busy week ahead. Hopefully will be a finish first week of February.
41 finishes so far! What a great start. Hope we can keep the momentum. This thread definitely motivates me.

Krystyna 01-26-2016 12:35 PM

I forgot to add a table runner to my completions. Working on the binding for another finish!

rryder 01-26-2016 02:36 PM

[QUOTE=Anoka Quilter;7445102]Letawellman - great quilts, I especially like the colors in #2.

Rryder - What is that technique called. They are very pretty and this technique looks like something I would like to try. If you are up for it we could have a PM conversation.

Hi Anoka, thanks. I've been away from my computer and just saw your note. I'd love to have a PM conversation.


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