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-   -   2016 UFO Challenge of the Month (https://www.quiltingboard.com/quiltingboard-challenges-contests-f21/2016-ufo-challenge-month-t273926.html)

letawellman 01-26-2016 06:37 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I managed to finish un-sewing the red/white/blue top where the blocks were not set right, and have fixed all but one row. Once I get that done, that will make 4 flimsies to load on my longarm "Beth". If hubby doesn't make plans for us (I think he has a road trip in mind for some more new-to-us farm equipment), then I hope to get at least the "daughter" and the wall hanging Lone Star quilted this coming weekend.
I've had some long hours at work this week, plus a 1-hour commute, so by the time I get home and eat, I'm just too tired (most of the time) to do anything but crash once I'm home, and that includes getting a recent pic of the third finish.

Anyway, here's the third one (older pic, before trimming, blocking and binding). It is my very first attempt at a wholecloth.

zozee 01-26-2016 07:18 PM

Leta, that's a gorgeous wholecloth! Your first attempt? Wow!

SandyinZ4 01-26-2016 08:53 PM

Leta, I am stunned at your first wholecloth! What a treasure! You should be so very proud. It is simply gorgeous and what a lot of work!

tkhooper 01-26-2016 09:17 PM

wow leta, is yours one of those computerized long arms? I lust after one of those but I don't have the room.

joe'smom 01-27-2016 06:22 AM

Leta, that's amazing!

Anoka Quilter 01-27-2016 08:02 AM

Leta, great wholecloth. So what kind of model is "Beth"?

sunrise450 01-27-2016 09:10 AM

Leta, your wholecloth is beautiful! I have tried so hard to have a finish this month but everything seems to get in the way. I managed to get two rows put together then I made a huge mistake on the third row. Each row consists of 7 121/2" blocks across and 8 down. It's a QAYG so when a row is attached to another it is done. 5 more rows to go.
I think that next month, if I am finished with this one, I am going to finish something short and sweet.
I admire all the finished quilts, they are all so beautiful!

Krystyna 01-27-2016 11:35 AM

The month isn't over yet, but so far I've finished 13 quilts. Maybe I can fit in one more? Here's the latest one: http://www.quiltingboard.com/picture...n-t275052.html

wildyard 01-27-2016 12:41 PM

Originally Posted by Krystyna (Post 7447527)
The month isn't over yet, but so far I've finished 13 quilts. Maybe I can fit in one more? Here's the latest one: http://www.quiltingboard.com/picture...n-t275052.html

Wow, 13 finishes so far, I am totally blown away!! I am sitting here feeling proud that I am ready to start quilting my second comfort quilt (just pinned the layers) this month. No UFO finishes at all for me as these always come first and I have 3 more yet to do. I did post this flimsy in Pictures forum as I was so tickled with how it came out and I had so much fun making it.
Y'all just keep on keeping on and hopefully I'll get to get at my UFOs in the not too distant future! You are all amazing!!

Anoka Quilter 01-27-2016 12:50 PM

Wow Krystyna, 13 UFO's completed that is fantastic. I really like your black and white quilt and the way that you quilted it. I just finished #4, have to post pictures yet and officially let our fearless leader know, and was feeling really accomplished by getting those completed.

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