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cjscrapper 01-27-2016 01:41 PM

I challenged myself to finish my ufos since I retired this fall. I've done pretty good but these last few are kicking my butt. Glad to join the group.

letawellman 01-27-2016 01:56 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by tkhooper (Post 7446959)
wow leta, is yours one of those computerized long arms? I lust after one of those but I don't have the room.

No, I don't have a computer for my longarm. I drafted this first on paper, then did the same (mostly) design on the quilt. I learned a great deal of the process for this from Lisa Calle's "Mastering the Mini - Wholecloth, That Is", as well as her "Divide and Design" DVD's.
I learned SO MUCH doing this, that I attempted another. The first wholecloth had 100% cotton contrasting thread (on purpose - I wanted to SEE where I needed the most improvement) and only one layer of batting. The second one, I used silk thread in a neutral color, and two layers of batting - one layer 100% cotton and the second layer was a silk/poly blend. One of the biggest things I learned on the second one is to NOT use the blue pounce chalk (which you can see some of it in the pic below) - I didn't think I was EVER going to get it out!!

Thank you so much for your complimentary words, ladies!!

Here's a partial pic of my second wholecloth, but I don't count it in my 2016 UFO's as I finished it in December. O

oksewglad 01-27-2016 02:05 PM

Thanks for sharing your whole cloth progress....free hand no less..wonderful.

letawellman 01-27-2016 02:10 PM

Originally Posted by Anoka Quilter (Post 7447300)
Leta, great wholecloth. So what kind of model is "Beth"?

"Beth" is a Viking Mega-Quilter 18x8 (same as a Tin Lizzie 18x8).

She doesn't have a computer, and the frame is 10' long and wooden, but I know all her quirks and I seriously doubt I will get anything "better". The poles to the frame are galvanized steel electrical conduit, so if I wanted to extend her to 12', all I need do is buy longer poles... or even the reverse - if I needed to "shrink" her length. I can just barely fit a king-sized quilt on her, but it is a struggle.

I also doubt I will get a computer for her, as I get so much pleasure from the "doing" - and to me, when the computer "does it", that's not really me.

Fraew 01-27-2016 02:13 PM

Beautiful whole cloths Leta! WOW!!

letawellman 01-27-2016 02:19 PM

Originally Posted by sunrise450 (Post 7447365)
I have tried so hard to have a finish this month but everything seems to get in the way....
I think that next month, if I am finished with this one, I am going to finish something short and sweet.
I admire all the finished quilts, they are all so beautiful!

Sunrise, i sort of organized my UFO's by how much (or how little) is left to get them completed - which is why I finished 3 so far - they were all pretty much just getting the binding on (but I hate binding, hence the fact that they were UFO's). I'm hoping that the 3 - almost 4 - flimsies will be my finishes next month. And the next ones after those all require some piecing, so I'm certain that this month will probably be my most productive.

Don't slam yourself for not finishing as many as others - we each have our own lives and priorities and distractions. Just know that the rest of us are here to say "YAAAAAYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!" when you DO get a finish!! My personal goal is to finish all 30 UFO's by December... will that happen? Probably not, but I'm going to shoot for it anyway.

Just do the best you can - we'll definitely be cheering at each and every one of your finishes!!

MadQuilter 01-27-2016 04:48 PM

Those whole cloth pictures are simply amazing. I am striving to be as good some day.

letawellman 01-27-2016 05:09 PM

Originally Posted by MadQuilter (Post 7447876)
Those whole cloth pictures are simply amazing. I am striving to be as good some day.

Seriously, Lisa Calle's techniques are the greatest. I could not have done near as well without the things I learned from her DVD's. I'm not affiliated with her, just an EXTREMELY happy customer!! Once I get some of these UFO's out of my way, I'm going to do another one.
It's funny, but designing and stitching a wholecloth just "feels different" to me than the piecing and quilting does. I love doing both of them, but it's almost like I use a different part of my brain or something.

Now, hubby fired up the space heater in my sewing room before I came home, so it's toasty warm, and I'll get a little sewing done. Which is really good, as we ARE going on the road this weekend. Perhaps I can get one of the flimsies quilted and the first part of the binding done, then I can stitch the rest of the binding while hubby drives.

phranny 01-27-2016 06:36 PM

letawellman - your whole cloth quilts looks beautiful! I am in awe!

JuanitaBean 01-27-2016 07:46 PM

leta your whole cloth is just beautiful. I have been thinking about getting Lisa's DVD seeing your made me decided to try it. Thank you for sharing your input on Lisa DVD

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