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-   -   2016 UFO Challenge of the Month (https://www.quiltingboard.com/quiltingboard-challenges-contests-f21/2016-ufo-challenge-month-t273926.html)

joe'smom 01-28-2016 04:04 PM

Way to go Anoka Quilter!

Janice McC, hope you are feeling better soon!

letawellman 01-28-2016 04:52 PM

1 Attachment(s)
OK, here's the "Daughter" wall-hanging. I'm almost done with SID. Then will come decision time - leave it at that, or echo and light modern?
What do you think, folks?? I could really use some ideas here. This will be January finish #4 if I get it done by Sunday. Otherwise, it will be February finish #1.

countrymaid 01-28-2016 06:28 PM

Wonderful to see all the finishes. I did clear the ironing board and cleared off my sewing chair so I can sew. Decided on which ufo to work on and I'm looking to sew tomorrow. My sewing group starts back up next Wednesday and I want to be ready for binding.

oksewglad 01-28-2016 06:40 PM

Well Leta since you like to free hand...sorry you shared the wholecloth...play with some designs in the sashings...are you familiar with this FMQ? I like her creativity...too bad I don't FMQ well...


letawellman 01-28-2016 07:34 PM

Originally Posted by oksewglad (Post 7449189)
Well Leta since you like to free hand...sorry you shared the wholecloth...play with some designs in the sashings...are you familiar with this FMQ? I like her creativity...too bad I don't FMQ well...


Oh my!! I had not see this blog before!!

I already took "Daughter" off the longarm, and even did the binding (which, technically, means she's no longer a UFO - so somebody toot the whistle or ring the bell!)
BUT... there are always methods to "reattach" her. Those "doodles" on that blog are really intriguing!!

Oksewglad, are you on a longarm or a DSM? I've done FMQ on both, and have found that, just like playing a musical instrument, it takes practice to end up with something recognizable, and it takes a lot more practice to create something beautiful. While Judi Madsen says she NEVER "practices", Lisa Calle drafts her designs on paper first. I like the things they each bring to their craft, and have learned greatly from both of them. But Judi even admits that since she doesn't practice, every quilt improves the further she advances through the quilt.
I am definitely not satisfied with my FMQ'ing - I have a long way to go.

Now, I'm off to play on that website some more!! :D

oksewglad 01-28-2016 08:07 PM

Oh I wish it was a LA...but ...yes it does take practice...I can stipple okay and play with curves and ribbons on long borders...manipulating fabric on a DSM is a challenge as well. I understand...singing little ditties helps:D

MadQuilter 01-29-2016 11:09 AM

I just realized that I have 1 1/2 days left for a January finish. Hm....

Anoka Quilter 01-29-2016 11:36 AM

You can do it MadQuilter!!!

equigle5 01-29-2016 12:31 PM

2 Attachment(s)
[ATTACH=CONFIG]541446[/ATTACH]I finished this quilt. This is a quilt I started 3 years ago as my get back into quilting quilt. I hadn't sewn in about 12-15 years due to family and school obligations. I had one row left to sew on and I put it in the whenever I get to it stack. Did some straight line quilting following the chevrons and and borders. This is the third quilt I have been brave enough to quilt on my DSM. I'm learning and doing better each time. [ATTACH=CONFIG]541445[/ATTACH]

Anoka Quilter 01-29-2016 12:48 PM

Great finish Equigle. Doesn't it feel good to get a UFO done :)

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