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wildyard 02-03-2016 06:03 PM

Well, I still have 3 comfort quilts to make before I can get back to UFO's. I'll keep cheering the rest of you on!

tkhooper 02-03-2016 06:31 PM

i lost a row of blocks. That must be why I have so much left over fabric.

Fraew 02-04-2016 08:02 AM

Thank you okaewglad, jaba and joe'smom!

@joe'smom: No rulers, I'm not that advanced. I used my walking foot and the edge of the foot for the echo. I also used a new to me technique by tracing my design on "press and seal". I laid that on top of the quilt and was ready to go. It worked perfectly.

sweetwaterquilter 02-04-2016 08:04 AM

Love the celestial quilt, beautiful job quilting it. I guess I am going to get busy on some of my smaller UFOs and try my hand at doing them on the machine.

Anoka Quilter 02-04-2016 08:41 AM

Fraew, I love you celestial quilt and the manner in which you quilted it really accents the piece. I had to smile when I saw the fabric as I have note cards in that very same design.

Great job on a beautiful finish.

carriem 02-04-2016 09:09 AM

Great start in February already! I always like seeing the variety of patterns, fabrics and quilting!!

Thanks for the compliments on my quilts. I was able to start quilting Tuesday due to a snow day and have a couple hours this afternoon I'll be able to do a bit more...looking good for a February finish!!

Janice McC 02-05-2016 04:16 AM

Toot Toot for you, Plee1053! Do you have a picture so we can enjoy your finish too? :) (This pushes the January total to 71.)

Originally Posted by Plee1053 (Post 7454227)
I would like to join this UFO Challenge. I already completed one in January from 2 years ago. I think I have 4 left. One is at least 8-10 years old. Found it while cleaning out my garage. It was in a huge box along with so much other fabric. Then hubby opened a huge plastic toy box someone gave me years ago and guess what? More fabric! I gave a lot of it away. That didn't come close to the yards and yards that fill my sewing room! Praying God deliver me from buying more fabric! Has to start tomorrow as I just bought a piece today! Such an addiction! Can't go cold turkey! 

Janice McC 02-05-2016 04:22 AM

Fraew...I believe this is our first official UFO finish of February! Congrats and Toot, Toot for you! (I'm sorry I missed it earlier...I misread it as something you'd completed some years back. Oops!

Originally Posted by Fraew (Post 7455260)
Well...way back in 1998 (according to the fabric selvage) I saw this celestial fabric that I just had to have. "I'll make an idon'tknowwhat with it," I said to myself. Snip, snip, sew, sew, new UFO!

Last year SheriR challenged me to learn how to "quilt". I've been doing that by check for years was my response. He he. This is my 6th attempt at "quilting". So far, so good. BTW, if you have a UFO that just isn't working for you, change things up; make it a mini and finish that UFO up! Get 'er done.

Janice McC 02-05-2016 04:26 AM

Sending good wishes for a swift recovery! We'll be here whenever you have a UFO finish to report. :)

Originally Posted by jaba (Post 7455308)
Fraew, your quilting looks amazing! Great job!!! I'm following this swap and will post soon I hope. We were gone away from home in December and January then came home and I had to have surgery on my hand. Still wrapped and stitches, they come out next Monday. I have lots of quilts that are pieced but have to go on the quilting table....not able to do that right now. Hopefully soon I will be able to add to the list of completed :)

joe'smom 02-05-2016 06:56 AM

I finished quilting my current UFO project yesterday! Now to get the binding sewn and attached! Getting there.

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