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-   -   2016 UFO Challenge of the Month (https://www.quiltingboard.com/quiltingboard-challenges-contests-f21/2016-ufo-challenge-month-t273926.html)

sweetwaterquilter 02-05-2016 11:09 AM

Coming down the home stretch with the first UFO for February. Should be done by Monday. Dopey me got myself into 3 MOM, like I didn't have enough piled up already. Got last month's done this morning, this month's is already here. If I live to 150 I'm going to leave behind a lot of work for someone.

Janice McC 02-05-2016 12:40 PM

Sweetwaterquilter and joe's mom, I'll be looking out for your UFO finishes. I'm in between projects now. I cannot decide which one is next.

letawellman 02-05-2016 02:10 PM

Hi all!!
Well, we've been seeing some gorgeous finishes!! Fraew, Quiltermomma, and all you others, you're really filling up the freight cars on this UFO train!!

I've been a little under the weather the last couple of days, some kind of tummy bug. Ick.
I have to put borders on "Glory" (the R/W/B sort-of-log-cabin), then she goes in the flimsy pile. Hubby has dragged a few things into my sewing room, so access to "Beth" (my longarm) is limited, so I guess for now, I'll keep piecing, joining blocks, and come Sunday while I watch my Carolina Panthers stomp the Denver Broncos, I'll be frogging a rather large Lone Star. Considering that we Carolinians have nicknamed our team "the Cardiac Cats" (because they so often nearly give us heart failure), I'm not certain how much I'll actually get done. Probably all that will happen is Cowboy will lie on it, adoring it with Chihuahua hair, while I jump up and down.

I'm hoping to at least get the smallest flimsy (wall-hanging size) loaded on the long-arm on Saturday and maybe (fingers crossed) get it quilted. And if frogging doesn't go well with Panthers' football, perhaps finishing the binding will?

It looks like we're certainly off to a good start for February!!

letawellman 02-05-2016 02:16 PM

Originally Posted by Janice McC (Post 7456972)
Sweetwaterquilter and joe's mom, I'll be looking out for your UFO finishes. I'm in between projects now. I cannot decide which one is next.

If you have managed to get a couple of quick finishes out of the way, perhaps it's time to tackle one that will take a little longer - work on it until you either finish it (and get it out of the way), or you get sick of looking at it (and put it a little further back down the UFO list).

I want to get at least ONE flimsy done, so I will have at least one February finish. Then I can line up the next UFO's to try to get them all closer to the flimsy stage.

My minimum goal is one finish per month. My ultimate goal is to finish ALL my UFO's by year end... which would be about 2 1/2 finishes per month. I'm pretty sure I had 25-30 at the beginning of the year - but getting 4 finishes in January really helped me get some momentum!!

Glojean48 02-05-2016 03:06 PM

Thank you Janice! Could you please tell me how to post photos from my computer desktop? When I searched for info it said there should be a tree in a frame at the top of my screen but I don't see anything like that. Thanks for your help!

judy363905 02-05-2016 03:19 PM

Originally Posted by oksewglad (Post 7455304)
Fraew...your quilting accents the quilt design spot on....

I could not have said it better :)

Judy in Phx, AZ

lynn_z 02-05-2016 04:48 PM

I guess I am normal after all!
5 to 25 seems to be fairly normal so I'll jump in. I signed up with a new quilt group to get motivated but all I am doing is working on stuff for their cause. At least I have been motivated to go thru my stacks or at least the ones in this building. I have 3 tops real close to being finished...no wait. It's more than that....ones I really like but keep finding mistakes so am back peddling. I might have to actually lower my standards even lower than they already are to get over that but I can actually tell you where all their pieces are anyway. Will not start a new one until I get a couple finished. That will be the hard part. One a month sounds good but let's see how far I get this month.

Originally Posted by Janice McC (Post 7418931)
This is the brand new page for 2016's continuation of our UFO Challenge of the Month. The rules are simple: Supporting and encouraging one another in completing our accumulated UFOs.

You can set a goal for each month, but it's definitely not required.

A "finish" is defined as removing said UFO from your incomplete stack of projects. The way you accomplish this is up to you. You can finish the project, pass it on to someone else to finish, donate it, sell it... You see, we are very flexible. Our goal is to reduce the pile of UFOs.

And yes, you can move your UFO to someone else's pile, lol, it's been done before. We are great enablers, too!

All are welcome to hop on this UFO train; we reach out our hands to help you get on. The train will blow its whistle for each new member and we ring the bell for all the finishes that happen!!

It doesn't matter how you count your UFOs; it's entirely up to you. No UFO Police allowed here!!!

We all love pictures so feel free to share whenever another UFO becomes a Finished project!

Special note: I'm looking forward to this UFO Challenge. Last year was great success, over 300 finished UFOs! Wow. Congratulations to everyone who participated last year. I hope you will join again this year and turn a few more UFOs into completed works. And thank you to SandyinZ4 for giving me the opportunity to hop aboard this train!


Janice McC 02-05-2016 06:02 PM

Trust me Lynn Z, you ARE normal! I just finished up a small UFO and i chose to ignore some serious wonkiness. Yes, when possible, as long as it won't drive you crazy, go ahead and lower those standards in order to get some UFOs out of the pile. Finished is definitely better than perfect. That's been part of my problem. Waiting to attain perfection will cost me the fun of finishing. Of course, I'm talking about a standard you can still be proud of. If something really must be fixed, go for it.

Welcome me to the group. We're happy to welcome new people at any time! Hop aboard!

Originally Posted by lynn_z (Post 7457149)
5 to 25 seems to be fairly normal so I'll jump in. I signed up with a new quilt group to get motivated but all I am doing is working on stuff for their cause. At least I have been motivated to go thru my stacks or at least the ones in this building. I have 3 tops real close to being finished...no wait. It's more than that....ones I really like but keep finding mistakes so am back peddling. I might have to actually lower my standards even lower than they already are to get over that but I can actually tell you where all their pieces are anyway. Will not start a new one until I get a couple finished. That will be the hard part. One a month sounds good but let's see how far I get this month.

Janice McC 02-05-2016 06:06 PM

Will be happy to help. Will pm you tomorrow!

Originally Posted by Glojean48 (Post 7457062)
Thank you Janice! Could you please tell me how to post photos from my computer desktop? When I searched for info it said there should be a tree in a frame at the top of my screen but I don't see anything like that. Thanks for your help!

Janice McC 02-05-2016 06:11 PM

Leta, it's def time to pull out something bigger. I have to take my own advice and start with a single stitch! I'm leaning toward a scrappy flimsy, all quilters cache's depression blocks. Time to pull it out again and take a look. Thank YOU for the encouragement.

Originally Posted by letawellman (Post 7457036)
If you have managed to get a couple of quick finishes out of the way, perhaps it's time to tackle one that will take a little longer - work on it until you either finish it (and get it out of the way), or you get sick of looking at it (and put it a little further back down the UFO list).

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