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-   -   2016 UFO Challenge of the Month (https://www.quiltingboard.com/quiltingboard-challenges-contests-f21/2016-ufo-challenge-month-t273926.html)

Janice McC 02-07-2016 03:45 AM

Glojean and Veronica, pls look for a pm from me re: posting pix. Hope it helps. :)

travelinggramma 02-07-2016 11:05 AM

I sandwiched 4 - that is four - quilts yesterday. Set up a long 10' table in rec room and got my binder clips and started in. I am happy with three - the fourth, well it may have to be redone. Have one more that didn't get done but that is ok. Umm I guess that means I have to start quilting..
Worked on our income taxes today and that has stressed me out enough!

Janice McC 02-07-2016 01:12 PM

Congrats on your first UFO finish for this year! Toot, Toot! I look forward seeing pix!

Originally Posted by Veronica (Post 7457940)
This is my first UFO for 2016.
It's a half square quilt challenge for my Bee.
It feels good to complete projects.

Sorry, having trouble adding photos, need to figure this out.

Janice McC 02-07-2016 01:15 PM

Jaba, congratulations on the finish! Is this piece a UFO because if it is, we definitely need to give you an old Toot, Toot. Let me know! :)

Originally Posted by jaba (Post 7458336)
terriamn that is awesome! Feels good doesn't it? Hubby helped me put a small quilt on the quilting table today and I even got it quilted. Made the flange binding and got it sewed on. It's done!!! I never sew the binding on with the machine but it worked rather well. It's small 50" x 52" but it's a start. Perfect for my new grand baby coming soon. Will photo tomorrow and post.

Janice McC 02-07-2016 01:19 PM

TG, that's impressive! I'm moving next door to you so you can motivate me. Too bad the fourth isn't to your liking but you'll fix it. Are they UFOs? If there are four, I'd venture a guess that at least a couple of them are. Look forward to seeing them finished.

Originally Posted by travelinggramma (Post 7458961)
I sandwiched 4 - that is four - quilts yesterday. Set up a long 10' table in rec room and got my binder clips and started in. I am happy with three - the fourth, well it may have to be redone. Have one more that didn't get done but that is ok. Umm I guess that means I have to start quilting..
Worked on our income taxes today and that has stressed me out enough!

jaba 02-07-2016 01:32 PM

3 Attachment(s)
Yes Janice it is a UFO. Pieced about a year ago, didn't need it for anything so never finished it. All from scraps that I had, so put on a border, got it quilted and sewed the binding. Feels really good to sew again after this hand surgery, still sore but it's getting better......stitches come out tomorrow:) I also finished 2 table runners that needed to be done, so that's 3 so far. [ATTACH=CONFIG]542159[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]542160[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]542161[/ATTACH]

letawellman 02-07-2016 01:55 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Jaba, those finishes are gorgeous!!

Well, I got the borders on Glory, and just loaded her on "Beth". I'm so sick of looking at this thing that I just want to finish it and get it out of my way. Between less-than-stellar instructions, my own goof at joining the blocks the wrong way, and mis-interpreting which blocks were supposed to be "primary", I'm really not happy with this one.
But rather than throw my hands up and quit, I'm determined to get it out of my way.
Here's a pic prior to loading on the longarm...sorry for the not-so-great pic, I had to take it outside so I had plenty of light... but I also had plenty of wind!!

I'm getting everything ready (going to do a panto on this), then I'm going to settle down with some frogging while I watch the Panthers stomp the Broncos.

Janice McC 02-07-2016 02:23 PM

They're wonderful, Jaba! The yellow and orange really pops against the white and I love the variegated thread you used. The swirls are a pleasant foil to the straight lines. And the table runners are lovely as well. So three finishes? A big Toot, Toot to you for pushing this train forward another few miles for February! :)

Originally Posted by jaba (Post 7459087)
Yes Janice it is a UFO. Pieced about a year ago, didn't need it for anything so never finished it. All from scraps that I had, so put on a border, got it quilted and sewed the binding. Feels really good to sew again after this hand surgery, still sore but it's getting better......stitches come out tomorrow:) I also finished 2 table runners that needed to be done, so that's 3 so far. [ATTACH=CONFIG]542159[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]542160[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]542161[/ATTACH]

Janice McC 02-07-2016 02:32 PM

You're almost there, Leta! Good for you for hanging in. Personally, I don't know where the "mistakes" are....I think it's lovely as is. Nobody will know it isn't what you wanted unless you tell them. :) Will enjoy seeing it finished. :)

Originally Posted by letawellman (Post 7459107)
...Well, I got the borders on Glory, and just loaded her on "Beth". I'm so sick of looking at this thing that I just want to finish it and get it out of my way. Between less-than-stellar instructions, my own goof at joining the blocks the wrong way, and mis-interpreting which blocks were supposed to be "primary", I'm really not happy with this one...

WMUTeach 02-07-2016 05:12 PM

Just checking in. I have moved, I am healing from my fall but my sewing room is not set up again and I can't move much when using a walker. I would guess a few more weeks then back to the UFOs and a few baby quilts for little ones who just arrived. Didn't want folks to think I had dropped out already. One good thing about this inability to sew is.....I can't create any new UFO's! :D

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