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-   -   2016 UFO Challenge of the Month (https://www.quiltingboard.com/quiltingboard-challenges-contests-f21/2016-ufo-challenge-month-t273926.html)

Janice McC 12-31-2015 06:41 AM

2016 UFO Challenge of the Month
This is the brand new page for 2016's continuation of our UFO Challenge of the Month. The rules are simple: Supporting and encouraging one another in completing our accumulated UFOs.

You can set a goal for each month, but it's definitely not required.

A "finish" is defined as removing said UFO from your incomplete stack of projects. The way you accomplish this is up to you. You can finish the project, pass it on to someone else to finish, donate it, sell it... You see, we are very flexible. Our goal is to reduce the pile of UFOs.

And yes, you can move your UFO to someone else's pile, lol, it's been done before. We are great enablers, too!

All are welcome to hop on this UFO train; we reach out our hands to help you get on. The train will blow its whistle for each new member and we ring the bell for all the finishes that happen!!

It doesn't matter how you count your UFOs; it's entirely up to you. No UFO Police allowed here!!!

We all love pictures so feel free to share whenever another UFO becomes a Finished project!

Special note: I'm looking forward to this UFO Challenge. Last year was great success, over 300 finished UFOs! Wow. Congratulations to everyone who participated last year. I hope you will join again this year and turn a few more UFOs into completed works. And thank you to SandyinZ4 for giving me the opportunity to hop aboard this train!


WMUTeach 01-01-2016 04:45 AM

Well, here I am again. I hesitate to count, but let's just say I have more than 5 and less than 25 UFOs! I will not accomplish anything in January because I am moving. I will have a room dedicated to sewing in my new digs and in February I will dive in and tackle UFOs. My personal goal is one quilt per month each year. It could be a UFO or finishing an "in progress" quilt or a guild "sew along". But one quilt a month will help shrink the UFO pile! I have done it before and will try it again in 2016. (Yes, when I lose a month for moving, it will mean some month this year I will have to get 2 finished! With my pile of UFOs, it is certainly possible!)
Now all I need to learn is how to post photos of my finishes. :o

QltrSue 01-01-2016 05:29 AM

Happy New Year, Everyone! I want to join this group and get back on "track" to get my UFOs under control. Like you, WMUTeach, I have "more than 5 and less than 25", but that last number just might be bigger! We'll see when I get into the sewing room and count up. I'm so impressed with last year's group finishing over 300. WOW!! That's determination and perseverance. Hope to harness some of that and get on with the finishing that needs to happen here.

Thanks, Janice, for hosting this year. Looking forward to getting acquainted with all of you in the coming months!

tkhooper 01-01-2016 05:38 AM

Love, love, love this thread.

Stained Glass Butterfly
Navy Quilt
Star Flower with sashing
Christmas Quilt using loralie fabrics
Victorian crazy quilt
Scrappy collage quilt

So I guess I'm between 5 and 25 too.

cannyquilter 01-01-2016 05:38 AM

I'm in, don't have a lot of quilt UFO's. Have three in progress that I am determined to get finished. Two have been started in the last six months but the third is into its fourth year. I have a few other quilt things to finish, quilted wreath, quilted stockings and a few ideas to start so I think that should keep me busy in 2016. Looking forward to seeing everyone's finishes.

zozee 01-01-2016 06:08 AM

This thread is what I need yet again to keep me encouraged to finish what I've started. I haven't counted, and it's not many, but my UFOs are taking up valuable real estate in my sewing room and in my mind.

My day today will include quilting the one baby quilt for charity that needs to be finished. Maybe I can even start the binding??

Best wishes to everyone here who wants to make noticeable progress. It will feel SO good.

granny2cc 01-01-2016 06:09 AM

With every new year I promise myself that this will be the year that I will tackle the stack of UFOs. Every new year there are more UFOs added to the list and very few finishes. Maybe this will be the year that I actually get something done. I'm in.

Macybaby 01-01-2016 06:34 AM

I'm in! A year ago I didn't feel I had enough UFO's - but I've been busy and my stack of them has really grown, so it's time to get serious about getting them done.

First job will be to locate and identify them all, and I've got a shelf next to my sewing table to keep them on. Those are all started but pre-floppy stage. The tops waiting to be quilted will be stored like they are now - in a tote under the long arm. Most of those will go in the "DH can quilt" stack, but I few ones that need special quilting I'll keep for myself. He's a computer drive kind of guy, though he's hinted he may want to start FMQ also (YEA!)

I've got one non-quilt sewing project that I have to complete. It's a "fix" of something I made and put the wrong color ribbon on, so I'm correcting that. I've got two more to remove the ribbon from and then I can start putting the correct color on and putting them back together. I've had them back for over a year, so it's really time to finish and get them out where they can be used!

However most of this weekend is dedicated to moving into the Quilt Retreat - the east end of my Machine Shed. The long arm will be the last to get moved, and that should be on Sunday. The fun part will be to see just how many sewing machines I can get move OUT of the house! And once that is done, I can start rearranging my sewing area and organizing my stash. And while I'm doing that, I'll put together the list of UFO's I've got.

oksewglad 01-01-2016 06:34 AM

I'm so with you, granny2cc...my mission will be put on hold while I focus on EOY bookwork, but then I will do a quilt count....thanks JMcC for getting us on the right track....

Lindybug 01-01-2016 07:33 AM

Yes, I'm between 5 and 25 too. Let's see how I go!

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