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happylab 01-12-2017 12:56 PM

Jeanine, such cute chatter. 2 years old are so cute and fast.

I love the finishes so far. The blue quilt very pretty. I like the fabric and colors.

�� Good job on the poncho. At least it's off the UFO pile.

Happy sewing everyone. I need to decide what UFO to finish next. Decisions, decisions.

Janice McC 01-12-2017 01:24 PM

Oh, no. How frustrating! Happy you figured out your "helper's" little tension change.

Originally Posted by Jeanine (Post 7739098)
Some Chatter from me. Not much to report except frustration. I decided to finish a baby quilt. Expected to take just a few hours to finish, only needed quilting and binding. Well, I started off well, then started having problems with stitching being wierd. Turns out the needle had bent at the end. Began again. I was about 3/4 of the way done when I began to get rat's nests on the bottom. Cleaned, etc. Tore out, restitch. Over and over again. I decided to use my trusty old machine to finish it. I got it partly done and same problem. I threw it across the room, back it was going to the UFO and I off the the store to buy a gift. But I couldn't let that quilt beat me. So I didn't leave the house. Finished the quilting by hand. Won't look as great but it would be done. Then the binding. Well, I got it half on and the nests began again. GRRRR. Turns out a little 2 yr old helper reset the tension to zero. LOL

HappyNana, isn't it interesting how we put away tops and then find them later, practically having forgotten making them?

Quiltermomma, I'm also looking forward to more finishes. You make such beautiful quilts.

I'm at a standstill until Sunday afternoon on my scrappy quilt. Lots of things to do between now and then but come Sunday, I'll be back at it.

Libster, thank you for sharing Sewbizgirl's tutorial. :) It's the method I plan to use on my scrappy quilt. Yours really turned out well. I added it to the Boom gallery btw.

Libster 01-12-2017 01:45 PM

Thanks, Janice.

QuilterMomma 01-12-2017 01:50 PM

Working on my daughter's quilt I started in 2014. Not sure how it will come out, but hoping well. I am stuck on the pattern and sure I have overcut the strips needed. We shall see. I have entered in the Boom 18 to help out with the my issues.

oksewglad 01-12-2017 02:26 PM

Originally Posted by Jeanine (Post 7739543)
Thanks oksewglad and MadQuilter. About that 2 year old, She came to me yesterday with a pin saying "here you go". She had taken in out of the quilt and brought it to me to put it away. She was so proud of herself! Perhaps I have a budding quilter.

We have to start them early to boost their confidence later....8 is the magic # at my house...GD#5 turns 8 in March and she can't wait...

oksewglad 01-12-2017 02:37 PM

I have 8 more 9P's to sew for my project...didn't realize I was so close to getting ready to set them...now to check out the stash for setting squares and borders...

QuilterMomma 01-12-2017 04:10 PM

Yeah Oksewglad, good job girl. Keep it up.

Jeanine 01-12-2017 06:21 PM

Originally Posted by oksewglad (Post 7739669)
We have to start them early to boost their confidence later....8 is the magic # at my house...GD#5 turns 8 in March and she can't wait...

Thanks. I'll keep that in mind. In fact, I'll add it to my calendar now.

I love what everyone has done. I just don't see how you all get so much done in the same 24 hours a day!

oksewglad 01-12-2017 08:03 PM

Jeanine, let her play with charm square scraps...I have an old FP pink toy plastic sewing machine..my Grands have "sewn" many quilts...early fondling of fabric I would think...

Thanks QMomma...9P's all sewn with a few extras...

Belfrybat 01-12-2017 08:07 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I've been working away assembling swap blocks I received about three years ago into a quilt. Have it at the flimsy stage. I guess it doesn't officially count until it's actually quilted and bound, but at least it is a lot closer to being done than blocks sitting in a plastic bag. This will be a charity quilt. I have another almost finished -- just have to bind it. Also am working on three WIPs, one of which is En Provence mystery. Phew!


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