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sewbizgirl 08-02-2020 06:00 PM

I'm gonna embrace that theory on UFOs too!

Conchalea 08-03-2020 04:08 AM

On Sat, another friend of K's admired a top of 30's-like fabrics, so out it went with her! That women's husband loved the one K was quilting, Plaid Lad, so it will go to him. Two more completed! We made binding & got it sewn on yesterday. I prepared one I'm calling the Ziggurat quilt due to the blocks looking like like the Mayan structures. K hasn't made a decision on her next one.

oksewglad 08-03-2020 01:55 PM

Last night I decided to make a minor readjustment of furniture in my sewing room. The cutting area was cluttered before I started...now it's not and now to keep it that way. To reward myself I sewed the binding down on 3 long time UFO potholders! A 15 minute job and some extra space in my space...well a little extra space!

oksewglad 08-03-2020 03:45 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Here's the RWB rail fence 2 pieced from 2" scrap pieces started a while ago. I figure about 15% of my fabrics are in the center blocks, the remaining scraps of others. I pulled most of the strips from the 2" bin and cut a few of the gold pieces from larger scraps. It will be passed to the local QOV group for finishing and considered a finish for me. Now to finish up the red dye disaster quilt!

rryder 08-04-2020 08:39 AM

oksewglad- very pretty rail fence and with those potholders, you've already got 4 finishes for Aug.! You go!


cherrybsixty 08-04-2020 10:01 AM

Bravo to Ok, to her four finishes for August and it's only the fourth day of the month. you go girl!!!

I know I keep adding my two-cent worth just to stay in touch with everyone, trying to stay connected until I have my new to me sewing room equipped. I've did a little mask-making and now I'm on to apron-making. Then I'll get some thing in place in the room. There is some plans to do some more things and then I'll pull out a couple projects that was started from before I left Kansas, and I am eager to get back to them

Everyone have a productive day and stay safe


petthefabric 08-04-2020 11:20 AM

Finished 2 comfort quilts. Tried to add pic, no success. Will try again later.

sewbizgirl 08-04-2020 05:31 PM

cherryb, I'm here for the chat, too, until I get a UFO done. This is such a nice group.

Krisb 08-04-2020 06:44 PM

We have more UFO finishes for August than days have passed i. He month so far—6 so far. Way ti go!

cherrybsixty 08-04-2020 08:29 PM

Well, I said the other day that I was here for the conversation, the apron making that I'm getting completed were cut-out years ago, one of them was cut out in 2013 and the other one from 2018, now that one I have finished and I'm working on the 2013. It's a gem, all silver and glittery. It's going to make some girl smile, for sure. Taking my time with that one, cause I want to stir some attention with it.

That all the conversation I can stir up this evening, so y'all stay safe


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