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cherrybsixty 08-11-2020 02:02 PM

Good afternoon everyone, Conchalea, I just love vintage things, and the hanger is a first for me. So when you get it hung, please take a pix of it

I haven't produced much in the last few days, been a little under the weather, so I finally had to stop and go and visit a doctor. A serious muscle spasm and it wasn't letting me sleep at night, they gave me an ole shot in the hip and I'm ready to get back on that horse

So, everyone have a blessed evening and stay safe


retiredteacher09 08-11-2020 05:16 PM

cherrybsixty: Ouch! I’m glad you were able to get in to see the doctor.

rryder 08-12-2020 06:56 AM

Glad you’re feeling better, cherrybsixty.

Conchalea- good job on keeping fabric from going into stash by planning around it. I’m in awe of the number of quilts y’all have finished.


Conchalea 08-12-2020 06:06 PM

Rob, I am too. Also, I'm tired after every day, but we are accomplishing so much! A local church will take some quilts to hand out to folks who need one this winter & others will go to a local women's shelter. We're glad they will be used by people in need. No one needs a quilt one-it was 102 today, & will go up for the next few days. Saturday is forecast to be 106!

Rff1010 08-21-2020 06:40 PM

Well, well, well. Seems like many of us have finished off the low hanging UFO "fruit". Time to start reaching higher!

WMUTeach 08-22-2020 04:20 PM

Got one UFO from 2014 sitting looking at me. Hope to work on it this week but doubt it will make the August finish deadline. https://cdn.quiltingboard.com/images/smilies/hunf.png

oksewglad 08-22-2020 06:54 PM

The red dye disaster quilt top is now finished. Yeah...I thought I would be done...not sot fast. I guess I am going to be the long armer for the 2 rail fence quilts flimsies I have finished for our local QOV. Got the backing for the first one today (post # 1054) and will see what I should use on the red dye disaster quilt on Tuesday when I got to work. I might use yardage instead of wide backing.

Quossum 08-26-2020 03:52 AM

3 Attachment(s)
My single August finish!

The Quilt:
The true origin of this quilt is lost in the sands of time, but somehow, someway, I obtained a set of Thangles in a very odd size (1.75" finished), drew out a whole lot of 4x4 HST patterns on graph paper, obtained a set of vibrant food-focused fat quarters, and started putting together blocks utilizing all of the above.

Why it became a UFO: For years and years, this project was my "ender/leader" project. A Thangled strip would sit there next to the machine, ready to start and end any set of strip piecing I happened to be working on. Ever so slowly, by dribs and drabs, the blocks started getting done, but sometimes I would put them aside and use other projects for enders/leaders, so even that method of continuing this quilt was stalled.

Why I finally finished: This poor thing had suffered long enough. At the point of my 2020 UFO push, it had most of the blocks complete, a few forlorn strips sitting in the box waiting, some backing fabric ready...it was time to just get 'er done. So I went ahead and put together the last couple of blocks, then started putting them together. I liked the idea of the silverware pattern as cornerstones, but looking at it now, I wish I had used one of the brighter pieces. I wish I had made four more blocks and made the quilt one row longer. But I do LOVE the border! That really brought it together. The quilt needed something to give it a wow factor, too, because the blocks themselves...eh. Having worked on this quilt for years, the blocks are constructed with vastly different levels of competence, from nightmarishly amateur to pretty sparkling, but hopefully no one will look too closely at the seams and such.

I had the most devil of a time quilting the thing. My machine, very recently fully serviced, just would not act right. Thread kept breaking, despite multiple fixes attempted. I grabbed my machine's registration card and realized that I got it in 2007. Is 13 years old long in the tooth for a Janome 6600? Do I need to start thinking of a new machine?

The quilt's fate: I gave this one to some friends of mine who like to provide food at our gatherings. They loved it!

Still five quilts on my ambitious list...

retiredteacher09 08-26-2020 05:34 AM

Quossum: Awesome finish! I really like how you tell the stories of your finished quilts.

I was given a bunch of food fabric and had no idea how I was going to use it. Now I have an idea. Thanks!

oksewglad 08-26-2020 05:49 AM

What a fun food quilt, Quossum! Your story reminds me of my sewing process..."Oh I can use these as leaders/enders" forgetting that I have about 3 other projects with the same idea. Yikes!

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