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oksewglad 09-06-2020 04:53 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Thanks, SBG
The red dye disaster quilt...counted as an August finish...off to get bound. Second QOV quilt.

sewbizgirl 09-06-2020 04:58 PM

Beautiful quilting on that one, Gladie.

oksewglad 09-06-2020 05:56 PM

Originally Posted by sewbizgirl (Post 8416001)
Beautiful quilting on that one, Gladie.

Thanks again, Bonnie. I used the pantograph "Twister" by Urban Elementz on both of them and really like how they looked on both quilts...kind of wavy like..

petthefabric 09-13-2020 01:42 PM

Still evacuated. House still OK. Maybe back home on Wednesday. I've a stack of log cabin quilts (#?) made for a different fire that will be donated to this fire's victims. And I'll finish up the ones that were stacked, unquilted and out they go.

The day before evac, took 8 quilts to the comfort quilts lady. Some day my stash will look manageable.

Conchalea 09-13-2020 06:01 PM

Pet, you're in my thoughts in these fiery times. I have friends in Louisiana who got hit hard by Laura, & now here comes Sally! Opposite problems, but both disasters.

sewbizgirl 09-13-2020 06:18 PM

Good for you, Pet, giving 8 quilts to help others! Love that.

Conchalea 09-14-2020 12:27 PM

K just completed the binding on our 2nd UFO finish for September. The first was just a lot of blocks that had similar colors, but were all loose. We added fabric to some, trimmed & evened them up, then added blue sashing & put them into a top. It rained a lot last weekend & then we both had other things to do, so no pictures. The UFO for today was a completed top but we had to piece the back. We used 2 other blocks that coordinated with the front, so we're using up the blocks that aren't part of a quilt. We have 2 tops left plus a few more loose blocks. K insists she doesn't want to piece blocks, but I showed her string blocks & she's enthusiastic about those. So we may have a string quilt in the near future.

retiredteacher09 09-14-2020 04:47 PM

petthefabric: Sending a prayer of safety. Your quilts will be loved.

Conchalea: Congratulations on another finish!

cherrybsixty 09-16-2020 04:05 AM

Good morning everyone, no I have not fell off the edge of the earth and I'm still around lurking in UFO world, right I haven't touch those aprons in a few weeks. But, I did start in on stripping my original sewing machine cabinet, using manual tools (my hands, back and knees). I haven't got it to a stage where I can't restore it yet.

Petthefabric, my prayers are with you

Conchalea, you and K are doing some amazing work, please continue on

Stay safe everyone


petthefabric 09-17-2020 01:23 PM

The comfort quilt lady just informed us that the guild is collecting for the fire victims. So when I get home, off they go. Air quality still too bad to breath, so waiting a little longer.

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