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WMUTeach 10-01-2020 06:07 AM

Originally Posted by entangled (Post 8421693)
Thanks so much for the warm welcome, everyone! My next UFO target is a lap blanket that I started ~17 years ago. Bear paw blocks on point. I'm handquilting this one, but it's taking forever because ... I don't work on it often. Hm. I need to incentive this somehow.

Your comment above may me smile. I learned quickly to keep the hand quilting project near my living room chair. When I settle in for a movie, I grab my hand quilting piece and away I go. Can dedicate my other sewing time to working on another UFO. For me this works and I get two or sometimes three projects done in the same amount of time. https://cdn.quiltingboard.com/images/smilies/boy.gif

retiredteacher09 10-01-2020 04:49 PM

cherrybsixty: Thanks and I have 20 more on my design wall in a diagonal setting. I need to make the side setting and corner triangles yet. The last 4 blocks will go into a quilt top with orphan blocks and/or cut squares from my church group.

entangled: Thank you. I wish I enjoyed handwork. I used to do some cross-stitch, embroidery, crocheting, and knitting. One day, I hope to try some big stitch quilting.

Thanks, Rob. I know you can tame this Lepidoptera,

Sync 10-01-2020 08:45 PM

Sweet sampler, retired teacher.

entangled 10-02-2020 07:51 PM

That would be ideal, WMUTeach! My house is still chaos, with two teens who are lovely about snuggles still, but it means I have no personal space. (Also, I am infamous for causing injury to my family because I've left out craft supplies; two of us have been impaled by knitting needles!)

I re-learned how to size and upload my photos for this platform. Voila, here are my three finishes for 2020:



Rff1010 10-02-2020 11:17 PM

Ooo..... I love that bear! Super cool.

WMUTeach 10-03-2020 04:09 AM

Good work, Entangled. Keep pressing forward. Your space will clear out eventually and leave you feeling terrific, accomplished and empowered! Wink, wink!

joe'smom 10-03-2020 09:54 AM

Pretty quilts, entangled!

Sync 10-03-2020 10:26 AM

Lovely finishes, entangled.

cherrybsixty 10-03-2020 10:33 AM

Lovely finishes Entangled, question: how did you get the pictures to adapt to regular size?

Not getting much accomplished today

Stay safe everyone


entangled 10-03-2020 02:27 PM

Thanks so much, everyone! It feels good to share with other quilters. It's been too long.

Cherrybsixty, I'm not sure if I know the right answer, but this is what I did. I uploaded the pics to an album in my QB profile using my laptop (and three attempts at resizing before the files were the right size to be allowed). In the album, you can click on the photo and get a URL. I copied that URL and when I chose Insert Image in my post, there's a place to paste the URL and see the image preview, which takes a beat to appear. I just messed around until stuff worked -- hopefully that will work for you too! Let me know.


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