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cherrybsixty 10-14-2020 08:17 PM

Hi everyone, just lurking around thought that I'd at least say good evening loving everything that you all are completing. I did manage to finish that hand embroidery baby bib, yesterday and another butcher's apron. I've been mostly working on the mask, the oldest DD orders three or four at a time and pays me the same amount that she pays her custom mask-makers. Hopefully, I will get a quilt project started in the near future, still working on that s/m cabinet and just recently picked up my other DD Janome from the OSMG. It sews like a top now.

Stay safe everyone


rryder 10-15-2020 04:26 AM

Great finish, Connie!

retiredteacher09 10-15-2020 05:24 PM

Thank you for the compliments.

My house is less cluttered today as I dropped off all of my tops I made since early March and 2 backings along with 2 huge rolls of batting in our church quilting room. Now I need to start making more tops. Lol!

WMUTeach 10-16-2020 02:37 AM

Your house must feel empty! You are so productive! After a couple of quilting related responsibilities this morning, I am going to dive into my UFO pile and pick one out to finish before the end of the month. It is high time I start contributing to this group again. I have plenty, and keep finding more, UFO's to pick from! https://cdn.quiltingboard.com/images/smilies/boy.gif

retiredteacher09 10-16-2020 06:20 AM

WMUTeach: The space where I had the quilt tops does look like something is missing. 😊. The batting rolls took up a lot of space too but they were in a corner of a different room. I’m glad I had the batting rolls on hand because prices have increased and the website where I ordered from before has been revamped and my ordering history is gone. Good luck in choosing your next UFO. I looked through my list the other day and decided to take a break from UFOs and work on a pre-kitted project from last year which I’m going to revamp. Lol!

Conchalea 10-16-2020 06:37 PM

I think contributions from K & me are in the past. We have completed all the tops her daughter made since 2000. I have a couple of my own, so I may have 1 for Oct. I started quilting it earlier this week. I've bee under the weather tho, with a tooth extraction that developed a dry socket. I've been in too much pain to sew very much. I think it's getting better, so I may be able sew in the next few days.

Panchita 10-17-2020 01:37 AM

Oh I hope you feel better soon Conchalea, that sounds absolutely no fun at all!

oksewglad 10-17-2020 07:59 AM

Originally Posted by retiredteacher09 (Post 8425333)
I looked through my list the other day and decided to take a break from UFOs and work on a pre-kitted project from last year which I’m going to revamp. Lol!

I think this can be considered a UFO as it was pre kitted last year...just saying!

oksewglad 10-17-2020 08:02 AM

Originally Posted by Conchalea (Post 8425493)
I think contributions from K & me are in the past. We have completed all the tops her daughter made since 2000. I have a couple of my own, so I may have 1 for Oct. I started quilting it earlier this week. I've bee under the weather tho, with a tooth extraction that developed a dry socket. I've been in too much pain to sew very much. I think it's getting better, so I may be able sew in the next few days.

Ouch..it will get better.

Oh my folks, that means we will have to get in gear to make up for the projects you have finished with your friend K!

Rff1010 10-17-2020 11:18 AM

Help help admins! We're getting spammed!

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