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cherrybsixty 10-27-2020 04:32 PM

Good evening everyone, I'm back, you can tell I'm not being very productive. But, I keep lurking around here and lurking at the on-line fabric sites.

Panchita, I just love your story-format of your UFO's. You always make it sound so interesting, it's like a good book you can't put it down. Then you post the images of your story and pop it all is 'great' thank your for sharing. Loving that interlocking hexie

I am not going to get a thing done in the sewing for the rest of the week, tomorrow I will be making up apple deep-dish and biscuit dough and Thursday I'll be off to a hair salon appointment then Friday prepping the sewing room to move the s/m cabinet into the space

Stay safe everyone


Teen 10-27-2020 05:47 PM

Darling quilt, Panchita......Love the pattern for that fabric.

Teen 10-27-2020 05:55 PM

WMUTeach...OMGoodness... I can’t wait to see all those quilts you discovered.

Cherry....You’ve certainly made a lot of masks...I think most of us have done a bunch, too, but, I’m with you...I quit making them when I was told by one center that they had more then enough. Us quilters inundated the country with masks, which is awesome!

Darling quilt, Panchita......Love the pattern for that fabric.

Sync 10-27-2020 07:01 PM

Panchita, congrats on that lovely finish. Paddington Bear is just perfect for that quilt. Your son will just love this for his bed. I’m going to have to look up Marti Michell’s templates. I have a grandson who will be turning 3 next summer and that pattern will work great.

rryder 10-28-2020 02:32 AM

Panchita- Congratulations on gettin this one done. I enjoyed reading about it’s history. Have to admit to laughing about buying the template, but not the pattern- sounds like something I would do https://cdn.quiltingboard.com/images...es/biggrin.png


QuiltBaer 10-28-2020 04:57 AM

Panchita, love your hexie quilt. I have one of Marti Michell's hexagon books. I will look for that pattern.
Paddington Bear never goes out of style.https://cdn.quiltingboard.com/images/smilies/smile.png

oksewglad 10-28-2020 08:01 AM

What a fun story about a fun quilt, Panchita. I love how you make us sound "normal" with your story which is so similar to several of mine!

Conchalea 10-28-2020 10:56 AM

Great finishes posted lately! Rob, K would love those placemats. She has a huge collection of chicken decor.

I am currently quilting my butterfly quilt, which I finished piecing in June. While K & I were finishing the UFOs her daughter made, I folded the butterfly top & left it until now. So I consider it a UFO. I hope to finish it this week, for an Oct. completion.

Panchita 10-28-2020 12:25 PM

Hi Everyone - thank you so much for all the love for the Paddington quilt! https://cdn.quiltingboard.com/images/smilies/heart.gif

The quilt ended up being 76" x 60" - basically I cut as many hexagons as I could out of the Paddington focus fabric I had and then arranged it into a rectangle-ish shape https://cdn.quiltingboard.com/images...es/biggrin.png.

The hexagons are 9 1/4" at their widest point.

The ruler (I realised afterwards I should probably have called it a ruler rather than a template, but I think of it as a template) is the 'Multiple Size Hexagon Ruler' (number 8060), and actually has markings on it for various different sizes of hexagons - I just cut round it...

This is going to be the last quilt I can contribute to the UFO finish count for a while - not because I don't have any more UFOs, but because they are all somewhat further from being finished. A lot further. Although I did surprise myself with how quickly I finished this one, so I suppose you never know! Nonetheless, I shall enjoy seeing the finishes of others in the meantime.


retiredteacher09 10-28-2020 05:57 PM

Rff1010: Wahoo for pretty points!

WMUTeach: Great idea for the clip hangars.

Sync: Sorry to hear about your unexpected vacation. Stay healthy.

petthefabric: That’s an awesome donation plus extra space in your house.

Panchita: Awesome finish! It will be a much loved quilt.

cherrybsixty: Please show us pictures of your sewing room.

Conchalea: I’m looking forward to seeing your butterfly quilt.

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