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oksewglad 11-04-2020 06:22 AM

Thanks for everyone's kind comments. These have been long term projects and I have enjoyed the process on each one.

Connie in regards to the corner cover up triangles. I did not trim the excess away refusing to create more waste triangles and it just adds extra warmth to the quilt. I didn't encounter any problems stitching or quilting the excess. Oh and I do have a HST quilt in progress made with finished 1" and 1 1/4" dark light triangles. Still working on blocks of those...that might be the next one to finish piecing.

Meanwhile I have a charm quilt made of 3" 9P's pinned to the LA waiting for some quilting!

retiredteacher09 11-04-2020 06:48 PM

oksewglad: I chuckled when you said you left the bottom triangles on and it gives extra warmth because our church quilting leader used to say that about all of the threads we worried about on the backs of the quilts. ❤️ I like 2” squares/HSTs and larger although I do use 1.5” when needed in a block. Just not my favorites.

Teen 11-05-2020 04:55 PM

Originally Posted by retiredteacher09 (Post 8430257)
oksewglad: I chuckled when you said you left the bottom triangles on and it gives extra warmth because our church quilting leader used to say that about all of the threads we worried about on the backs of the quilts. ❤️ I like 2” squares/HSTs and larger although I do use 1.5” when needed in a block. Just not my favorites.

retired...I broke out in hives when you mentioned “all the threads on the back”. Clipping threads is my least favorite step in quilting.. ugh!

retiredteacher09 11-05-2020 06:23 PM

Teen: I should have said the threads on the back of the top. 🤷‍♀️ I have only finished a few quilts but I don’t like the threads that need to be tucked in or cut off from the back either.

I am working on 2 UFOs currently. I kitted them up last year. Unfortunately, I have misplaced one of the finished crazy patch blocks from one of the kits. I only have 9 of them. Where, or where, did I lay that block? Lol! My sewing area is clean for me so I’m thinking it can’t be far.

cherrybsixty 11-06-2020 02:49 AM

Good morning everyone, it's been a few days since I had a little input. the storm blew through last week and tore somethings up around in the community but only knock the power out for a couple hours in the neighborhood. The new great-grand was born on his expected date (October 20th) and weighed in at 8 pounds and 1 ounce. He is a big boy and a handsome little guy. I've only seen pictures of him, they live in Nevada.

So with that being said, I have finished the hand-embroidery baby bib, and I've machine bind a laptop quilt, (one that I thought was completed in May) and I completed packing his gifts to be shipped to him. Then I finished the aprons and I have them packed and they will ship out on Saturday. The box for the masks is almost full, not quite the number of them that I want to ship, yet. I have the sewing room set-up like I want it and I settled and had the sewing machine brought into the space.

Now, I am set for the gift giving, mask sharing, and the aprons it's time to break out something new (UFO) and get it handled. Everyone have a productive day and stay safe


retiredteacher09 11-06-2020 04:09 PM

cherrybsixty: Wahoo to getting the sewing machine in your room and being caught up on many things. I’m looking forward to eventually seeing your finished UFO.

I found my missing crazy patch block. I finally took the time to go through my ‘trim’ pile again and, sure enough, that’s where it was hiding. Lol! I didn’t make much progress on either UFO today.

Conchalea 11-07-2020 10:01 AM

I'm reporting late, but I completed my butterflies quilt on Oct. 30! I have it on my bed now, in spite of it looking spring-like.
It became a UFO in my mind because the top was finished in June of this year. But I folded it once it was sandwiched & put it in my closet while K & I worked on her daughter's tops. We got all those finished & donated, so that helps our community. After those were done, I pulled out the quilt & quilted it.
I now only have some panels ready to quilt. Those have been purchased in the last few weeks, so they won't qualify as UFOs. I have no UFOs here at the end of 2020.

Teen 11-07-2020 01:33 PM

Congratulations on no UFO’s at the end of 2020. You and K kicked potootie and are now is the hands in of those in need. So awesome!

oksewglad 11-07-2020 02:54 PM

I'm impressed Conchalea! You and Teen are two of a kind. Unfortunately I am not.

My next quilt will be a UFO finish not really by choice, but that's not all bad. A couple of weeks ago my older brother had a minor house fire. Because of the location of the fire next to a shared wall the house is not livable at time. He was in rehab for minor smoke inhalation and burns and is ready for the next step. Hopefully he will be move into an assisted living program. MrOK and I cleaned out what was salvageable...not much as there was smoke and water damage. Now that I have some things cleaned up for him it's time to get to some quilting! I found a UFO quilt I started when we moved into the house 13 years ago! It will fit his needs perfectly...a masculine quilt made from shirtings and some black and burgundy. It was supposed to be for the family room down stairs, but the Grands have nabbed onto all sorts of quilts for when they are down here so I won't miss it and it is about half done. Less time for me to spend on getting a quilt done for him to. Now back to my regularly scheduled quilting!

Conchalea 11-07-2020 05:39 PM

Ok, you have been powering through some pretty UFOs! You are working pretty hard. Congratulations

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