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oksewglad 11-26-2020 06:28 PM

The first has a very graphic almost Ghee's Bend look to it. How hard was it to sew the Crazy pieces together. Good way to use up those odd shaped pieces! Well done C.

retiredteacher09 11-27-2020 11:24 AM

Thanks, oksewglad. I had to look up Ghee’s Bend. Interesting. As for the crazy quilt, I cut a bunch of different fabrics into 13.5” squares and put 5 on my AccuQuilt Crazy Quilt die and run them through the die cutting machine. Then repeat. Corners fit perfectly together and it’s a great leader/ender project. Once I have a stack of 10, I move the top one down, then 2 down on the next stack, etc, so only one print/ plain shape ends up in each block. Sometimes, I mess up in my sewing and need to unstitch. Lol!

oksewglad 11-27-2020 03:50 PM

That's what I hear about the Accuquilt pieces that they fit together so well.

joe'smom 12-01-2020 08:04 AM

retiredteacher, what interesting quilts! I'm seeing an illusion in the second one -- if that grid were removed, all of those pieces would spill out onto the floor.

rryder 12-03-2020 11:04 AM

Nov. UFO finish!!!
The Big Butterfly is finished! I finished binding it on Nov. 30 and then let it sit for a few days while I decided if I wanted to do any tweaking. No to tweaking, so it will count as a Nov. finish. Will post pics later this evening or tomorrow morning.


cherrybsixty 12-03-2020 01:01 PM

Bravo and Congratulations Rob on that 'Big Butterfly' finish and a safe and merry christmas to you

Stay safe everyone


Synnove 12-03-2020 07:08 PM

Has there been a discussion on this list recently about the longest-term UFO that you finally finished? I began a Hawaiian quilt in 1989. I put it away for years while I learned to spin (yarn) and was very involved with that. Then I brought it out again, finished the applique, and over a year ago I began echo quilting the whole thing by hand. It's queen size -- WHAT was I thinking?? I was obviously a whole lot younger then and apparently a lot more ambitious. At the rate it's going, I hope to finish the quilting and binding by . . . what . . . next summer sometime?

Conchalea 12-04-2020 06:11 AM

Rob- congratulations on the Big Butterfly! I'm happy it's done, since I liked it in the unfinished state. I look forward to seeing it completed.

Synnove- wow. You were ambitious! I don't do any hand quilting, even binding. Hand work is what I do with knit & crochet projects. Good luck with this long-term project. I guess you're not planning a December 2020 finish!

retiredteacher09 12-04-2020 06:21 AM

Rob: Congratulations! I’m looking forward to a picture.

Synnove: Have fun finishing your Hawaiian UFO! Please share your progress with us.

petthefabric 12-04-2020 12:14 PM

Rob, congratulation on finish. It's been an active quilt for a long time.

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