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Quiltah Mama 12-07-2020 05:08 PM

Wow Rob, I've seen prior pictures of the butterfly but your finish is truly amazing. I didn't realize it was 3D. What a piece of art.👏

oksewglad 12-08-2020 06:29 AM

After ripping stitches for over three hours, last night I pulled a long UFO off the LA..had lots of issues with the pantograph and it overstitching on the previous row. Not sure how it happened. But it's done except for trimming and binding which will be put off. Have the backing and batting on the La for the next quilt. Hope to work on it after work tonight.

WMUTeach 12-08-2020 05:40 PM

OKsewglad, that must have been so frustrating. I have picked out enough quilting to weep and mourn with you. You sound ready to forge ahead with that second quilt ready to go already! Whoopie!

I have laid out some UFO's to finish before the end of the year. Looking to finish at least one and perhaps another. Once Christmas week arrives, I should be free to be very focused on getting a quilt off the UFO pile and on the donate pile.

rryder 12-09-2020 05:11 AM

Oksewglad- I know how frustrating that can be. Congratulations on getting it done and out of your hair!!!


oksewglad 12-09-2020 07:15 AM

Thanks for your encouraging words, WMUTeach and rryder! What's frustrating is the second to last row has also overlapped; the last row is nice and even across the quilt. I am debating on whether to rip out the last half of the offending row at a later time and resew. This is a charm quilt (meaning no 2 fabrics alike in the 1 1/2" 9P's) that I have worked on and off over several years and one of my "special" quilts.

That being said I am off to finish pinning on the next quilt and use a different pantograph!

mcadwell 12-09-2020 04:09 PM

Originally Posted by rryder (Post 8439608)
Hey y'all, here it a picture of the Big Butterfly.

It was a UFO for a good long while and then this past spring I decided to finish it. What I thought was going to be a March or April finish ended up taking until Nov. 30---and not because I wasn't working on it. I lost many battles with it, but finally, I think, I won the war https://cdn.quiltingboard.com/images...es/biggrin.png

Thanks for looking,


Is it trapunto? What kind of fabric did you use for the wings? How big is it?

It's like looking at a photo.

retiredteacher09 12-09-2020 04:30 PM

oksewglad: Oh my to fixing a quilt top with 1.5” 9 patches. Great idea to use a different pantograph.

rryder 12-10-2020 04:59 AM

Originally Posted by mcadwell (Post 8441283)

Is it trapunto? What kind of fabric did you use for the wings? How big is it?

It's like looking at a photo.


The entire butterfly is heavily thread painted. The fabric underneath (which you can’t see due to the amount of thread painting) is cotton. Yes, it is trapunto. The entire piece is approx. 27” x 37”. I did the free motion thread painting on my domestic machine using a bunch of different kinds of thread from my stash. But I did the final quilting over the trapunto butterfly with my Sweet Sixteen as there is no way a domestic machine would be able to go through the thickness - several inches of wool under the butterfly + batting and backing.


oksewglad 12-10-2020 07:08 AM

Originally Posted by retiredteacher09 (Post 8441294)
oksewglad: Oh my to fixing a quilt top with 1.5” 9 patches. Great idea to use a different pantograph.

Oops I should have said patches made from 1.5 squares...they measure 3" finished...although I do have a big one made of 1.5 9P! Call me crazy...

Almost finished with the next quilt on LA...work today and tomorrow so not going to get much done on it,

retiredteacher09 12-10-2020 04:57 PM

oksewglad: Whew! I know you do a lot with small squares. Bless your heart for using those teeny-tiny pieces of fabric. I do keep 1.5" squares and strips but mostly use the strips in strip blocks to frame smaller blocks in a scrappy way. I'm actually using up a bunch of the strips now to frame my Sesame Street squares (about 3.5" starting size) to get to a finished size of 10.5". I have no clue what someone was planning to make with the squares but my goal is to get them into the bigger size within a week.

I'm hoping to start on another UFO soon but can't decide which one to choose.

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