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oksewglad 12-10-2020 08:27 PM

2 Attachment(s)
I found this block on Pinterest and adapted it to use 3.5" and 1.5" cuts for a 7" finished block. You would need two 3.5" squares; one 3.5 x 7.5 rectangle; one 1.5 x 7 rectangle and one 1.5 x 3.5 rectangle.

Adding any width frames on 2 or all 4 sides could prove interesting,

Conchalea 12-11-2020 04:53 AM

OK, thanks for the measurements. Black really sets off the colors used in your example.
I had a virtual visit with my dr & got a round of steroids. I felt better after the first day, so I did some sewing on a Christmas tree wall hanging I'm making as a surprise for my friend, K. I'm using scraps from Fat Quarter Shop's Jelly Snowflake quilt. Although, as a science teacher, I can't call mine a snowflake. The finished quilt has 8 points, and all snowflakes have 6 points. So I call mine Frozen Fractal since it is a pleasing geometric shape. (Just not a snowflake!) I'm cutting the 2.5" inch strips into squares for the tree body & using beige strips for background, plus some brown scraps from my stash. No fabric has been purchased for this project! It may completely deplete my Christmas fabric, causing a slight reduction in my fabric closet.

retiredteacher09 12-11-2020 05:23 PM

oksewglad: Thanks for the idea. I will add that to my block files. While I was mindlessly sewing, it dawned on me that I would get to my 10.5” size quicker if I sewed 4 of the unevenly cut squares together into a bigger square. Duh! 🤷‍♀️ Plus I’m saving a lot of time in sewing, ironing, and trimming since I had 24 blocks that I hadn’t started to frame and now they are 6 blocks! Wahoo! I do have quite a few of the original to finish but the end is in sight,

Conchalea: I’m glad you are feeling better. I didn’t make the ‘snowflake’ but I would not have thought about the number of points.

WMUTeach 12-11-2020 06:06 PM

Yikes, stop with all the good ideas, Oksewglad! I have too many UFO's now. I counted 6 hanging in my closet and there are at least three, no four WIP. I just can't allow myself to create another! https://cdn.quiltingboard.com/images/smilies/smile.png Tee-Hee-Hee! Good looking block. https://cdn.quiltingboard.com/images/smilies/wink.png

Teen 12-11-2020 07:11 PM

Originally Posted by oksewglad (Post 8441691)
I found this block on Pinterest and adapted it to use 3.5" and 1.5" cuts for a 7" finished block. You would need two 3.5" squares; one 3.5 x 7.5 rectangle; one 1.5 x 7 rectangle and one 1.5 x 3.5 rectangle.

Adding any width frames on 2 or all 4 sides could prove interesting,

You should have fun with the layout with this block... I really like it..

Today, I delivered 2 quilts to LA’er so UFO’s averted. Binding is ready, Yah me! I have 2 WIP but one is BH mystery quilt so I’m good. All my Christmas sewing is done, shipped, and under “The Mom’s” trees. So, I get to play thru the rest of the season. I cannot tell you how happy this makes me!

Teen 12-11-2020 07:13 PM

Originally Posted by Conchalea (Post 8441739)
OK, thanks for the measurements. Black really sets off the colors used in your example.
I had a virtual visit with my dr & got a round of steroids. I felt better after the first day, so I did some sewing on a Christmas tree wall hanging I'm making as a surprise for my friend, K. I'm using scraps from Fat Quarter Shop's Jelly Snowflake quilt. Although, as a science teacher, I can't call mine a snowflake. The finished quilt has 8 points, and all snowflakes have 6 points. So I call mine Frozen Fractal since it is a pleasing geometric shape. (Just not a snowflake!) I'm cutting the 2.5" inch strips into squares for the tree body & using beige strips for background, plus some brown scraps from my stash. No fabric has been purchased for this project! It may completely deplete my Christmas fabric, causing a slight reduction in my fabric closet.

So glad you are better! Hope you share K’s gift...

oksewglad 12-12-2020 07:33 AM

Thanks for the block comments....we are enablers aren't we?https://cdn.quiltingboard.com/images...es/biggrin.png But the one 1 1/2" piece should be 7 1/2" not 7; sorry, but you are all so smart you would've known I was wrong! I have a bunch of 3 1/2" squares and thinking this would help reduce thesehttps://cdn.quiltingboard.com/images/smilies/smile.png

I'm off to the LA and get another quilt off the frame before I start the next. Had a catch in my back and did a couple of side bends last night and voila I took the pressure off and feels much better...thought a trip to the chiro was in order...guess not now. Keep getting those UFO's taken care of so you can start some new quilts.

Rff1010 12-12-2020 06:52 PM

I went to the fabric store and someone was stressing because her normal long armer was "out of commission". She wasn't sure what to do but fortunately I had used a different person and with a little digging I was able to find the name. At least she can get her ufos finished now!

Vasilisa 12-17-2020 07:56 AM

I report a finished UFO. It has been waiting for more than a year. Now you can see it in the Pctures forum with the title "Nobody Is Perfect". I am so happy that I finally broke a no-quilting spell that had lasted since May. I hope to finish two more quilts (one of them a UFO) before the end of the year.

oksewglad 12-17-2020 08:57 AM

Will go check your post, Vasilisa..congrats on your finish.

I sewed the binding of a UFO last night...maybe get pictures later today. I've been out of commission with a stomach flu for the past 4 days..no fun. Have another binding to add to a second UFO. will see how I feel today.

Here's the link to Vasilisa's UFO post

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