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-   -   2020 UFO Challenge (https://www.quiltingboard.com/quiltingboard-challenges-contests-f21/2020-ufo-challenge-t308972.html)

helou 04-16-2020 03:14 AM

Originally Posted by Rff1010 (Post 8377835)

I had to UFO this quilt for a week. I finished the front and am working on a pieced back which a YouTuber I enjoy calls The AfterQuilt. The idea is a pure improv exercise that you use up your scraps. I
Not just about the.money because it took time to sew it all together and we all know time is money. But each piece was an opportunity.

I enjoy her videos as well. I always do reversible kind of quilts but I have never thought of using all the leftovers from the top. great idea. Thank you
The back you created is very nice and we can't be wrong as the colors match the colors of the to.

sewbizgirl 04-16-2020 01:33 PM

3 Attachment(s)
I finally got a picture of my blue and white quilt. I worked on the top for a long time and then put it away. Finally got it quilted recently. The pattern is a free one at QuiltedTwins.com . Hers has more borders, but mine seemed plenty huge enough without them. The final picture is the back.

QuiltMom2 04-16-2020 01:39 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Posting pic (with Help!) of April finish

joe'smom 04-17-2020 07:12 AM

Gorgeous quilts sewbiz and QuiltMom2! Sewbiz, that is a charming backing fabric!

sewbizgirl 04-17-2020 09:33 AM

Great finish, QuiltMom2.

Thank you joe'smom.... I got that Paris fabric a while back, when Walmart was having a massive clearance of mostly Waverly fabrics. It was $1.00 a yard! [img]/images/smilies/smile.png[/img]

NZquilter 04-17-2020 09:54 AM

I love your variety of blues, Sewbizgirl. That looks like quite a labor intensive quilt! I love Quilted Twins for scrappy patterns.

QuiltMom2, your log cabin in beautiful. Congratulations on finishing another UFO!

sewbizgirl 04-17-2020 11:12 AM

Thanks, NZ! I love Becky's patterns for scraps. There are several I have already made, and many more on my bucket list!
I had lots of 2.5" squares from the three years I was in the Birthday Swap, plus I cut my project leftovers into squares, too. The tricky part about doing the shading is having enough dark, medium and light value blues. But you don't have to make it shaded... just random would be pretty too.

retiredteacher09 04-17-2020 04:30 PM

sewbizgirl and QuiltMom2: Congratulations on 2 wonderful finishes.

Teen 04-17-2020 06:22 PM

Beautiful finishes, Sewbiz and Quiltmom..... Sewbiz....that would look awesome in my bedroom... Lol... I just finished kitting my new bed quilt since I changed decor and colors for that room when we moved and blue and white is my colorway....

Teen 04-17-2020 06:30 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Joe'smom....here is my latest project you wanted to see. This was a BOM in 2015, I think...I bought the pattern book in 2018 and loved the colors but the fabric line was no longer available...however, I found a charm pack of that collection and used that to match from stash and buy what I didn't have. The pattern is Quilter's Patch by Laundry Basket Quilts. So glad this is done and the project is off the shelves...tho, as I mentioned, I have tons of leftover so I'll be making a another pattern I haven't selected yet. But these are great blender fabrics so I'm cool with the leftovers. I'm FMQ'ing this myself...

sewbizgirl 04-18-2020 10:23 AM

I *love* that BOM quilt, Teen! Love, love love!

retiredteacher09 04-18-2020 04:07 PM

Teen: Awesome quilt top!

cherrybsixty 04-18-2020 05:00 PM

Good evening everyone, Teen that BOM is simply gorgeous

I haven't been around very much lately, I've been making masks for the family, then a friend requested a couple aprons so I haven't been in the UFO category. I have a few more masks to make and then back to packing.

Stay safe everyone


joe'smom 04-18-2020 06:15 PM

Teen, that is beautiful!

Teen 04-18-2020 06:39 PM

Thanks, everyone!

rryder 04-19-2020 10:59 AM

That's gorgeous, Teen!

I'm still plugging away on two different UFOs. One is nearly finished and will be done by the end of the month. The other is more long term, but I'm hoping for a May finish for it.


QuiltMom2 04-20-2020 04:13 AM

Progress report on #3 UFO for this year. This scrap quilt continues to fight me all the way. Upon discovering the UFO hidden in bag, first came design change to make it smaller. Then the backing needed to be made larger. Pieced backing and realized just to be on the safe side, backing should be just a bit wider, so ripped and put a couple more strips along the blocks from front I moved to the back. I thought "I'll just do an allover STID/grid pattern then I'll be done." Well, grid is taking forever and I'm hoping there's enough fabric to make the binding. I wouldn't make any bets on it though. Have a great day and thanks for letting me vent.

oksewglad 04-20-2020 09:59 AM

Another winner Teen!
I've been lurking on my phone...Small screen is not kind on my eyes. Finally got on the laptop today. I'm having power cord issues and limiting my time on the computer. Power cord is taped to the unit so I can charge..so far it's working. Hope the new one comes in soon.

retiredteacher09 04-20-2020 05:50 PM

QuiltMom2: Sometimes things that should be easy just aren't . You can get this UFO done and fabric will be found to be used for binding. I'm thinking positive thoughts for you!

oksewglad: Here's hoping the new cord comes soon too. I know it isn't easy looking at my phone either.

oksewglad 04-20-2020 09:24 PM

Yes it came today and I am relieved...wow so much easier on the eyes. I was also having trouble with the photos. Once I viewed them I couldn't go back to the thread. Very frustrating.

I started the second UFO mentioned earlier..and put it away...so many pieces, takes me a while to get just one block sewn; made 9 and have 16 to go! So I switched gears again. I was gifted a bunch of 2" strips of so so fabrics. Instead of finding a home for them I sewed them in strips of 60" long. Ended up with a 63" x 60" piece. I will donate this to my cousin's World Relief project...It isn't very pretty, but some of these "quilts" are used to carry possessions in, so pretty is not part of the criteria.

I am now working on a couple of quilts for our twin Gsons. Just have a little bird to applique on each and then can get them on the LA. I have to piece the backing fabric so am attaching a piece of minkee on the one selvedge side to widen it. Anxious to see how this will work.

WMUTeach 04-21-2020 04:21 PM

UFO update: Nothing new. I am a bit stuck. I have four tops finished, batting ready and but only have backing for one. I just don't want to buy online and then not get the correct color and end up with more unneeded fabric. Watch me go when I can shop again! I do have another UFO top to finish but will keep it for next week while I try to complete some WIP quilts. Have four of those. Keep sewing folks. I am loving all the progress and those photos of finishes.

oksewglad 04-21-2020 06:19 PM

Originally Posted by WMUTeach (Post 8379612)
UFO update: Nothing new. I am a bit stuck. I have four tops finished, batting ready and but only have backing for one. I just don't want to buy online and then not get the correct color and end up with more unneeded fabric. Watch me go when I can shop again! I do have another UFO top to finish but will keep it for next week while I try to complete some WIP quilts. Have four of those. Keep sewing folks. I am loving all the progress and those photos of finishes.

It sounds like you are getting a list put together! We can give you a Covid excuse for not getting them completely done.[img]/images/smilies/smile.png[/img]

Rff1010 04-22-2020 12:32 AM

Originally Posted by WMUTeach (Post 8379612)
UFO update: Nothing new. I am a bit stuck. I have four tops finished, batting ready and but only have backing for one...

you are not the only one getting "stuck". I'm giving myself permission to do the parts I like (piece work) and put aside anything I don't (finishing). My anxiety is having a Covid rampage all over my psyche and my sewing machine gives me some sense of peace and control.

WMUTeach 04-22-2020 03:14 AM

Oh, you two, oksewglad and Rf1010, are funny and so encouraging. In the greater scheme of things not having the backing for my quilts is so not important but the joy and elation of a completed quilt is healthy, IMHO! I will just keep making tops, finishing UFOs and then this summer or when we can shop again, I will practice my quilting skills, Right?

I am down to just three more UFOs. That is progress. Happy sewing every one!

petthefabric 04-23-2020 10:12 PM

I finished 1 comfort quilt and want to the next on LA. The top, back & binding have been together now ~6-8 months. With shelter in place my mo-jo for sewing is taking a second place to gardening in the spring.

Vasilisa 04-24-2020 01:20 AM

This will not be a completed quilt but it is a UFO as finished as it is reasonable now. I made the blocks, I sewed them together in strips with a width of 2 blocks. I have neither batting nor backing and I would rather wait with shopping for those. If I proceeded to making a top from those wide strips, I would have to store it folded for a while and it would be creased. Instead I decided to wind the strips on a roll (that was left when my aluminium foil ran out), wrap the roll and store it this way. I have now a subjective sense of accomplishment although objectively the UFO has not been accomplished yet. But I'm happy :)

Conchalea 04-24-2020 06:16 PM

Vasilisa, this quarantine lifestyle has made us inventive in how we manage our projects. Hopefully things will return to normal soon.

bookworm913 04-26-2020 09:58 AM

I'm going to join this group of finishers. I have been thinking about my UFOs and wondering how to manage them. I will list them here and keep everyone updated with finishes.

(In no particular order)
* A charm square quilt (all 5" blocks have a music theme) with blue sashing and white stars at the intersections - I only have about 2-3 rows done. I had originally planned on it being a queen size.

* A child's quilt that all I had to do was hand quilt around the applique. I have quilted around some of the applique.

* A quilt I was making for a friend, but the background fabric is too thin. I'm going to have to take out the thin fabric and use something else

* A quilt I was making for my sister, but the half square triangles I was using is too small and so when I sew the squares together, the tips of the other triangles will be cut off.

* A wall hanging I was doing for my mom. I was learning to make 9 patches and a lot of the blocks came out too small.

That's all I can think of right now. I'm sure there are more. LOL

oksewglad 04-26-2020 12:19 PM

Welcome, bookworm913. You have made the first step...recognizing the UFO's you want to finish first. Will be looking for your finishes.https://cdn.quiltingboard.com/images/smilies/smile.png

Conchalea 04-26-2020 02:35 PM

I have a top I've completed, along with backing & batting. However, my quilting pressure feet are *all* in storage & the regular one just isn't working. So that baby quilt is now a UFO. Sigh. I also have log cabin blocks I need to assemble into another top for the 2nd baby quilt, so this is my future UFO. I won't be able to complete them until I move, hopefully in the 3rd week of May.

retiredteacher09 04-26-2020 04:29 PM

bookwork913: Welcome to this thread. We will be here to cheer you on. Please show us pictures. They can be progress pictures or a finished top or quilt.

Conchalea: Did your house sell? Congratulations on finishing the top

WMUTeach 04-26-2020 05:50 PM

I am thrilled to have a new member to our group of "Finishers". Oh, it feels so good to check on off the list.! You can almost hear us all cheering when any one finished one no matter how big or how small! A finish is a finish.https://cdn.quiltingboard.com/images/smilies/smile.png

dmo 04-26-2020 07:38 PM

I finally am finishing up a quilt my mother-in-law made in the 70's. Has been setting on a shelf in my closet for at least 10 yrs.
Feels good to finally finish it, I have a grandson waiting for it.

Rff1010 04-27-2020 03:38 AM

Bookworm- Pick one and finish it. It sounds to me like that Child's Applique is closest but ... You can do it!

rryder 04-28-2020 08:31 AM

Welcome to the UFO group Bookworm. Pick one and go for it!


Conchalea 04-29-2020 02:19 PM

Bookworm, the hardest part is getting started. I've read that some people make a list of their UFOs & either work on the one closest to completion first, or number the UFOs & put the numbers on slips of paper. Pull out a paper slip & work on the quilt first. When you finish one, post it here, & repeat your process! You will see progress.

Vasilisa 04-30-2020 11:13 AM

Proudly announcing a finish :) I will post the pictures tomorrow or so. You may remember my kendo quilt? This finish will go to the little sister od the kendo boy. I am happy I still made it in time to count as April finish.

retiredteacher09 04-30-2020 04:14 PM

Vasilisa: Congratulations on your finish! I look forward to seeing the quilt.

WMUTeach 04-30-2020 06:10 PM

Anxiously Awaiting our total number of finishes..........................Drum roll.............................

rryder 05-01-2020 08:13 AM

April UFO Finished!!!
4 Attachment(s)
Hey all,
I finished this UFO last night. Yay! It spent a number of years in the UFO stack because I didn't have enough of the fabric that I wanted to use to make the border. Then, last month I found it in one of the skinny bolts on Quilt in a Day's website and pulled it off the pile. Of course, I didn't have enough fabric to do the binding so decided to stitch two together and bind it that way. It is a design by Peggy Martin in her Bluprint class called Quick Strip Paper piecing. I used some specialty quilting rulers for the motif's around the stars that are surrounded with red. Also used my handy dandy straight ruler for the quilting in the white areas, a couple of different circle rulers for the small circles and the specialty ruler that was used in the stars was also used in a different way to do the border design. It's about 57" long and 45' wide. Here's some pics
Thanks for looking,

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