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-   -   2020 UFO Challenge (https://www.quiltingboard.com/quiltingboard-challenges-contests-f21/2020-ufo-challenge-t308972.html)

retiredteacher09 01-04-2020 04:32 PM

Thanks, Conchalea, for starting this thread. I am working on finishing a top that was started by an 'unknown to me' quilter. I am working on the alternate blocks now.

Quossum 01-04-2020 06:02 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Thanks for starting the thread! I'm going to try to get myself in gear to complete some UFO's this year. Here's my Chart of Great Ambition.

And I finished one on Friday, Jan. 3, a behemoth of a t-shirt quilt that had been sitting partially quilted since some time in 2018. After doing the New Year Mystery I just felt like getting it done and over with and managed to bang it out, so I've already got one success!

Good luck, everyone!

carriem 01-04-2020 06:05 PM

I too am glad another UFO thread has been started. I really need to get some of the tops quilted that I've had done for years. I also have several other quilts started and quilts planned (pattern picked and fabrics bought) . I started a t-shirt quilt I was hired to make yesterday and that is my priority for January. T-shirts are all cut and interfaced. I'll get the sashing fabric Monday and hopefully make some good progress on that next week.

Can't wait to see what we accomplish this year!!!

carriem 01-04-2020 06:10 PM

Quossum I printed out that same form today but unfortunately was out of colored ink so the letters/squares in the last column didn't show up so I'll have to get some ink and re-print so I can make my list...it has many more started projects than yours!

Quossum 01-04-2020 06:14 PM

I have a second page with 13 more where I have fabric and a pattern set aside...but haven't made a single slice. Those I am forbidden--forbidden, I say!--to look at until I get through more of those that I've at least legitimately begun!

Originally Posted by carriem (Post 8347659)
Quossum I printed out that same form today but unfortunately was out of colored ink so the letters/squares in the last column didn't show up so I'll have to get some ink and re-print so I can make my list...it has many more started projects than yours!

happylab 01-04-2020 06:22 PM

Thank-your Conchalea, for taking on this site this year. In reality I’ve been busy enjoying our great weather here (40-59) and working on planning new projects, recovering from the holidays and feetball (that’s our nickname for football), that’s I completely forgot to start this thread. I’m very sorry to everyone. Again thank-you for starting this thread for this year.

I plan to finish on average a UFO per month. Unlike a lot of you here I have lots of UFO’s. I have 2 only needing to be trimmed and sew binding on, both are black scrappy batiks. My project this week. I’ll post pics when they are done.

Happy New Year everyone and happy sewing and quilting.

vadalia 01-04-2020 06:50 PM

I'm a quilting newbie but somehow have still managed to pile up some UFOs (why are they so much easier to start than finish!?)

What I'm hoping to finish this year:
1) Merry Mayhem Mystery Quilt (current)- going to add an extra row, then 2 or 3 borders & quilt
2) Split Rail Quilt (1 year old)- have to add sashing between the already sewn rows, then add the border & quilt
3) Aztec Quilt (6 months old)- I only have a little bit of the fabric cut out for this but I'm looking forward to it, as is my mother who is doing her own version of the same pattern
4) Remember Me Quilt (2+ years old)- bought the kit and never started on it, bought to make my grandma a quilt in memory of my father but ended up giving her a different quilt I made instead
5) A quirky little Halloween quilt kit (2+ years old) I bought when I signed up for a quilt class to work on the Remember Me quilt, but was so worried about remembering the sewing machines that I forgot the Remember Me kit (the irony!) and had to just get something quick to work on for those couple of hours

It's good to get it all down in writing as I've promised myself I wouldn't buy anymore fabric (except for backings) or kits until these were finished (although that does not preclude using my current small-ish stash to start new quilts... what can I say, my willpower is more aluminum foil than iron...) A whole year sounds like just enough time lol

Sherryquilts 01-04-2020 08:13 PM

I'm in! I have 'sponsored' a UFO challenge in our local group for several years and have been able to complete at least 15 UFOed quilts that have languished, last year I finished Safe Haven a nearly 20 yo Thimbleberries pattern. Most of my UFOs get stuck in top status, needing to be quilted - I have a sit down Tiara. I spent last weekend preparing backs for 3, in the next week or 2 I will be layering and basting those 3, one that already had a back ready AND hopefully Bonnie Hunter's 2019-20 mystery, I know, not a UFO but when I get the tables out to baste, I want to do a LOT! (Plus if I finish it right away - it doesn't become a UFO!!) I have one already basted and ready to quilt so......

1) Moth in the Window - already basted
2) Log Cabin
3) String X
4) 9 patch/hour glass
5) Spiderweb

oksewglad 01-04-2020 08:23 PM

Originally Posted by Sherryquilts (Post 8347689)
I'm in! I have 'sponsored' a UFO challenge in our local group for several years and have been able to complete at least 15 UFOed quilts that have languished, last year I finished Safe Haven a nearly 20 yo Thimbleberries pattern. Most of my UFOs get stuck in top status, needing to be quilted - I have a sit down Tiara. I spent last weekend preparing backs for 3, in the next week or 2 I will be layering and basting those 3, one that already had a back ready AND hopefully Bonnie Hunter's 2019-20 mystery, I know, not a UFO but when I get the tables out to baste, I want to do a LOT! (Plus if I finish it right away - it doesn't become a UFO!!) I have one already basted and ready to quilt so......

1) Moth in the Window - already basted
2) Log Cabin
3) String X
4) 9 patch/hour glass
5) Spiderweb

We must be from the same area! I challenged the local guild to UFO finishes this fall. I am surprised at the folks who do not have any UFO's and then there are the guilty parties. I'm not sure if you have been following last year's thread, but I have completed 6 quilts and a couple of table runners since August! I'm in the middle of pinning another UFO on the frame right now. I can't count my UFO's...it would scare me! Take care, S. G

Sherryquilts 01-04-2020 08:38 PM

Originally Posted by oksewglad (Post 8347690)
We must be from the same area! I challenged the local guild to UFO finishes this fall. I am surprised at the folks who do not have any UFO's and then there are the guilty parties. I'm not sure if you have been following last year's thread, but I have completed 6 quilts and a couple of table runners since August! I'm in the middle of pinning another UFO on the frame right now. I can't count my UFO's...it would scare me! Take care, S. G

Good for getting those things finished!! I did get 5 done last year, but I know I started more that 5 new ones! I definitely will NOT be posting my total number of UFOs... I'm pretty sure the number would scare me. I've done Bonnie's mystery for the last 6 years and I have finished each of them at least by the end of February, it is nice to have at least one that doesn't slide into a UFO lol

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