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-   -   2020 UFO Challenge (https://www.quiltingboard.com/quiltingboard-challenges-contests-f21/2020-ufo-challenge-t308972.html)

Motorcyclemad 01-09-2020 09:29 AM

Originally Posted by QuiltMom2 (Post 8349240)
I was going to ask if other people's UFO's donated to you count, in which case I have four full size tops and one of my own. Count me in!

You better believe they count if they are donated. How else will we feel like we are getting anything done? :p

Teen 01-09-2020 10:10 AM

I like doing L&E, too, NZ. Makes me feel productive and breaks up the monotony...

Another project sheet can be found on Pat Sloan's website. I'll try and post a link.


I have 3 quilts ready for LA. Two are UFO's. Making phone calls today from the many referrals given to me since I moved to chose one. So, maybe I'll have 2 UFO's done this month...

Teen 01-09-2020 10:12 AM

Looks like link didn't come thru...Google Pat Sloan and on the header is a link to them.

Bugaroo 01-11-2020 01:22 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Goal for January is to finish Farm Girl 2 quilt. This is my first quilt as you go -- done by lines of blocks. I've gotten all the blocks quilted. Need to attach borders, sandwich the back, quilt block outlines and bind! This has been a complicated quilt.

Belfrybat 01-11-2020 02:34 PM

Originally Posted by Quossum (Post 8349199)
I have tried to attach the planner I used in this post. I hope it works and that it's okay to share it! I tried to find it again online and couldn't!

It worked. I've used this planner for years but the website goes down for months at a time, so like you, I kept a copy. It's the best planner I've found.

oksewglad 01-11-2020 06:27 PM

Originally Posted by Bugaroo (Post 8350019)
Goal for January is to finish Farm Girl 2 quilt. This is my first quilt as you go -- done by lines of blocks. I've gotten all the blocks quilted. Need to attach borders, sandwich the back, quilt block outlines and bind! This has been a complicated quilt.

I have this in UFO land as well. In fact have 2..one 12" block the other 6" block. Yes some of the blocks have pretty small HST's. Look forward to seeing your finish!

Teen 01-11-2020 06:31 PM

Originally Posted by Bugaroo (Post 8350019)
Goal for January is to finish Farm Girl 2 quilt. This is my first quilt as you go -- done by lines of blocks. I've gotten all the blocks quilted. Need to attach borders, sandwich the back, quilt block outlines and bind! This has been a complicated quilt.

This looks fantastic, Bugaroo. I have the book but not with the intention of making the entire quilt. I just want to make some of the blocks for pillows and such. So cute.... You are close to the finish on this! Go girl!

retiredteacher09 01-11-2020 07:07 PM

Very cute, Bugaroo!

I made some progress on my UFO top today. Hopefully, the top will be finished tomorrow and I can start on another one as this one has languished on my design wall for waaaaay too long. LOL!

I have 3 known UFO's that were started by me plus the 2 found in donations. I have 4 WIPs that will either be quilts for me or tops that I donate and my goal is that they will not become UFO's. Anything not finished in a year falls into the UFO category for me.

Quossum 01-11-2020 07:31 PM

3 Attachment(s)
So, here it is, my first finish of 2020. I mentioned this earlier in the thread but finally got pictures today (at a dog Agility show!) so I thought I'd share a little more about the quilt.

The Quilt: A project many years in the works, this is a bunch of t-shirts, regular shirts, pajamas, etc. commemorating dogs that I've owned and activities we've done that I wanted to keep forever and ever. I think the oldest are my Spuds shirt (all the rage in high school! Class of 1987, damn I'm old, sigh), or the relics from my days in the H.O.T. Dog Club (circa early '90's?) and/or the t-shirt from the River City Dog Show cluster, 1991. Some time in 2017-2018 I finally interfaced the t-shirts, did a lot of planning and making coping strips, and put the top and back together.

Why it became a UFO: Since this quilt was strictly for me, no deadline involved, it was very easy to keep setting it aside and setting it aside. When I finally got it basted and started quilting it, I had the most horrific issues with the quilting thread breaking. It was super easy to shove it away in disgust and work on other things. The quilt label lists the year 2018, so dang, yeah, I must have shoved it aside for quite a while.

Why I finished: With the beginning of 2020, along came some quilting determination, so I pulled out the rolled-up, partially quilted t-shirt quilt and resolved to finish it no matter what. With a brand new needle in the machine and a more compatible combination of top and bobbin thread, my breakage problems seemed to be banished, and I was on a roll. In fact, my mom came over to visit one day and, somehow reading the determination on my face, declared that I should keep on going; she would just take a seat in the quilting room and we could chat while I worked. With that push, I completed the quilting. Luckily, I'm a "make the binding before I get the quilt basted" type of person, so once the thing was quilted I trimmed the edges, grabbed the binding, and stuck it on. (Yes, I'm also a "machine binding" type of person these days.)

And there I had it! My first official finish of 2020, and one tick off the UFO list!

This quilt's fate: To be my very own dreadfully heavy, irredeemably personal fabric memory book. No one else would want this thing.


WMUTeach 01-11-2020 07:42 PM

Quossum, now that is quite a quilt! No one needs to love it but you. Being a cat lady, it has little appeal, but the afghan hounds along the bottom made me smile. That is what my hair looks like! Tee-hee-hee! Love on your quilt and relish the memories in it..

rryder 01-12-2020 04:23 AM

Congratulations on finishing it Quossum! Having done one t-shirt memory quilt for a cousin, I know how difficult (and heavy) they can be! You did a good job with this one.


QuiltnNan 01-12-2020 04:42 AM

Quossum, good job on that quilt

janjanq 01-12-2020 06:46 AM

BOM's, FQ packs, kits, and completed tops that need finishing.
I have several BOM's in various stages of completion. I'm in Florida for the winter and brought 4 BOM sets with me. One set all the blocks are completed but need to be sewn together and finished. One set I have 10 out if 12 blocks done. Also working on a quilt made from a fat quarter pack. Working on a couple of bags and a Leaders and Enders quilt also. And I have several pieced Pineapp!e blocks that i want to make into potholders, table runners, pillows, or chair pads. I have a couple of quilt tops that only need to be layered, quilted, and bound but they are in Michigan so I can't get to them until May. My goal is to get all of them completed (and more) by the end of 2020.

Dedemac 01-12-2020 12:58 PM

Quossum - Congratulations on the finish! Loved the poodle squares. And you are not old! I think I have a UFO around here that was started soon after you graduated. Like a fine wine we are maturing,

I have actually started on one of my projects, 365 blocks from 2016! I'm up to Feb 9th looking at the month of February I think a few days I can whip out more than one. I'm using this kind of a break between the blocks I'm working on.

Bugaroo 01-12-2020 01:59 PM

Quossum, love the T-shirt quilt! I did my daughters college t-shirts and it was no where as organized as yours! Looks great!

petthefabric 01-12-2020 02:57 PM

DH helped load the LA. Now to ice my shoulder and get started quilting.

zozee 01-12-2020 03:41 PM

Just got a PM from rryder. He has finished two UFOs so our count stands at 7. Good job, Rob! Looking forward to seeing your pictures.

7 out of 22. Who will be the next to add the group goal?

Originally Posted by zozee (Post 8348735)
Whoop Whoop! Grannof6 reported via PM that she finished a UFO on Sunday, 1/5.

1/5 Grannof6 —1

We are now at a total of 5 with 17 to go for the January goal of 22, Who can finish 1 of theirs by Saturday?

retiredteacher09 01-12-2020 06:04 PM

UFO finished
1 Attachment(s)
I finally finished the top I found in a donation that started with 2 blocks completed and almost enough material for 8 more. I used some of my stash to add extra color to a couple of blocks along with the green alternate block color and the borders. Funny how i auditioned the border fabric for the inside green blocks and it didn’t work but I sure like it as borders. It measures 70” by 79.5” and will be donated to my church group to finish.

I really think it takes longer to figure out a layout for orphan blocks than it does to make the same blocks over and over but I like the challenge.

Color is much more vibrant than in the picture.

Next up: 9 blocks found in a donation that measure around 15” unfinished.

oksewglad 01-12-2020 06:31 PM

Originally Posted by retiredteacher09 (Post 8350382)
I finally finished the top I found in a donation that started with 2 blocks completed and almost enough material for 8 more. I used some of my stash to add extra color to a couple of blocks along with the green alternate block color and the borders. Funny how i auditioned the border fabric for the inside green blocks and it didn’t work but I sure like it as borders. It measures 70” by 79.5” and will be donated to my church group to finish.

I really think it takes longer to figure out a layout for orphan blocks than it does to make the same blocks over and over but I like the challenge.

Color is much more vibrant than in the picture.

Next up: 9 blocks found in a donation that measure around 15” unfinished.

Nice color combo...

zozee 01-12-2020 07:13 PM

Originally Posted by retiredteacher09 (Post 8350382)
I finally finished the top I found in a donation that started with 2 blocks completed and almost enough material for 8 more. I used some of my stash to add extra color to a couple of blocks along with the green alternate block color and the borders. Funny how i auditioned the border fabric for the inside green blocks and it didn’t work but I sure like it as borders. It measures 70” by 79.5” and will be donated to my church group to finish.

I really think it takes longer to figure out a layout for orphan blocks than it does to make the same blocks over and over but I like the challenge.

Color is much more vibrant than in the picture.

Next up: 9 blocks found in a donation that measure around 15” unfinished.

Nice work! Congratulations on the finish!

Rhonda Lee 01-12-2020 07:14 PM

My Scrappy Star quilt is finished! A leader ender project. 2 1/2" squares snowballing 2 1/2" x 5" rectangles arranged to make wonky stars. Happy Day. I can check that on off the list.

zozee 01-12-2020 07:25 PM

UFO Tally to Date
Our count now stands at 12. That’s more than half the goal before this month is half over. Very good.

Keep up the good work and please be sure to PM me with your finishes.

1/1. Conchalea ...............2
1/3. Quossum.................1
1/4. dmo. ................ .......1
1/5. Grannof6.................1
1/8. Dedemac............,,,,,4
1/12. rryder....................,,,2
1/12. Retiredteacher09.....1

oksewglad 01-12-2020 08:25 PM

Thanks for keeping tabs on us, zo!

Conchalea 01-13-2020 04:56 AM

Thank you for the count, Zozee.

rryder 01-13-2020 03:08 PM

2 UFOs done for Jan.
2 Attachment(s)
Hey all here are 2 UFOs that I finished this weekend. They're already listed in Zozee's count above. The postage stamp quilt is 38" x 35.5" and has been sitting in a drawer for at least 10 years. The pillow is made from a block I did 3 years ago and forgot about. It's about 12" square and was going to be part of a larger quilt using appliqué to explore transparency, but I decided I didn't want to do it and stuck the block away. Anyway, that's 2 off my pile of 29 UFOs that I started this year with. I'm hoping to get 2 more done (using up 4 UFOs) by the end of the month.


Teen 01-13-2020 05:59 PM

Great finishes! Rob...that pillow has my name written all over it. Lol... Love it!

Thanks, Zozee!

retiredteacher09 01-13-2020 06:47 PM

Rob: Congratulations on great finishes!

Pami's Patchwork 01-13-2020 08:15 PM

I'm new to the group as of today, and I am so IN on getting UFOs done! My priority UFO is a full-sized quilt that I started about three years ago for my own bed. I pieced the top pretty quickly; got my batting and backing pin-tacked together, but couldn't decide what I wanted to do for the quilting. So I set it aside for a "little" while to give myself time to think about it. Meanwhile one of our barn cats had a litter of kittens that had a crisis and four of the little ones ended up in the house. I didn't realize that one of the boy kittens was having urinary tract problems and had peed on my quilt until I went to move some things in my storage room, including the quilt. His UT problems have long ago been resolved and he's a very nice house kitty now - almost three years later. But I had to pull the quilt sandwich apart to wash it and I haven't had the time to put it all back together. And I still need to decide how I want to quilt it, too. I am determined that no other UFOs will be touched until that one is done. However, I have not declared a moratorium on starting new projects in the meantime because I've got to get a bunch of smaller projects done to sell before our farmers market starts back up in May.

cherrybsixty 01-14-2020 04:46 AM

Just Lurking around
Love your finishes Rob (Rryder) those two January finishes look great, thou the postage stamp is my favorite

Thanks Zozee for stepping up and becoming the tabulator

Pami Patchwwork welcome to the board and good luck on your goals for 2020

Good morning everyone, I stated earlier in the month that I would be lurking around while trying to get ready for the big move. Just dropping-in to say hello. Last week I collected a couple quilts (kid size) from my LA. Now all I have to do is add the bindings. Just can't settle down to do that. I started a new project in the mean while and can't divert my attention from it. Planning to take a few things to my circle today. Trying to disciple myself to pack a few things each day. Not very motivated in that matter.

Everyone have a Happy Sew Day


Dedemac 01-14-2020 05:33 AM

Rob - I really like the the pillow, at first glance it looks like the over laps are transparent then I look and see different fabric.
Nice job on the two!

retiredteacher09 01-14-2020 05:49 PM

Welcome, Pami’s Patchwork! I look forward to your finishes.

NZquilter 01-15-2020 05:09 AM

Lovely finishes so far! Thanks for counting for us zozee!

My sewing time is very small nowadays, with just a little bit here and there. No more hours sitting and sewing away. I can't believe I used to put in about 30 hours a week sewing as a teenager!

Jordan 01-15-2020 06:53 AM

I am just a lurker and really enjoy reading all of the UFO accomplishments. My problem is that I see a new quilt pattern or beautiful quilt on this board and I get everything gathered to make it and then I fizzle out and another UFO has been established!!! I think I should just stay off the computer and sew, sew, sew. Anyhow-love to look at all of the pictures of quilts and other projects so keep them coming and I will keep lurking and enjoying. :)

NZquilter 01-15-2020 07:51 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Not a finish, but at the half way mark of this giant UFO! My design wall is too small so I'm layering them up. I'm not sure if I'm going to include the yellow and red block on the right. It's a scrappy quilt, so even though the contrast isn't there, I think it'll get lost nicely in the big picture. Thoughts?

First time posting a picture with this new update, so hopefully it works.

rryder 01-15-2020 01:41 PM

Originally Posted by NZquilter (Post 8351150)
Not a finish, but at the half way mark of this giant UFO! My design wall is too small so I'm layering them up. I'm not sure if I'm going to include the yellow and red block on the right. It's a scrappy quilt, so even though the contrast isn't there, I think it'll get lost nicely in the big picture. Thoughts?

First time posting a picture with this new update, so hopefully it works.

Hey NZ- That's going to be a neat quilt. On the Yellow and Red block- in the full sized photo it looks like it will be fine, but when I look at it in the thumbnail, it looks as though you might lose the effect of the secondary pattern where ever you put the yellow and red block because of the lack of contrast, not sure it that would be the case or not. If you think the secondary pattern will get lost, then you might want to save that block and use it for a matching pillow if you don't need it for the size quilt you are making.

NZquilter 01-15-2020 03:21 PM

Thanks, Rob. A matching pillow does sound like a better use for that block.

Teen 01-15-2020 04:15 PM

Very pretty scrappy, NZ! I really like this block. And, I agree with Rob. Thumbnail size pictures comes in handy to spot this stuff. Good eye, Rob!

I completely forgot a daisy quilt I started before moving using that FQ bundle. I discovered it when I was going through project containers. All the blocks are completed...just need to do the plain white blocks in between. I even had enough foresight to place border and backing fabrics in container. So....this 1 year old UFO will be done this weekend. yea!

cherrybsixty 01-15-2020 04:45 PM

welcome Jordan
Jordan, I started out as a lurker in my UFO beginning. I soon realized I was a UFO'er and completed a thing or two. I just can't get the hang of posting pix

NZquilter, it looks great, that's what I want to learn is "how to post pix' keep going on your project and it will all come together

Teen, I know you will have that finished in no time cause you don't like UFO's

Have a happy sew day everyone


happylab 01-16-2020 01:39 PM

Good day everyone. I complete my 2 Black batik twin quilts. Both were started over 5 - 10 years ago. the 1st one was from a Batik block swap from this board. The 2nd one, a multicolored batik with black fabrics in a diamond rectangle shape. At the time I really like black, but have since out grown the black background. I plan to give them away to my G-Nephews. Now on to my Halloween UFO. I will post pics when I can figure out how to post pics.

grann of 6 01-16-2020 01:48 PM

Well, I finished my friend's quilts and got them in the mail to her, so now I will get back to UFO's. The one I am currently working on, I am discovering I do not care for it, don't care for the assembly methiod,or pretty much any part of it. So it is going to be a bear to finish up. I have 2 sets done, four blocks in each set, and I believe 40 sets, so it is very slow going. It may get stuffed in a bag with all the directions and sent off to Goodwill. I see no point in working on something I hate when I have plenty of projects that I like. We are supposed to get a smattering of snow this weekend so sewing should be a good option.

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