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QuiltMom2 04-07-2020 04:52 AM

Technologically challenged here: have tried to post picture. Reporting UFO finish for April 80" square vintage log cabin quilt. Finally finished handstitching the binding. On to the next one.

WMUTeach 04-07-2020 04:07 PM

Originally Posted by QuiltMom2 (Post 8375736)
Technologically challenged here: have tried to post picture. Reporting UFO finish for April 80" square vintage log cabin quilt. Finally finished handstitching the binding. On to the next one.

QuiltMom2. Try this. I have posted it on several of the BQ Threads and it has worked for others besides me. The learning curve sneaks up on us sometimes. Glad you asked. .How to upload a photo to the Quilting Board.

Ok, I will try to do the photo directions.

1. Write message
2. Click "Go Advanced"
3. In the box labeled Additional Options click "Manage Attachments"
4. Click "Browse" and locate your photo where ever you saved it on your computer.
5. Find the photo you wish to post click save and then upload.***
This seems to be where folks stumble. The little box with the "Browse" button needs to be expanded so you can see the "Upload" button. It is on the far right and hidden until you expand the box.
6. Preview Post and make changes if you wish or add an additional photo.
7. Click "Submit Reply".

**** I save my photos in a quilt photos file by year, but I also keep a second copy in a file where the photos have been resized to "medium". It this format will allow you to post to the QB. It seems there are multiple ways to do this and it all depends on your computer and software preferences. I

Hope this helps. It took me way too long to figure this out when the QB made changes but now it seems to work well for me. Hope it will work for you too.

cherrybsixty 04-08-2020 12:48 PM

Thanks again WMUTeach, for once again printing out those instruction. I do well until I expand the screen and see the upload button and then I can't remember how to get back to 'submit reply.'

The Cousin LA, just brought me back the purple Hunter Star and to me it's gorgeous. It will gift well, it's not a UFO so I will have to create a thread for it in the 'Picture' forum.

Stay safe everyone


WMUTeach 04-08-2020 06:49 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Oh, I have gotten stuck there also. Trying to recall what I do. I will pull a random photo and post so I can give your accurate directions.

Oh it was easy. When you browse and locate your photo, hit the upload button then close the window, click on the X in the upper right corner and Ta-Da! you can preview your post or hit Submit Reply.

If you look under the tan bar the says "Additional Options", you will see your attachment in the box labeled Attach Files. Give it a try with any photo just to practice. No one will care. We are all learning new technology tricks these days.

Krisb 04-08-2020 07:36 PM

Murohy’s law applied to face masks
I asked some friends if they would like a fabric mask for public. Of course they did. So did their family members. Started on Monday. Became lost in pattern variations and made some tests. Made a fitted mask, but I am 100% out of elastic and it didn’t work well with fabric ties, so....on to another different type of mask that was almost like origami. It was fun to make, and DH is using it, but it also needs to be individually fitted...so on to pleated surgical masks. Yay! Had a telemedicine visit with my endocrinologist and decided to change insulin pumps, which also meant changing my continuous glucose monitor.

Spent much of Tuesday on hold with either the glucose monitor company or the new pump company. Filled out beaucoup forms to fax, but the fax failed (I think, the printer is out of ink so the fax report is a blank sheet of paper). Scanned and emailed them instead. Cut out 25 pleated surgical masks. Easy cutting—four pieces per mask vs the 6-8 for fitted masks. And the ties became 1 1/2 in x WOF, double folded. Got ambitious and decided to finish the ends of the ties. Took the previously cut fabric for those fitted masks and threw it in the scrap bin. Went grocery shopping with my new face mask on. There were more Instantcart shoppers than customers. Came home and went to bed.

Today, sat down and organized chain piecing. My primary care physician called to change my appointment on the 23rd to video. My bridge partner called and wanted to know if I could play online Friday. DH wanted me finish a mask quick so he could take it to his golf buddy, so of course it took three times as long. Now it’s noon and no sewing done yet.

Sit down at my big machine and start. Top tension is too high. Turn the dial lower and it turns, but the tension mechanism doesn’t move. Put that machine in time out until repair guy is available.

Switch over to my Sparrow, which I simply adore. Quickly chain piece the 25 mask pieces, turn and press. The phone rings again. One of the people I am making a mask for wants to specify manly colors for her DH and DS and would I want to see if the ”stretchy kind of rubber stuff” she has will work for ear loops. Holding a towel to my mouth to absorb the blood from my bitten tongue, I say yes to masculinity, no to stretchy rubber-like stuff. This call takes almost an hour, My niece calls and says the tension is off on her machine, and which dial should she turn. Then she says never mind, she found the manual. The adorable child in my avatar insists on talking to Aunt Kris. Another hour flies by.

Meanwhile, back in the sewing room, the thread and the Sparrow decide they don’t like each other. The thread snaps with almost no effort. Take it off the machine and put it in the freezer. Maybe tomorrow. Take my last spool of white (out of natural, out of light gray,) and put it on the machine. The needle breaks. One if the screws on the face plate won’t move a mm. Thst machine will also now go to the hospital later to be sure there’s nothing bad inside, but can’t stop now. Look everywhere for 15x1 needles. I have 100 DBx5, 200 HLx5 , 20 DPx5, but a simple 15x1–nary a one in sight. Go to Walmart. Buy thread and needles. Come back and sew one mask. 3 down, 22 to go, Declare victory. Going to bed now.

Covid-19 phrase for today: Elastic is the new toilet paper.

oksewglad 04-08-2020 08:27 PM

I don't know if to laugh or cry with you krisb. Some days are like that, they really are...hope tomorrow goes better.

Vasilisa 04-09-2020 01:27 AM

Krisb, I second that:

Covid-19 phrase for today: Elastic is the new toilet paper.
This morning I have been to my usual haberdashery supplier. This happens to be a wholesale store and they were sold out of elastic and almost sold out of bands that could work as straps. I managed to get enough for 25 masks though. I have places an order for the elastic. I was wondering if other parts of the world have the problem, too, and apparently so :/

retiredteacher09 04-09-2020 05:39 PM

Krisb: Frustrating times indeed! As I read through your post, I thought at least I am only dealing with making masks for my son and that is an adventure by itself. Lol! I still think I should just give him my other machine and some fabric and say ‘Go for it’. If it weren’t for social distancing, I would go to his house tomorrow and cuddle baby Jack while he plays with the machine. Oh well, life goes on.

zozee 04-09-2020 08:25 PM

Sorry about all the Murphy moments, Kris.

But truthfully, the people who have ti wear to wear a mask all day in the hospital (non-clinicians who don’t go into patients’ rooms) say the elastic is not comfortable. It makes the ears raw, and not all fit well.

i have been using only fabric . My friend who works at Hopkins in admin has been my liaison. I have made 27 so far, some with cotton ties, some woth the old t-shirt knit which are stretchy and comfy. She texted me today and said she got others from her church and everyone likes mine better. The church folks used elastic.

So , use up that stash, friends! I cut strips 1.5x WOF, subcut to 14-18” and sew into corners of masks before turning mask inside out. It takes a little longer than elastic, but it’s more comfort and more economical considering most of us have stash galore. Just be sure to iron and sew the raw edges under so they don’t fray. I forgot to do that my first batch of 13. What a mess! Lesson learned.

WMUTeach 04-10-2020 02:15 PM

First March Fiish
1 Attachment(s)
March Finish! At last I got one done and done. This is an exchange block quilt from my guild members from last year. Not all 50 member choose to participate. Because of the odd number of blocks I made the center squared bull's eye block with scraps from the sashing and turquoise frames. The backing, batting, frames and sashing all from my stash!

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