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-   -   2020 UFO Challenge (https://www.quiltingboard.com/quiltingboard-challenges-contests-f21/2020-ufo-challenge-t308972.html)

Teen 02-09-2020 02:55 PM

Absolutely stunning, WMUteach....the story very touching. Just wonderful...

Bugaroo....beautiful finish of your first full quilt. I love the blocks in this pattern. I bought the book and hope to make my own FG2 quilt. You did a great job with fabric selection and the quilting is great. Looks soft and cuddly... Well done.. And, that bed is so cool...love it..

sewbizgirl 02-09-2020 03:09 PM

So special, Connie! Hope that jaundice clears up right away.

retiredteacher09 02-09-2020 05:32 PM

Thank you for baby Jack comments. It was a little strange reading to him without holding him but I want him to get to know my voice along with a love for books.

Bugaroo: Congratulations on your beautiful finish. Would you please share with us the history of the headboard? My first impression was an old garage door. It reminded me of my grandparent’s door.

WMUteach: Wow! Congratulations on finishing that meaningful quilt and learning new skills. What a treasure for your nephew and his bride.

grann of 6: Your warning not to dig deep came too late! Lol! I saw some blocks on a shelf and wondered why they were there. Well, 2 more UFO’s will be added to my ‘to finish’ list soon. I may do like Rob did and combine the blocks into one top. I didn’t get very far in the Moda 2018 Blockheads 2 BOW so there aren’t many blocks in either of the 2 colorways. I had the directions with them so I will choose more blocks to make the pattern like they suggested.

retiredteacher09 02-09-2020 05:43 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Another UFO finish! The fabric and finished blocks were in a donation. The blocks were already sewn into 3 rows with the vertical sashing. I needed to cut one more horizontal sashing and then sew the rows together. The only fabric I added was the bright blue stop border. The outside border was from the backing fabric that was included. I will add quite a bit of fabric to my stash from the leftovers but I will keep them together to use eventually as part of a different project.

This is only a top and will be given to my church group to finish.

I don’t know how to rotate the picture. Oh, well.

retiredteacher09 02-09-2020 06:20 PM

I forgot to add that the above quilt was made in a class from what I read in the quilter’s notes. Some of the blocks were from a Quilt in a Day booklet called Quilters’ Almanac, 1991 Copyright by Eleanor Burns. The other blocks were from hand-drawn/typewritten copied pages with notes from the quilter. I will definitely be keeping the booklet.

zozee 02-09-2020 09:44 PM

New Count and need to step down
Since last count (02/03/20) I believe we have finishes declared by

retiredteacher -1

Total 8.

If I’ve left anyone out, please speak up.
I’ve had a lot on my mind since Thursday. My husband’s eldest brother is in critical condition following an aortic dissection, in addition to stage 4 cancer. Family have been called. My hubby is driving to Ohio with another brother tomorrow.

Can someone please take over the count from here? Between this family emergency and grandbaby coming and son turning 18 on Valentine’s Day, I am not going to be able to stay on top of this task .

zozee 02-09-2020 10:04 PM

Grannof6, this count of 8 does not include yours since I mistakenly thought it was finished before you corrected me. Just let the new record keeper know when you’re declaring your UFO officially done, okay?

Krisb 02-10-2020 04:24 AM

Zozee, I can pick up the count for the balance of February. We will all have you in our prayers.

cherrybsixty 02-10-2020 04:30 AM

Good morning everyone, thanks Krisb for taking on the task of the counter of the UFO thread, a real team player. Zozee you and your love ones is in our prayers

Happy sewing day everyone


grann of 6 02-10-2020 05:12 AM

Good morning, and thank you Krisb for taking over the counting job. Zozee, my heart is with you in this difficult time for your family.
i got all 310 HSTs trimmed to size and am now ready to lay them out in some pleasing way, and hopefully get them in the finished column. The pineapple quillt is quilted and today i will trim it up and hopefully get it bound. I'll post a pic when it is finished.

Pearl40 02-10-2020 06:06 AM

It may have taken 5 years but the binding is on. One down, eight to go.

Motorcyclemad 02-10-2020 06:49 AM

Originally Posted by Bugaroo (Post 8359366)
I just finished my Farm Girl 2 quilt over-sized queen. I did it all on the sewing machine! Don't think I will ever do that again. This is my first full sized quilt. I learned a lot along the way!!!!

Bugaroo, Great job. I love the borders and I have a thing about going big, so of course I love it! :thumbup:

WMUTeach, beautiful quilt and story. I know that your nephew will definitely cherish it.

NZquilter 02-10-2020 06:55 AM

WMUTech, what a labor of love! Your stitches are beautiful. I don't have the patience to hand quilt but I love to look hand quilting gives quilts. I'm sure your nephew and his wife will treasure the quilt!

NZquilter 02-10-2020 06:58 AM

Bugaroo, beautiful finish! I love the whimsical feel the Lori Holt Farm Girl quilts have. Kudos for making such a huge quilt on your domestic sewing machine! I'm gearing myself mentally for the challenge of doing a queen size on my home sewing machine too!

NZquilter 02-10-2020 07:03 AM

Zozee, you and your family are in my prayers. May God hold your hands!

joe'smom 02-10-2020 07:36 AM

WMU, thank you for sharing your story and the photos. The quilt is so beautiful!

Connie, congratulations on becoming a Grandma!

zozee, you are doing such a great job encouraging us. Grace and peace to you and your family at this difficult time.

Bugaroo 02-10-2020 08:59 AM

WMUteach I have several of my grandmothers quilts that were all hand sewed from flour sacks. Love them too much to use them. Also there is an elderly lady up here, North Ga mountains, that had sews all her quilts and sells them at a local store. They are beautifully detailed and take her a year to make one!!

Bugaroo 02-10-2020 09:01 AM

Retiredteacher09, it is so cool how your quilt parts came from so many places making it a quilt of love.

rryder 02-10-2020 01:38 PM

Zozee- I am so sorry to hear about your brother in law. Hugs.


retiredteacher09 02-10-2020 04:26 PM

Zozee: Prayers being sent your way. Thanks, Krisb, for covering February.

Thanks, joe’smom and Bugaroo.

sewbizgirl 02-10-2020 05:01 PM

Prayers for your family, Zozee.

Well, all my finishes lately have been someone else's quilt! I took a bunch of UFOs home from quilting group and put the bindings on them. Not mine, so they don't count here, I guess.

Still having trouble uploading pics. My old computer doesn't seem to want to upload pics from my new phone. Gotta get that straightened out!

WMUTeach 02-10-2020 07:16 PM

Originally Posted by Bugaroo (Post 8359624)
WMUteach I have several of my grandmothers quilts that were all hand sewed from flour sacks. Love them too much to use them. Also there is an elderly lady up here, North Ga mountains, that had sews all her quilts and sells them at a local store. They are beautifully detailed and take her a year to make one!!

I understand how it could take a year.I hope she gets a good price for them. It took me just over 6 months and I only had to make 1/3 of the blocks. I don't think I will take on another large quilt like this again, but I do plan on some other smaller hand quilting projects. I learned to use a needle as a 5-year-old by making my new baby brother bibs with embroidered animals on them. So, in some sense hand work comes naturally to me because that is what I learned first, but the hand quilting techniques were new and different from embroidery.

Teen 02-11-2020 06:46 PM

Zozee...blessings to your family and safe journey for your husband today.

Krisb...thank you for jumping in for February!

I finally called my new LA'r and inquired about my UFO quilts that she has had. she shared that a custom quilt job came in for a quilter who is expecting to not be long on this earth...this was her last quilt. Very touching so obviously I understood... The quilt is beautiful and I offered to sew on binding for her if quilter is unable. It made me ponder and decided to treat each quilt I make as if it is my last. She obviously took great care because it was stunning. Anywhoo...long of the short of it, I hope to have one UFO finish this month. My 2nd to last UFO (besides a BOM) is prepped and ready for LA'r.

cherrybsixty 02-12-2020 01:03 PM

Good afternoon everyone, congratulations to all the finishes that happen since my last sign-in. Teen how sweet of you to make that kind offer. I have been mentioning retrieving a UFO and leaving one with my long-armer but it didn't happen that way. My long-armer gave me two that I gave her, but I forgot to take her the one that was waiting. She even bound the one that was the UFO. The other one that she gave me was a lap-throw from the 'Crown Royal' bags that she finished for me. I plan to gift it to my Lawyer son-in-law that's married to my Doctor daughter. I love bragging on them because they met through his late sister, who was a nurse with my daughter hospital. It's a interesting story that can only be shared at another time.

So, I have no UFO that I can finish and I am back to working on the new project, well maybe I can keep it going so it won't become a UFO. I know how I want to finish it but, prepping to move will get in the middle of it, I know.

Happy sewing day everyone


Dedemac 02-12-2020 05:18 PM

Retired Enjoy all the time you can get with the grandson, you know they grow up way too fast.

Originally Posted by retiredteacher09 (Post 8359144)
Zozee: I didn’t take your encouragement that way. I also hope everyone is safe.

Well, my UFO is still languishing but I did watch a 5th grade great niece play basketball this morning and picked up my machine from the LQS for its annual cleaning. Then I came home and my son asked if I wanted to visit grandson Jack. Of course, I said yes! I could only hold him for a few minutes because he is slightly jaundiced so he needed to be on the light mat (bilirubin light thing). I read him 2 books while my son was burping him. Precious. He will be a week old tomorrow.

Bugaroo That is gorgeous, you did an awesome job on the quilt.

Originally Posted by Bugaroo (Post 8359366)
I just finished my Farm Girl 2 quilt over-sized queen. I did it all on the sewing machine! Don't think I will ever do that again. This is my first full sized quilt. I learned a lot along the way!!!!

WMUTeach Great finish and a wonderful story.

Originally Posted by WMUTeach (Post 8359377)
OK folks on the UFO journey, here is my big reveal! My sister-in-law, who passed away 20 years ago, left 100 hand pieced blocks named Pontiac Star. I found them in a box with the magazine pattern/directions, her plan for layout and the plastic templates she made and used. I challenged myself to learn to hand piece and finished the additional 32 blocks needed to complete the quilt as she had planned early this fall.

She was a master quilter and hand quilted most of her work with the tiniest stitches imaginable. So to honor her intention, I next my next challenge was to learn to hand quilt and complete the quilt as she would have. My stitches are not as tiny as hers would have been but they are within the acceptable range and yes, I got much better as I progressed. I finished adding the label on Friday night and gifted it to her youngest son and his bride yesterday. He was about 15 when she passed away and did not have "grown up" quilt from her. Now he and his new wife have a quilt from both his mother and from me, his Auntie Linda.

Retired - nice donation top, sorry about the added stash, I know you will use it up.

Originally Posted by retiredteacher09 (Post 8359455)
Another UFO finish! The fabric and finished blocks were in a donation. The blocks were already sewn into 3 rows with the vertical sashing. I needed to cut one more horizontal sashing and then sew the rows together. The only fabric I added was the bright blue stop border. The outside border was from the backing fabric that was included. I will add quite a bit of fabric to my stash from the leftovers but I will keep them together to use eventually as part of a different project.

This is only a top and will be given to my church group to finish.

I don’t know how to rotate the picture. Oh, well.

Zozee will keep your family in my prayers, make sure you and your husband take some time for yourself to recharge so you can support your husbands family.

Originally Posted by zozee (Post 8359492)
Since last count (02/03/20) I believe we have finishes declared by

retiredteacher -1

Total 8.

If I’ve left anyone out, please speak up.
I’ve had a lot on my mind since Thursday. My husband’s eldest brother is in critical condition following an aortic dissection, in addition to stage 4 cancer. Family have been called. My hubby is driving to Ohio with another brother tomorrow.

Can someone please take over the count from here? Between this family emergency and grandbaby coming and son turning 18 on Valentine’s Day, I am not going to be able to stay on top of this task .

Krisb thank you for stepping up and helping.

Originally Posted by Krisb (Post 8359519)
Zozee, I can pick up the count for the balance of February. We will all have you in our prayers.

Pearl, congrats on the finish.

Originally Posted by Pearl40 (Post 8359563)
It may have taken 5 years but the binding is on. One down, eight to go.

giquilt 02-13-2020 01:45 AM

Great finish! Love Lori Holt patterns💓. Have UFO of her pattern Bee Happy only needs binding. Maybe get to this year.

zozee 02-13-2020 06:54 AM

Thank you, krisb, for taking over counting for me. Thanks, everyone, for your prayers. My brother-in-law has been in a step-down unit following a few days in CICU. He had a much better day yesterday so my hubby made plans to come home today. Then last night there was a serious setback (BIL had blood in his urine) so they ran more tests. My hubby and his other 3 brothers have decided to come home anyway and are en route through snow in Ohio.

They are all beyond exhausted and emotionally spent. I am preparing the house now for a relaxing homecoming so he can just plop and drop, get a back rub in his own bed, and tell me all about it. Which should take 32 seconds. He is a man of few words who keeps too much in. (i balance us out with too many words. LOL)

Teen 02-13-2020 09:17 AM

Zozee....lovely way to support your husband. He'll be so glad to be home, I'm sure. Safe travel vibes sent his way and continued prayers.

Dedemac 02-14-2020 07:00 AM

Zozee, hope your husband had time to relax last night and have a great time with the birthday today!

Happy Valentines<3 day everyone:wave:!

DH and I are staying in tonight I have a nice bottle of wine and making steak and scallops for dinner.:)

Motley 02-14-2020 02:57 PM

If the blocks are tooooooo big, may I softly suggest switching them to throw pillows--Works for me every time. I have Lots of pillows to finish. Or maybe dolly quilts for Toy 4 Tots with a dolly and a few cloths for a child that will receive nothing else.

Also may I ask as I'm still fairly new to these boards do the UFO's need to be just quilts or can they be other projects of left over fabric from o]quilts that is sitting in a box crying because I haven't made it to that pile yet???

Motley 02-14-2020 03:01 PM

Originally Posted by zozee (Post 8360419)
Thank you, krisb, for taking over counting for me. Thanks, everyone, for your prayers. My brother-in-law has been in a step-down unit following a few days in CICU. He had a much better day yesterday so my hubby made plans to come home today. Then last night there was a serious setback (BIL had blood in his urine) so they ran more tests. My hubby and his other 3 brothers have decided to come home anyway and are en route through snow in Ohio.

They are all beyond exhausted and emotionally spent. I am preparing the house now for a relaxing homecoming so he can just plop and drop, get a back rub in his own bed, and tell me all about it. Which should take 32 seconds. He is a man of few words who keeps too much in. (i balance us out with too many words. LOL)

Will be adding my prayers for your family.

cherrybsixty 02-15-2020 03:58 AM

Originally Posted by Motley;8360881
Also may I ask as I'm still fairly new to these boards do the UFO's need to be just quilts or can they be other projects of left over fabric from o
quilts that is sitting in a box crying because I haven't made it to that pile yet???

Motley, welcome aboard the UFO train, all riders are appreciated and even when you have pix, that you can share. That reminds me, I have some knitting that I have sitting in the closet. I did finish a small piece in early January that was sitting around for a long while. I didn't mention it because I am a little stubborn about downloading the pix. Please come aboard Motley

Zozee you and your family are still in my prayers

This is VQW this weekend everyone and join us over there and see what is being worked on. I am still piecing out the new purple and black patchwork

Happy Sewing Day everyone


QuiltMom2 02-15-2020 04:52 AM

Please add a Big finish: embroidered 50 states is done, done Done!!! Pulling out next UFO scrappy that has one row left to add.
Zozee: Prayers going in your family's direction from me and I hope your BIL is resting comfortably.
Retiredteacher09: I chuckled when you said you were reading to infant Jack. How right you are, never too early to start reading.
Bugaroo: Love the quilt!
WMUTech: Wow!! That's what I call a Big Finish. Is there a category for the oldest/most challenging UFO of 2020? As per Marlon Brando, you could be "a contender!"

retiredteacher09 02-15-2020 05:21 AM

Motley: Welcome to this thread!

QuiltMom2: Congratulations on your embroidered 50 states quilt! We would love to see pictures!

Krisb 02-15-2020 06:27 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Congratulations to the 3 declared finishes since the last count:

grann of 6 PM’d to say: “Hi, Kris, I am excited to say i just finished the pineapple quilt, so you can add it to the finishes for Feb. i hope to have one or two more finishes this month.”

Originally Posted by QuiltMom2 (Post 8360980)
Please add a Big finish: embroidered 50 states is done, done Done!!! Pulling out next UFO scrappy that has one row left to add.


Originally Posted by Pearl40 (Post 8359563)
It may have taken 5 years but the binding is on. One down, eight to go.

A big hip-hip-hooray to all the finishers!

This brings us to a total of 11. Halfway through January we had a total of 27. Let’s pick it up, self. (I need to say this to myself, because all I have been doing this year is the BH mystery). We have 14 days left.

If you have a finish on the thread and I missed it, please PM me and I will add it.

we would just 💓 to see pictures of all your beautiful creations. To make adding a picture easier (making the magic paper clip appear), use these directions:


The attachment is just a test. Now I need to figure out how to delete it.

oksewglad 02-15-2020 07:26 AM

Zo...take time with your family. Thinking of you...G
krisb..thanks for taking over for zozee so she can take time with her loved ones!
Welcome to the QB and this thread Motley...the more the merrier!
I'm stitching the binding on a big UFO...a queen sized that's 20 years in the making...but tax season calls and after Monday I should get this finished!

On a side note...when you scroll back and forth real fast over Dedemac's avatar photo it pulsates like a whirligig in the wind...mesmerizing!

Bugaroo 02-15-2020 07:54 AM

3 Attachment(s)
The bed set is from a local furniture store "Alexanders". Its real wood and finished to an aged look. Queen size. The Farm Girl II quilt is queen but will fit on my king bed. HOWEVER, the quilt is going in the kitchen! I have a stackable washer/dryer right as you come in the door. I have folded the quilt and it drapes down the side of them.

sewbizgirl 02-15-2020 09:48 AM

Originally Posted by QuiltMom2 (Post 8360980)
Please add a Big finish: embroidered 50 states is done, done Done!!!

Wow! That is a biggie! I am working on a set with state birds and flowers. I love it but I have less than 15 done, so it's going to take me a while. Congrats and please show pictures!

Love your Farm Girl quilt, Bugaroo. Perfect furniture for it!

And love the dragonflies krisb... even tho you don't mean them as a finish.

rryder 02-15-2020 01:43 PM

Congratulations QuiltMom2- that’s a major accomplishment!

Buggaroo- love the quilt!

grann of 6 - Congratulations on finishing the pineapple quilt. I love pineapple quilts so I hope you’ll post pics when you get the chance!


Teen 02-15-2020 02:57 PM

Congrats, Quiltmom! I bet that is beautiful. My MIL did a 50 state quilt and each block is embroidered. It's my fav quilt of hers.

Thanks, Bugaroo, for sharing about your bed. It is really cool!

I picked up my 2 quilts today (1-WIP and 1-UFO) from LA'r...Tomorrow, sewing the binding on both. So, I should be sharing a finish with Krisb tomorrow! Yea! Also, dropped off a year old UFO and she said she'll get it done quickly so maybe I'll have another Feb finish..

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