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Teen 02-19-2021 08:27 PM

Confession: I purchased 2 yards of Jane Austen fabric...the one with her personal writing printed on it. I have no plans for it but it was absolutely imperative that I purchase ...the world was ending, the internet was going to crash, so I bought it to use as a bargaining for food needs. Jus saying...

Vasilisa 02-20-2021 12:22 AM

Funny - first I read about Karen and her Jane Austen quilt, you drool over it in the neighbouring thread, then I go here and tadaaa - you bought the JA fabric yourself. Why is the world ending?

rryder 02-20-2021 01:21 AM

Teen- LOL! Here’s a hand back up onto the wagon...


juliasb 02-20-2021 07:44 AM

All through last year I did pretty good and hope to do as well this year. I had to make a basic purchase this week though. I bought 15 yards of WoW. I use a lot of WoW fabrics in most of the quilts I make. I was running low and afraid I am going to run out of what I have on the pineapple quilt I am making right now. This yardage should last me another year or more. It is a general staple and I know this doesn't really count for a buy for the moratorium but for me any fabric purchase can be a dangerous beginning down a dangerous slope to buying fabric. I recently found some fabric that I never even opened from 2 years ago! I was a mess back then. This has helped me so much.

retiredteacher09 02-20-2021 11:11 AM

1 Attachment(s)
WMUTeach: Great finish!

Teen: Sometimes those purchases just are needed. ❤️

juliasb: It’s nice to have some favorites on hand.

I finally finished my Color Block quilt top for this month. I am calling it my MN Sports Team quilt. 🤷‍♀️ The sports fabric has been donated over the years to my church group and added to my stash. The grey swirly fabric was a purchase several years ago and I just want it used. I like the lightness it adds. Some of the blocks are 16 patches using 2.5” squares. Others are 8.5” squares or 4.5” square 4 patches. My church group will finish and donate. 60.5” by 80”

joe'smom 02-20-2021 11:37 AM

retiredteacher, great quilt! I think the gray was ideal -- the colors really shine out.

rryder 02-20-2021 12:15 PM

Looks good, Connie! I like the idea of using some larger squares in the color blocks. Isn’t it amazing how quickly these come together and how many scraps they use up?


petthefabric 02-20-2021 08:17 PM

Love the pictures.
Yesterday, got quilt for dd cut out. The pattern calls for 12 fabrics. Just couldn't wrap my head around what to use where. Needed the design wall to figure out where each fabric looked best. The pattern takes parts of 4 blocks to make one pattern. She asked for colors I didn't have. I had 12 fabrics but only 5 were large enough. Bought 7 fabrics and too much. And since my stash has very few lg pieces for backs...you get the idea.

Hated to add to stash when I've been down sizing for 5 years and doing good.

Now to get piecing.

rryder 02-21-2021 03:50 AM

Sounds like most of what you bought was needed for current projects or to fill holes in your stash, Petthefabric. So maybe not a major tumble off the wagon....


WMUTeach 02-21-2021 04:20 AM

2 Attachment(s)
In the last two days I have purchased one yard of fabric to coordinate with some in my stash for a baby quilt. Then I used about three yards of stash for two baby quilts. The long story shortened is a friend wanted to make quilts for two grand children. She is not a quilter, so I offered her options from my stash. A good way to deplete the pile of unused cuts from my fabric closet! https://cdn.quiltingboard.com/images/smilies/wink.png We used nearly all of a Beatrix Potter print from 2012 and a big old chunk of blue print for one quilt. The second quilt is 9 15-inch stars based on the Lori Holt Criss-Cross Stars tutorial. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sncKxivM5ug My friend purchased some fabric scottie dogs and I added some of my 1930's reproduction scraps to add to her stars. Bottom line with plus and minus for the week-end, two yards of fabric have disappeared from my current stash and my friend is building her quilting skills. Will finish the two quilts in a couple of weeks when we get together again.

BTW- the Lori Holt tutorial is easy and she provided the measurements for three sizes of the criss-cross stars, 15, 12 and 9" starts. I see more of these scrappy wonders in my future.

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