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sewbizgirl 01-31-2021 01:06 PM

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Next, I pulled a civil war grouping and made the #1 block in those.

sewbizgirl 01-31-2021 01:09 PM

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And lastly, I pulled a 1930's repro grouping and made my block 1 of the 1930's fabrics.

carriem 01-31-2021 04:39 PM

Everyone's January blocks are great!! Also the fabric choices for future blocks. Works out well that I have Round Robin borders to work on the next couple weeks...then I'll be ready for the new BOM. :)

givio 01-31-2021 07:55 PM

SBG, You've been busy! It's hard to say which set of fabrics will be the favorite, they all look good to me.

Blueridgebeverly 02-01-2021 07:27 AM

Originally Posted by jmoore (Post 8456800)
Pooh...I wasn’t planning to participate in a BOM this year but this one looks fun.I also like the idea of challenging myself on a few sewing techniques and fine tuning my piecing skills. I am not home this weekend... it is DH and my turn to care for his 100 year old mother who still lives in her own home but I will be diving into my fabric stash on Monday. Thank you SBG for hosting.

Beverly, I love your fabric selection, in fact I think I have some of that same fabric. Everyone’s blocks look fantastic and I’ll head over to the FB group for more inspiration (sigh).

Thanks, jmoore! The florals are from M&V Boundless that I bought a few years ago from Craftsy. I also pulled from some fabric I bought at Joann’s. I wanted to stick to fabric on hand and not buy anything new for the project. I was more than a little excited to find M&V layer cake and FQs I’d forgotten about. Since you have some of the fabric .... I now know where to go if I run out of something.

Blueridgebeverly 02-01-2021 07:33 AM

SBG .... fun to see your different blocks. I’m trying to decide if I have enough of anything to do a second set of blocks each month. Hmmmm I did buy some fall colors on sale last year to do a pumpkin tablerunner. I’ll have to dig around and see how much I have leftover. Maybe too much orange to pull off?

Queenbarbiej 02-06-2021 07:27 PM

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I finally got to make the first block. I'm doing this BOM and the A Quilting Life BOM. Here's my fabrics and block.

sewbizgirl 02-06-2021 08:53 PM

That’s nice, Barbie! I like the brown and green together.

givio 02-07-2021 10:53 AM

QueenB, I have that brown print (not the stripe one you used, the other one). I think that brown is underrated. And green is my favorite! I'm sure I'll like your top! :-)

Blueridgebeverly 02-08-2021 06:58 AM

QueenB, I really like your fabric choices. I love brown and blue together. It’s nice to see it with green.

Chasezzz 02-09-2021 10:12 AM

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Haven't done a BOM for a while. I have a lot of batik leftovers in jewel tones...so these blocks will be old school patterns in more modern fabrics.

sewbizgirl 02-09-2021 11:43 AM

So pretty, Chasezzz! You can hardly go wrong with batiks.

Sharongn 02-12-2021 05:07 PM

Beautiful Chasezzz. Great colors!

sewbizgirl 02-12-2021 08:46 PM

Today is the day the February block is supposed to be out. Anybody seen it yet?

sewbizgirl 02-12-2021 08:51 PM

Here it is!


Queenbarbiej 02-12-2021 08:51 PM

Sewbiz, go to the bottom of the page to the schedule, click on February 12th. It will take you to a different site. There are a total of twelve people doing a block of the month. Hope this helps you.

givio 02-12-2021 11:51 PM

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SBG Thanks for the link, it worked great!

My friend, Julie, is interested in the OSBOM too! She liked the idea of doing two tops. Here's her two January blocks, just in time!
Now, on to February..

Chasezzz 02-13-2021 08:48 AM

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Another block with leftover batiks. February.

sewbizgirl 02-13-2021 09:39 AM

Nice blocks, Julie!

And Chasezzz the batiks are just stunning. A quilt or wall hanging made from this block only would be such a great autograph quilt! Maybe for a baby shower? Wedding shower?

carriem 02-13-2021 11:56 AM

Got my 2 borders on my Round Robin centers just in time...I'll be able to work on this block this week. :)

Chasezzz 02-13-2021 02:20 PM

Thanks sewbizgirl! I think you are right the block would work well for autograph quilt...but I am using scraps and only had enough for this block. I am thinking I will sash these with black and make a small quilt by the end of the year.

Blueridgebeverly 02-13-2021 03:23 PM

Chasezzz, batiks are favorite. Nice to have such pretty scraps.
Thanks for sharing Julie’s blocks, givio. They look great.

Queenbarbiej 02-13-2021 09:25 PM

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I decided not to make Feb block into a signature block. My center is my focus fabric.

sewbizgirl 02-13-2021 09:53 PM

That came out nice, QueenB.

Sharongn 02-14-2021 01:43 PM

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I finally found the time to make the first block. I may have to remake it cause it came out just a tad wonky. But I like how it came out.

I have the scenery fabric it two color ways. The other one has warm colors but I think they will look good together if I end up using both.

Blueridgebeverly 02-14-2021 02:39 PM

QueenB, I like that change in the block.
Sharongn, the greens and blues look soothing together.

I started the block but am putting it away until tomorrow. I’ve not used this method to make flying geese. It did not turn out great. I like trying new things....don’t know until I try.....but now I know. I’m going to come back to it tomorrow and use the method I’ve used before. Or maybe I’ll try to disassemble and reassemble and see if I get better results. I hate wasting fabric.

sewbizgirl 02-14-2021 03:42 PM

Very pretty, Sharongn!

Duckling 02-14-2021 03:43 PM

I decided to play catchup and would like to join the OSBOM. I finally found the details and decided to be surprised by another mystery quilt! My first one was the Mary Mahem News Year Day one. I am not familiar with sites like this so I will do my best to figure out how to post - just using quick reply. This week I am busy finishing deconstructing 2 quilts and putting them back together -- I am not the professionals you all are but hope to learn some new techniques.

Sharongn 02-14-2021 04:45 PM

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Here is my second block.

Sharongn 02-14-2021 06:04 PM

Originally Posted by givio (Post 8460564)
SBG Thanks for the link, it worked great!

My friend, Julie, is interested in the OSBOM too! She liked the idea of doing two tops. Here's her two January blocks, just in time!
Now, on to February..

hi Givio, your Julie's blocks are pretty! on the first one she did the same thing I did and put the top rectangle upside down. I noticed mine after I pressed it. Ooopsies.

sewbizgirl 02-14-2021 09:44 PM

Welcome, Duckling! I was wondering if/when you were going to show up! What a nice surprise.

We aren't pros here either, just fanatics. We love fabric and quilts. You will find all kinds of skill levels here. You'll fit right in!

Duckling 02-14-2021 10:57 PM

Thanks for the welcome! My initial thoughts are to use seasonal fabrics for each month and pull it all together with sashing and borders. I'll do a test run on January and February.

givio 02-15-2021 06:38 AM

Sharon, I saw that on Julie's block and told her and she's going to fix it. It's interesting how often a picture shows up a flaw when you don't see it in person!

Hey, Duckling! Nice to see you here! That's a cool idea you have for doing each month seasonally. I think you are the first one that thought of that. If you don't have any Valentine fabric, I have some I can give you!

DJ 02-15-2021 08:36 AM

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February ...

I did not like the technique for the flying geese.

sewbizgirl 02-15-2021 10:03 AM

Pretty block, DJ. I think part of the BOM is to expose us to new techniques. If you prefer your own method, no reason to change. I haven't made the block yet, myself.

Duckling 02-15-2021 03:13 PM

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Here's the top I deconstructed and put back together today. Now I am ready to begin my BOM for January. Picking fabrics tonight.

Duckling 02-15-2021 03:22 PM

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Just wanted to make you awestruck. I was at Goodwill and got this stash of fabric - 14 yds - for $6.09 ! The top fabric is flannel, a bit of a shadow because you can see my cat's foot, and the rest was all new cotton fabric!!

sewbizgirl 02-15-2021 05:42 PM

Great deal, Duckling! I see a lot of good blenders in there. I have never found fabric at Goodwill, but I do see it at estate sales sometimes, when I get to go.

Your quilt is sweet! I really need to do something with my orphan blocks, too.

Blueridgebeverly 02-16-2021 09:51 AM

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Played with the placement of the floral triangle on the white triangle until I got a workable result. One flying geese unit took some serious abuse from multiple assembles, disassembles, and reassembles. This method of making flying geese isn’t very forgiving. There was nothing to trim except the dog ears.

sewbizgirl 02-16-2021 11:28 AM

That's pretty, Bev. I was thinking of using the signature part of the block to write in the name and date of the BOM, right there on the front of my quilt.

I'm seriously wondering if I'll be able to hang in there with this BOM until the last block. I'm so impatient and a whole month is a long time to wait for one more block.

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