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maminstl 01-03-2020 02:56 PM

I am having a devil of a time with those flying geese. I despise doing them this way as I can never get them perfect. This one might have done me in. Much frustration.

Iceblossom 01-03-2020 03:08 PM

Here's the link again --

For those having problems with Clue 7, starting at the top of the clue is the important number of sets we need. Each set is made up of 2 fabrics one blue (any, dark to medium -- no aqua) and one Frambois/Red.

We will be doing various things, but first we are cutting matching sets of HST. From each of those sets, half are sewn together in HST and half are not -- keep the sets together. There is a reminder of how many just above the picture with the triangle ruler.

Then, some of the HST are turned in to a pinwheel -- Bonnie says it matters what way it turns! You keep the pinwheels with the unsewn HST. The number is under the picture of the completed pinwheel. When you've done the pinwheels, what is left is kept in matched groups of sewn HST and cut but unsewn HST pieces.

So keep your baggies, safety pins, or clips handy for another round of organization. I think I'll be using safety pins this time, out of clips.

Krisb 01-03-2020 03:29 PM

Originally Posted by SusieQOH (Post 8347095)
joe's mom- I didn't know that! Thanks for posting. Now I feel a whole lot better! I thought the reveal was soon!!!
Oops- read it too fast! haha

The reveal may be any Friday soon. But that is OK. Just print the clues now, save them in a folder, and do at your leisure. Just be sure to print all of the clues before Feb1, when they will take off into cyberspace. 🚀 If my mystery is done by March or April, I think I am right on schedule. After all, there are other things to quilt, right?

armybandvet 01-03-2020 03:53 PM

Don't anyone feel bad! I still have a lot of sewing left to do on Wednesday's clue, and I've only got today's clue cut out. I'm using my Accuquilt and just decided to heck with this leftie/rightie dog ear cutting thing. I have no dog ears! I assume its something to do with aligning pieces but I'm going to keep on with what I'm doing and appreciate the explanation of alternate ways of doing things as a broad introduction that I can look into later if I ever need to.

I've got my matching sets of pieces cut out and colors paired up. I'll probably read through this step another time (or several!) before I decide I'm ready to sew. So long as I end up with the right number of pinwheels spinning in the right direction I'm probably going to call it good enough!

I've only done last year's mystery in real time. I fell behind then and I'm honestly surprised that I kept up as long as I did this year. Even if I didn't work and had all the sewing time I could stand I don't think I'll ever be one of those people that have their quilt finished the day after the reveal. I'm just glad to have something positive and interesting to look forward to during the winter.

LarasAussies 01-03-2020 04:26 PM

This is my third year with the mystery quilts. I’m on clue 4 so need to catch up eventually. I fall behind every year. I just save the clues and go at my own pace. Some days my brain and fingers just aren’t on the same page and if I force it I just end up cutting the wrong sizes or shapes or spending a lot of time with “jack”.

It’s supposed to be fun. I’ve got enough deadlines at work so I don’t want any in the sewing room.

I finally finished On Ringo Lake that started November 2017 last week. Good Fortune that started November 2018, I finished the top around June of 2019 and I’m still playing with the back. I used Halloween colors and I’d like to have it done before October 2020.

QuiltingLawyer 01-03-2020 04:46 PM

Has anyone else completely run out of their raspberry? Ive has to pull from a jelly roll to get enough strips. I started with fat quarters so I’m not sure why I’m so short. I’m running out of blues too

Iceblossom 01-03-2020 05:10 PM

I would not have had enough Red for the sets if I didn't do this overdying I've been doing today, my scraps were just getting too small, there will be a number where it is the last bit of the fabric I have -- still not sure it's fully enough but it will be close enough I think/I hope, can always include more of the pink and browns I'm avoiding. I just had stacks of yardage for my colors with an approximate amount of yardage so I've been uncertain this whole time on how much have we used of what.

And yes -- for those where this is your first mystery, unless you have completely cleared your calendar and have prepared yourself for regular sewing intervals you are unlikely to keep up but this thread will be here all year. And here's the thing, even if you are willing and have a clear calendar (mine is pretty open) you can only do what you can do, and we are supposed to be having fun with this. So I've got music playing loudly, I'm dancing, playing with the dog, singing along and doing 1-2 sets at a time as I go by them and feel like doing them. My back was giving me some issues the other day and held up pretty well today until about half an hour ago. Time for some dinner and a break before I break myself!

Now that I have my system down and using my oversized pieces, it's not bad except for the darn extra complexity of dealing with the hand dyes. Had I used the solid green for all my parakeet, I'd be done by now -- or at least a whole heck of a lot closer, and I'd probably be unhappy with using all one fabric and a solid at that! It's always something.

joe'smom 01-03-2020 08:02 PM

Bravo, Iceblossom, for managing to explain so well without using numbers. It verges on the comical how much more difficult it is for us to help each other when we can't mention numbers, LOL!

I went to lie down for 'a few minutes' to rest my back and read the clue. Now it is hours later! I want to point out something that seems quite significant to me. The business about the trimmed dog ear being in a certain position applies only to the triangles that end up remaining unsewn. For the triangles that end up being sewn into HSTs, those dog ears are all removed as usual! So unless I am totally missing something, there is no reason to do the HSTs by the method shown. They can be done by any method. Only the triangles that remain unsewn need to be cut as shown. I have verified that if you are using the Easy Angle ruler in place of Bonnie's Essential Triangle Tool, the blue needs to be on top for a right hander. With the blue on top and working left to right, you get the dog ear orientation that is shown.

Cattitude 01-03-2020 08:54 PM

The stars are not aligning for me on this mystery. I thought I would be able to start working on this between Christmas and New Years. But then my furnace died and my sewing area once again became a storage space so that the area around the furnace could be cleared to allow for removal and replacement. New furnace goes in on Wednesday but now my priority must be a baby quilt for my expectant niece. She decided she wants her baby shower sooner rather than later....I have until Feb 1....and am out of town for work for one of those weeks, yikes!

I am saving the clues but it looks like I will miss out on the ‘mystery’ aspect......maybe next year!

I will continue to follow the thread as I am very interested to see how the different fabric selections work out.

QuiltingLawyer 01-03-2020 08:56 PM

Ok... I think I was panicking for nothing. I’ve got all my pieces cut for this step and clipped together and the HSTs sewn together. Tomorrow will be pressing and pinwheels.

I've decided to just let it go.... if some of my bits don’t nest nicely... that’s what pins are for LOL!

Also the 100 pack of little clips and Creative Grids Stripology ruler I got for Christmas are my new favorite things.... I don’t know that I could go back to life before them!

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