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Anael 04-10-2014 09:13 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Yes, today I made one :D :D
It's H3, it's straight though it doesn't look like that

QuiltE 04-10-2014 11:39 AM

Yeaaaaaaa for Anael and a new DJ block!
And a lovely one at that! :):)

Anael and JanRN ... Thank You!!!!!!! They are addictive when you get at them, though time consuming.

Good thing they are so cute, or I might not endure.
It really helps to have everyone here as Cheerleaders, to keep me marching onwards!
And too, the donated blues give me some accountability to continue on. :):)

Anael 04-11-2014 01:15 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Made another one, this one I wasn't looking forward to. The way Thatquilt did it wasn't what I thought I would do so I just pieced the background and appliqued all parts. They're not perfectly straight but I'm happy with the result.

QuiltE 04-11-2014 03:52 AM

Originally Posted by Anael (Post 6670099)
Made another one, this one I wasn't looking forward to. The way Thatquilt did it wasn't what I thought I would do so I just pieced the background and appliqued all parts. They're not perfectly straight but I'm happy with the result.

Looks pretty good to me Anael ... which block is it, as I am curious how ThatQuilt does it.
Must be getting about time for us to see your whole group of blocks!! **hint** **hint** **nudge** **nudge**
Like you, I have found some of their "how to's" do not make logical sense (to me!) ... not that I really know what I am doing!

Anael 04-11-2014 04:11 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Thanks QuiltE. That was F11. Here's G7, the centre block of the quilt.

Anael 04-11-2014 04:26 AM

1 Attachment(s)
It took some time to figure it out. I hope it works

gardnergal970 04-11-2014 04:59 AM

Hats off to Anael and QuiltE! And Mirabelle is in the pink. Those quilts are developing fast and will be a treasure when done. Alison, don't mean to overlook you but I haven't seen any new additions for awhile. Did you use up the FFC FQ?

QuiltE 04-11-2014 05:27 AM

Anael ... Impressive, all round!!!!!! :):)
I think I count 115 ... wow!!!!!
And my goodness, for someone who does not like applique, you do seem to have mastered it quite well.

GGal ... Thank you! So if MiraB is "In The Pink", and I have "The Blues" ... what do you suppose Anael's DJ is? ..... could be a bowl of jellybeans! :D Surely there is something better than what I offered. Are you asking about the DJs done with the FFC fabric? That was HuntAnnette ... she's had a busy winter, quilting and travelling, but will be back with us when the time is right. As for AlisonQuilts, not a Janiac Maniac ........ yet! But is supportive of the cause having sent her remaining FFC bits to HuntAnnette and some blues to moi!

Sooooooo if anyone has any leftover FFC fabric (regardless of size) and no plans for them, I know HuntAnnette would appreciate your sending it her way.

oksewglad 04-11-2014 04:54 PM

I have to do something with mine first:D

mirabelle 04-12-2014 04:18 AM

I think I must be possessed to get roped into ahem I mean encouraged to make Dear Jane. Anael all those beautiful blocks and I have yet to finish my second row, I am feeling really inadequate :D:D and QuiltE I love your blues. Now how long we do have to make this quilt, would that be 2 years or 5 years????

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