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kountrykreation 04-19-2012 01:47 PM

The area up Hwy 93 twd Cranbrook or Fernie

works4me 04-19-2012 01:50 PM

I'll ask a friend a bit closer to the area if there is anything fun going on like their human dog sled races. :)

QuiltE 04-19-2012 04:14 PM

Originally Posted by kountrykreation (Post 5154472)
Sorry, would like to join in on a new challenge, but can't. Sounds like really great fun! Just wanted to share a past patriotic quilt done for a church fundraiser. Also wanted to ask if there's anything 'not to miss' for a tourist in late May/early June in Canada?

Lovely quilt ... great design!

ENJOY Canada .... Works4Me is certainly a LOT closer to your target area, and I'm sure will help you.

kountrykreation 04-19-2012 07:00 PM

Originally Posted by works4me (Post 5154779)
I'll ask a friend a bit closer to the area if there is anything fun going on like their human dog sled races. :)

Now THAT sounds like fun... AND very very interesting. Going to have to look that one up!

Thank you

seasaw2mch 04-21-2012 07:08 AM

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And here's mine, just finished it this morning. It started out with the same panel that BuzzinBubble used. This quilt was a requested for a WW II Vet who will be celebrating his 90th birthday next week.

wildyard 04-21-2012 07:35 AM

Wow, that quilt sure is a beauty, seasaw!

dublb 04-21-2012 05:06 PM

Oh wow! I love all of these Patriotic quilts!

Blue Button 04-21-2012 05:23 PM

Here is my Patriotic quilt. It was made for my husband's family reunion. It has all the names of his mother's family that served or is serving in the military. They raffled it off and made over $600. I also made one for my church with members names on it and donated it to our youth group to raffle off with the proceeds going towards their summer trip to Ft. Caswell, NC. The eagle is from a panel and the eagle, stars and wavy stripes were machine appliqued on. All of the names we done by machine embroidery. http://i457.photobucket.com/albums/q...IMG_8635-1.jpg

works4me 04-22-2012 06:41 AM

Those quilts are lovely.

Blue Button, will you be joining us in this challenge and starting a new project?

Muv 04-23-2012 01:20 AM

Hello everyone, Happy St. George's Day, Patron Saint of England, and the day I start work on the first panel of the Diamond Jubilee quilt - it will be a red rose to represent England. Wish me luck - I hope it doesn't turn out more complicated than I hoped.

The quilts posted here so far are fabulous. Very American.

QuiltE 04-23-2012 04:24 AM

Muv .... how wonderful! I was thinking of you last night while watching a couple of documentaries of the Queen's life with interview of the Grandchildren (and others). I hope you will show us pics of your quilt as you work along. Please??

karen924 04-23-2012 05:12 AM

My American Legion wants to do a Quilts of Valor day. I will post as we get going on this. I LOVE your fabrics for your quilt>

pasovasz 04-23-2012 05:57 AM

Canada Quilt for Breast Cancer Research
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A friend survived Breast Cancer and started a group called Wild Pink Yonder (www.WPY.com) to incorporate her love of horses and desire to raise money for research in Alberta, Canada. I made this quilt for the auction held at the end of the 21 day horse ride through beautiful Alberta:

works4me 04-23-2012 06:09 AM

Sounds wonderful Muv. Any photos of the design or fabric yet?

I managed to get two more rows done of my cross-stitch maple leaf centre for my quilt. Too much else going on right now so I'm glad I issued the challenge to start and, hopefully, finish a new project or I wouldn't be getting anything done on it.

Beautiful quilt pasovasz. I love the texture of your quilting. The quilting world certainly does a lot for charity and that is great. Will you be doing another one as part of this challenge?

works4me 04-23-2012 06:11 AM

Remember, the challenge is to start a NEW patriotic project. If you are already partway through one, that is great, too. We encourage you to finish it with us. And, don't forget, patriotism is a worldwide trait. Let's see more countries repesented.

Come one, come all. Join in the fun and tell us a little about your country or the reason behind your choice of project and design.

thimblebug6000 04-23-2012 11:47 AM

Home from retreat, decided on a small project for the table in our Roadtrek. Need to unpack my things & will post a picture of the basic fabrics.

Maggiemay 04-23-2012 12:09 PM

I'm in! I have a flag wallhanging I started awhile back that I don't like. It's too big & kind of blah. I've held onto it for several years because I just wasn't sure what to do with it. I have decided to cut it up & put it back together bargello style to look like a waving flag. I'll post it when I'm done! Thanks for the motivation!

thimblebug6000 04-23-2012 12:20 PM

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[ATTACH=CONFIG]329993[/ATTACH]Okay, here's the fabric I've chosen. I'm 3rd generation Canadian....but DH was born in Germany so will slip in "his" colours too :D

QuiltE 04-23-2012 01:24 PM

MaggieMay -- we'll look forward to seeing your re-worked UFO! Sometimes those old UFOs just need to take on a new life, don't they?

... great fabric ... and now you have me curious what you have planned for your multi-national patriotic project? Good idea to bring together both of your ancestries into this!

Though I can't help but *pout* when I see such nice Canadian flag fabric ... I haven't been able to find any! :D

works4me 04-23-2012 01:46 PM

Maggiemay - so glad we could assist in the inspritation department. I can't wait to see what you come up with. It sounds fabulous.

thimblebug - I love your fabrics and think it is great that you will incorporate your husband's country of origin colours. Canada is, after all, a very multinational country.

QuiltE - one day you may just find a few small pieces of Canada flag fabric coming your way. But, not likely in time for this challenge.

Keep those new projects, or reworked projects, or UFO's coming. :)

thimblebug6000 04-23-2012 01:49 PM

I found that fabric at a LQS http://www.wineberryfabrics.com/wf/home.html I originally bought it to make potholders to take to Germany!

works4me 04-23-2012 02:40 PM

So, thimblebug6000, did you have fun at the retreat? Learn anything new?

Poor QuiltE, Ontario gets all the international fabrics while BC gets the Canadian ones. :)

Blue Button 04-23-2012 02:48 PM

Originally Posted by works4me (Post 5161327)
Those quilts are lovely.

Blue Button, will you be joining us in this challenge and starting a new project?

I will have to pass on this one. Too many things on my plate right now. Just wanted to share my quilt. I'm looking forward to seeing all the nice quilts.

thimblebug6000 04-23-2012 04:02 PM

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Hi works4me: I did have a great retreat, here is the picture of my batik top so far, I need to see if it fits the bed right down to the floor on the sides then I will decide the next step.[ATTACH=CONFIG]330029[/ATTACH]

thimblebug6000 04-23-2012 04:03 PM

Probably shouldn't have posted this picture to this thread...but... it's the answer to your question :D

QuiltE 04-23-2012 06:19 PM

Oh don't worry Works4Me ... I don't want/need any for this project (and won't be starting this project til June after the LQS UFO challenge deadline!)

I am hoping that I'll see some nice Canadian fabrics in the next month or two in time for Canada Day .... as I want to share some with my PC friends! I saw some flag material on the weekend where the design/print was perfect, though the fabric quality was terrible ... as in one step short of cheesecloth! :(

works4me 04-24-2012 05:21 AM

That is beautiful thimblebug600.

I guess, if I want to try to find more Canada flag fabric, I'll have to go into a few stores, huh? I'm trying to be good and stay away from temptation.

4 more cross stitch rows done last night. I have an eye appointment today and thought I might take it to work on while in the waiting room but then figured I might get what-for so I'm taking a book instead. :)

QuiltE 04-24-2012 05:59 AM

Originally Posted by works4me (Post 5166064)
That is beautiful thimblebug600.

I guess, if I want to try to find more Canada flag fabric, I'll have to go into a few stores, huh? I'm trying to be good and stay away from temptation.

4 more cross stitch rows done last night. I have an eye appointment today and thought I might take it to work on while in the waiting room but then figured I might get what-for so I'm taking a book instead. :)

I'd be more worried that I'd get the wrong x-stitch in the wrong place! I learned a long time ago, that x-stitch was not something to do with confusion around me. :)

And yes dear
Works4Me, you do need haunting the odd store is required to acquire! :)

Muv 04-24-2012 01:10 PM

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Not much to show yet, but here are all the colours I will be using, and today I started on the rose's leaves. Keep cheering me on, please, ladies!

QuiltE 04-24-2012 08:40 PM


Muv ... I really do like the colours ... very rich and warm, and with a regal touch to the colour!!
I'll be watching to see how this progresses. So exciting!

**more cheers**

works4me 04-25-2012 06:05 AM

Well, Muv, you have a cheering section here. I,too, love the richness of the colours. It looks like the work will be quite intricate and I applaud you. Great start.

Anyone else have some colours or progress to show?

Jenniky 04-25-2012 09:36 AM

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I would like to join this challenge... here are some pics of my fabric choices...The pattern I would like to say I have no clue..but actually I do have the first clue to the Bittersweet mystery with AQS I am participating in. It is suppose to be a scrappy...Im doing a controlled scrappy though. Can you see how Im trying to make lil flags in my four patches..lol :)

works4me 04-25-2012 10:09 AM

That looks great Jenniky. Way to combine two threads on the forum into one! :) I like your large piece of fabric. It is a nice design and, yes, I do see the flag element to the 4 patches.

Good to have you with us.

QuiltE 04-25-2012 01:58 PM

Now that's being creative JenniKy ... I see the stars and stripes you've vcreated in each block along iwth the antiquated RW+Bs!
Me too ... I really like that large pieced background fabric, too!

thimblebug6000 04-25-2012 03:07 PM

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Love the colours in your Rose fabrics selection Muv ; the 4 patches idea for a patriotic "flag" is such a neat idea Jenniky. So I took a little time this afternoon and started my center flag, it's 3 x 7 and the whole table topper will be 17 x 14 (approx)[ATTACH=CONFIG]330533[/ATTACH]

works4me 04-25-2012 03:12 PM

I love that thimblebug6000. The striped red fabric makes it look like the flag is waving, as do the lines in the white fabric. Good start. You are way ahead of me and my centre. I have 4 rows of cross stitch done plus the stem of the maple leaf.

QuiltE 04-25-2012 05:20 PM

Looking Good, ThimbleB!!!!!
Well truth be known, you're all waaaaay ahead of me .... all I have yet, are my fabrics!
(and won't be starting til after the end of May when the UFO Challenge at our LQS ends!)

Muv 04-26-2012 01:31 PM

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Lots of work done on the rose today - should have the block finished tomorrow!

Kept In Stitches 04-26-2012 01:40 PM

Count me in too. I have several patriotic "Pigs" (projects in grocery sacks) and this inspires me to get one or more of them done by July 1st. Should be fun!

Kept In Stitches 04-26-2012 02:23 PM

Just noticed that my member picture is a Patriotic quilt sampler that I did a couple of years ago. However, I am going to custom quilt it on my longarm and so it is in my pile of quilt tops to be quilted and not finished yet.

Love all the ideas that you all have that I have now seen as I have gone back to the beginning of this challenge to read all the posts and see the pics. Going to be fun to see all these quilts and projects in progress as we go along. Need to get in my quilt studio and pick out what quilt I want to do and get fabrics and pattern posted on here.

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