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nursie76 07-14-2012 07:57 AM

Oh Jenniky! Thank you, that means so much to me. I just spoke with her briefly, she is at the hospital now. No word yet what it might be. It is always so difficult when she gets really ill, because she is allergic to soooo many antibiotics.
Once again thanks.

Now then, spoke with daughter and she is getting medical attention, had a little nap...so I think a bite of lunch is in order and then go stitch away some stress. Have a good day all.

JeanieG 07-14-2012 08:51 AM

Nursie, I hope your daughter finds out the illness is something really simple and readily fixable! Prayers coming her way!!!

nursie76 07-14-2012 09:06 AM

Thanks so much JeanieG, that really helps! Just spoke with her and they feel it might be a parasite. But they tested her for that, tested for malaria and Dengue Fever and also did WBC and Platelet count. So now she is going to a hotel near the hospital to rest because they won't have the results back until 8 AM, which would be about 8 pm tonight our time. Gosh! I think she just needs to finish her grad work and move back to the U.S. where I can get to her in a reasonable amount of time if she needs me....sheesh!

Jenniky 07-14-2012 11:16 AM

3 Attachment(s)
Nursie good to know she is resting comfortably in a hotel room near the hospital. I will keep the healing thoughts for her coming though. :)

I have been busy working on my FMQ Mat and I thought I would share my progress. I have to say this is my best yet. Im going to put a binding on it and look onto what design I want to try next. I spent about an hour practicing my flower making without lifting the pen. Then I took a deep breath and went for it. Ok include another 30 min. to adjust the machine and make sure it was set properly. I made a small 4 x 4 practice square to practice that on until I got everything right then I moved on to my Practice Mat.. haha... I found that I did my best if I stopped ...needle down... right before I went into making my flower. I tried doing a series of flowers continuously. I was ok with two in a row but when I tried to do three I felt taxed. I was trying to move all over the quilt square without turning the block itself. As if I had a large quilt in front of me and not able to move and turn as easy as I would be able to turn the mat size square in front of me. I think this is really good practice. Was a suggestion from my video class. Time for an ice cream treat and then back to sewing. :) :) :)

Here is a picture of the front of the Mat and then a close up.

And this is the back... I had blue in top and white in bobbin.

JeanieG 07-14-2012 11:54 AM

Jenniky - you are doing awesome girl! I have to trace the pattern on the quilt, then "try" to follow the lines! LOL I AM getting better when I get time to play with it.

We are parked in a lovely wooded setting here on our friends property. As I look in front of me, I see a wooded trail (that they have all along their 3 1/2 acre property), and birds and bunnies hopping around. The deer come in at night - so beautiful! Love it up here, but would not like to live here - too cold and rainy most of the time. They get about half the rainfall of Seattle, which is weird because they are on an island not too far from there!

QuiltE 07-14-2012 01:05 PM

Hello All!!

Nursie .. Best wishes for your DD. I'm sure she only wishes she could have her Mom with her when she's not well , so it's nice that the two of you can be in touch via phone, at the least! Let's hope the reports in a few hours, come back with answers.

Jenniky ... You're doing a great job!!! The LAQ I use told me a hint ... it's only wrong if you do it once. So if a goof happens, you find a way to work it into the design as a repeat! YOur flowers are looking great, and remember, nothing in nature is perfect or repetitious, so don't worry about it being bang out identical from one to the other. Good idea to not twist the small pieces as you won't be able to do that so easily with a larger quilt. Another thing to consider, is the drag you'll get with a larger quilt. If you can get tables set up to hold it to the left and behind the machine, it will help. I need to change my tables around to give that support.

JR is going to have the most stylish potty pads in doggy-land! I have a hard time doing "practice" pieces, so it's nice when you fan find uses for the work.

You gave me an idea though, to join the practice pieces together for a quilt which then could be a practice for the QAYG sashing method. I think those would be a challenge to get them all lined up square and straight. And as I've gone around to quilt shops and seen samples, I've seen some terrible mis-matches. So my mind wonders? did they not pay attention to detail? Or is it not an easy task?

JeanieG ... Sounds like you have a lovely spot to camp at your friend's!! Any great finds at her LQS?

QuiltE 07-14-2012 01:28 PM

Jenniky .. I just saw these threads and thought you might like to follow them. Perhaps there'll be some insights?



nursie76 07-14-2012 06:33 PM

Good evening all. First I want to thank you for all your healing thoughts and prayers for my DD. She has been diagnosed with intestinal amebiasis (amoebic dysentery). This can be treated with medication, but if left treated too long can cause liver abscess and brain conditions so I am glad she caught it early. She feels miserable, but starts the treatment today, so hopefully she will feel better soon. I so want to go to her....I think it should be a rule that your kids (even adult ones) shouldn't go any farther away from mom's than the mom's can travel in 12 hours. lol Well, off to bed soon, hope I can sleep, I will probably stew about this all night. (ya'all know how moms are. Lol

Hope you all had a wonderfully creative day. Have a restful night.

QuiltE 07-14-2012 08:37 PM

Thankfully you can go to bed knowing what her troubles are and that she has started on a course of treatment. It should be easier to sleep knowing that ... than to be waiting and not knowing. Here's wishing her a speedy recovery.

Jenniky 07-15-2012 04:33 AM

Nursie Im so glad they caught it early. Hopefully she will get her graduate work done and be back closer to home soonest. I also send thoughts of healing and speedy recovery for her. :) :)

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