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Queenbarbiej 11-25-2021 05:19 PM

Yes, Watson that is correct. i had plans for a queen size but cutting 91 squares of each is way too many. I think I will stay with lap size.

vadalia 11-25-2021 09:33 PM

Originally Posted by Watson (Post 8521748)
Am I understanding that we are to cut 18-8 1/2" squares each from both scrappy and from background to end up with 36 blocks? (For lap size).

That's how I read it as well, yes.

vadalia 11-25-2021 09:40 PM

Originally Posted by givio (Post 8521746)
So nice to have something scrappy this year. It makes fabric selection so easy!

LOL And here I am wondering how few different med/dark fabrics I can get away with using & still having the pattern work (I'm very much into "controlled scrappy") Although I guess if there was ever a time to go hog-wild, it'd be with a mystery quilt :)

Watson 11-26-2021 03:52 AM

Post 14 reported

Duckling 11-26-2021 12:52 PM

Thanks for the information on the Merry Mahem 2022 Mystery Quilt. I look forward to doing this one! I fell short of completing the other BOM one I started. I guess working on a quilt in condensed timeframe is more my speed! I printed off the directions and will get prepped for Dec 25.

Queenbarbiej 11-28-2021 02:04 PM

Has anyone done the math for one of the quilt sizes? For the lap size it's a 48x54. If you minus the 4.5" outer borders & the 2.5" inner borders the center would be 36x42. It's in a 6x6 grid which make your blocks 6.5" x7.5". It almost seems like a waste to make 36 8"x8" half square triangles. Or is my math wrong? I have to make all those half triangles to cut them an oddball size.

vadalia 11-28-2021 04:42 PM

Queenbarbiej, your math does check out although I believe those blocks aren't likely to just stay HSTs. That seems like it'd be overly simplistic given that the mystery is a multiple-step process that usually hits at least 7-8 clues. Plus the fact the blocks are likely going to be different lengths versus widths makes me think it won't be just straight-forward HST w/ bits trimmed off.

jmoore 11-29-2021 03:56 AM

I just came upon this thread this morning but printed the first instructions a couple of days ago…This will be my third Merry Mayhem mystery so I must have been on her email list from before. I have enjoyed the previous mysteries and agree with Vadalia that they are simpler to tackle than BH’s. I also like that you get the fabric and cutting instructions early so that you can piece and sew on New Year’s Day. I think I am going to use a layer cake as an option noted in her instructions and find some coordinating fabric from my stash.

Vadalia, thank you for hosting…I look forward to seeing everyone’s variations of the Ups and Downs mystery quilt.

Irishrose2 11-29-2021 09:51 AM

I printed the first two pages, but I won't be home until the 28th. I'm sure someone will post the link here so I can catch up. I wish I had a layer cake, but I have plenty of fabrics. Maybe I'll use some bright florals from 10 years ago. I'll probably need to purchase the background. Most of my fabrics are just a yard and I'm looking at the lap size.

Question; The fabric requirements says, 'Squares, both light and med/dk. The cutting guide indicates using only the med/dk. When do we use the light scraps? I'm guessing the cutting guide should have read 'Light and med/dk'.

vadalia 11-29-2021 11:55 AM

Originally Posted by Irishrose2 (Post 8522380)
Question; The fabric requirements says, 'Squares, both light and med/dk. The cutting guide indicates using only the med/dk. When do we use the light scraps? I'm guessing the cutting guide should have read 'Light and med/dk'.

Do you mean where it says "# of 8 1/2” Squares, both Lt & Md/Dk" on the 2nd page? I believe that's in reference to needing that number of squares from the light background fabric, as well as the same number of squares cut out of a scrappy selection of Md/Dk fabrics. So for my Quilt of Valor size, for example, I'll cut 32 light background fabric squares as well as 32 squares out of Md/Dk fabric.

On another note, I've compiled a few different colorways for myself to choose from for this mystery but for some reason I'm getting an error message uploading them :(

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