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-   -   UFO Challenge for 2021 (https://www.quiltingboard.com/quiltingboard-challenges-contests-f21/ufo-challenge-2021-a-t313679.html)

jmoore 01-06-2021 04:02 AM

Originally Posted by Teen (Post 8448653)
I’ll bounce in and cheer you’all on, as usual. I know you know this but I don’t have any UFO’s and my goal is to keep it that way...

Like Teen, I do not have any UFOs but will be cheering everyone on and excited for your progress and motivation. I do have one quilt that needs a binding but I plan to get it on this coming week so I can start a new project guilt free...

Rob, you always amaze me with your creative projects and I can’t wait to see some of your finishes.

Conchalea 01-06-2021 06:36 PM

K & I sandwiched a green UFO from her daughter on Monday & started quilting it. I went riding yesterday, & while I was out, K completed the quilting! She also trimmed it on her own plus she bound it! She thought she would need my help with trimming, but was so eager to.get it on her bed that she powered through on her own. I feel like a proud mama. It's on her bed, highly approved of by her pit bull mix, Chewy, a loveable dog.
Once again my phone won't upload the picture. I'll try from a computer.

panszko1 01-07-2021 07:02 AM

I am going to do this this year. I have a number of UFO's in varioius stages of completion. I need to drag them out and figure out where to start. I have promised myself that I will not start a new quilt (and I have a few in my mind I want to do) until I complete several of these.

ckcowl 01-07-2021 10:56 AM

AQS ( American Quilters Society) has a ufo challenge every year too- we make our list then each number they choose a number and challenge you to finish the ufo in that number slot that month. I have (4!) lists. January’s number is 7. Today I finished my #7 ufo from list #2 — still piecing— now I’m going to load up the ( needs quilting) #7 and get that done. It would sure be wonderful to get all (4) #7’s done in January.

juliasb 01-07-2021 12:10 PM

I have 9 quilt tops that I have sitting here from 2020 and a multitude of other unfinished tops. I am hoping to get at least the quilt tops from 2020 finished. I have a plan! Plus I have 3 from 2019 that I need to finish that are basted and ready to be quilted. One will be quilted in sections and then sewn together like a QAYG finish. I will have to finish them all on my DSM so here's to getting them finished!

retiredteacher09 01-07-2021 07:34 PM

Conchalea: You taught K well! I look forward to a picture.

Welcome to our new friends.

ckcowl: 4 lists will keep you busy every month. Great way to keep yourself organized.

Conchalea 01-08-2021 05:16 AM

Chewy on K's quilt
1 Attachment(s)
Here is Chewy! She approves of K's quilt, finished Jan. 5, 2021

Motorcyclemad 01-08-2021 10:51 AM

I'm in this year too. It is always more fun (and gratifying) when someone else cheers you on for long-time Works in Progress.

This is what I can think of at the moment:
3 Quillows for a cousin's grandkids (>2 yo, need quilted and bound)
1 Quillow (< 1 yo, top done)
1 Saturday Sampler (4 mo.)
Twin-Embroidered Cars for a cousin's son (1yo)
Embroidered Bears (1yo)
Batik Sampler Blocks (2 yo)
A 2-Block Batik Quilt (1 yo)
2- Layer Cake "Zero-Waste" quilts (1 yo)
A multitude of Around the World quilts. (Around 20 I have access to and 6 more totes of squares I haven't sorted out yet).

I know I won't get through all of these this year, but it is good to have a list to start from. https://cdn.quiltingboard.com/images/smilies/wink.png

oksewglad 01-08-2021 01:16 PM

Welcome MMaid! Our lists do give us a visual and a plan.

petthefabric 01-08-2021 01:16 PM

Motorcyclemad, amazing you know how old they are. Your mind must still be working at full throtle.

At 43 UFO's, I stopped counting. If I get 1/2 of those done in 1 yr, I'll be amazing, I'd jump, but the body says, NO.

retiredteacher09 01-08-2021 06:26 PM

Awesome finish with K, Conchalea!

Madeline: Welcome! Please post pictures as you finish each one.

petthefabric: My body wouldn’t be too thrilled to jump either. 🙂.

I’m working on the donated Trip Around the World UFO. There will be a story to tell when I am finished with it. My promise is I will do the best I can to match the seams and finish it as I think the donor was planning. ❤️

rryder 01-09-2021 07:39 AM

Cool finish K and Conchalea! Love that Chewy got in on the finish as well!

Petthefabric- When I started on this thread I routinely had over 50 UFOs in any given year. I've gotten it down to where there are now 20 or 21. Last year I started with 33. I figure that I'll always have some UFOs because of how I work, but my goal is to be able to keep them down to a manageable level so my tiny studio space (and my brain) doesn't get overwhelmed. I'm thinking that 5 to 10 UFOs is a realistic number that I can stick to without experiencing pinball brain when I look in my studio, while also allowing me to start new projects when I want to LOL!

I hope to have my January finish done today- just needs binding a little hand stitching at this point.


petthefabric 01-09-2021 12:38 PM

Rob, thanks for the encouragement.

I'll always have WIP's; I get to a point that needs thinking and inspiration. And, I have way too many ideas to finish in my lifetime.

You're right, too many UFO's clutter more space in my brain and studio.

rryder 01-10-2021 07:40 AM

Jan. UFO finish!!!
1 Attachment(s)
Hey all, I have a finish. I signed up for Helen Godden's BOM for 2017 a couple of years ago and did all the painting and quilting of individual squares, but then put them away before joining them into the finished quilt. Here it is. It's approx. 58"L x 47"W. Thanks for looking.


Teen 01-10-2021 10:23 AM

Omgosh, Rob....I can’t take my eyes off this. It is simply beautiful...really gorgeous painting work... Congrats on getting this beauty out and finishing it. ..

Conchalea 01-10-2021 12:23 PM

Gorgeous, Rob!

petthefabric 01-10-2021 05:27 PM

Fabulous and congratulations

Mona G 01-10-2021 06:02 PM

Beautiful Bob

retiredteacher09 01-10-2021 06:51 PM

Rob: Beautiful.

Irishrose2 01-10-2021 07:24 PM

Rob, that quilt is totally gorgeous.

jmoore 01-11-2021 04:03 AM

Rob, See what I mean...you’re work always amazes me. What a beautiful project and I think painting would be a fun challenge. Congratulations on a fabulous finish.

rryder 01-11-2021 05:32 AM

Thanks y’all. It was a fun BOM.


PiedPiper 01-11-2021 05:44 AM

Rob, that is just gorgeous!

PiedPiper 01-11-2021 05:48 AM

Not a finish, but still a step in the right direction...while I'm plugging away at piecing the WIP, I ordered batting and a nice flannel backing fabric for my Plaidish flimsy. I actually had a backing I had pieced from this and that from my stash, but winter is just making me crave cozy, and this is supposed to be a couch quilt for cuddling under, so I've ditched the pieced back and gone with flannel. Can't wait for it to arrive.

WMUTeach 01-11-2021 05:51 PM

PiedPiper, I have a couple of quilting friends who are doing the "Plaidish" quilt. Love to see a photo when you are ready..

Mona G 01-12-2021 05:08 PM

I downloaded the plaid ish pattern and added it to my list

happylab 01-12-2021 09:46 PM

I in this year. I have several UFOs I can chose from. But this month I plan to finish a blue and wine batik top I won several years ago. I plan to quilt and give to my brother. I will finish a lap quilt I partly quilted a year ago and was practicing my long arm skills and never finished. Finally quilt a panel lab (dog) scene top. That should keep me busy. I’ll post pics as I complete my projects.

Rff1010 01-13-2021 07:57 AM

Help! Please send motivation and or inspiration lest I UFO again.

Rule 1 for Quilts of Valor- if you are trying to honor someone's sacrifice don't give them something that looks like @$$.

I had alot of red white and blue scraps leftover from another project so I decided to try a QOV project. My odd sized pieces I crumb-ed together. I had some blue and white 4 patch with red surrounds I had orphaned from something else. I had some other blue white HSTs that i also surrounded to match style and size of the 4 patchs. I made some white w blue "spot in the middle" from some accidentally cut strips. So I had about equal number of 6.5 crumb blocks and organized blocks. The plan was to alternate so I would have strong red and white lines and crumbs in between.

It looked like hell. I spent 2 hours laying out, arranging, rearranging, taking pictures. I just wanted to cry because it was just so disappointing. I finally abandoned the crumb blocks and got to.something...tolerable....but just barely and I'm not really proud of it.

So I'm looking for some sympathy. Suggestions. Stories perhaps of your own struggles with crumbs, scraps.

(I'm trying to attach pictures as I know that will give more perspective on my tale of woe)

rryder 01-13-2021 10:26 AM

Rff1010- I’ve had lots of quilts that didn't go as planned, or didn’t look as good in real life as they did in my imagination. That’s when I take scissors or a rotary cutter to them and turn then into bits and pieces to use in art quilts- some of those don’t work out either- LOL. Anyhow, here’s a big virtual hug and some sympathy...


retiredteacher09 01-13-2021 05:08 PM

Rff1010: Sending more virtual hugs your way. So sorry it didn’t work out as you planned.

WMUTeach 01-13-2021 05:26 PM

Originally Posted by Rff1010 (Post 8452165)
Help! Please send motivation and or inspiration lest I UFO again.

Rule 1 for Quilts of Valor- if you are trying to honor someone's sacrifice don't give them something that looks like @$$.

I had alot of red white and blue scraps leftover from another project so I decided to try a QOV project. My odd sized pieces I crumb-ed together. I had some blue and white 4 patch with red surrounds I had orphaned from something else. I had some other blue white HSTs that i also surrounded to match style and size of the 4 patchs. I made some white w blue "spot in the middle" from some accidentally cut strips. So I had about equal number of 6.5 crumb blocks and organized blocks. The plan was to alternate so I would have strong red and white lines and crumbs in between.

It looked like hell. I spent 2 hours laying out, arranging, rearranging, taking pictures. I just wanted to cry because it was just so disappointing. I finally abandoned the crumb blocks and got to.something...tolerable....but just barely and I'm not really proud of it.

So I'm looking for some sympathy. Suggestions. Stories perhaps of your own struggles with crumbs, scraps.

(I'm trying to attach pictures as I know that will give more perspective on my tale of woe)

Sometimes RW&B can be just too intense. I would suggest bringing in gold, goldenrod or a butter scotch color to soften the impact of RW&B. Wish we had a photo. Do you need help with photos? I can send directions of what works for me. PM me. Then we can all give you way too many ideas of what to do!https://cdn.quiltingboard.com/images/smilies/boy.gif

Rff1010 01-15-2021 07:10 PM

Still can't figure out pictures....sigh...it was easier on my old phone.

I decided to pack up and put away the blocks. Distance brings perspective. I'll finish the 2 projects on the table right now and then take them out again.

Sometimes you need to cut yourself some slack.

ckcowl 01-16-2021 12:29 PM

5 Attachment(s)
Managed to get a lot done today. Baby quilts that needed either quilting and binding or just bindings— Done—

WMUTeach 01-16-2021 06:19 PM

Wow, 5 finishes! I am so impressed. I finally got myself to add the binding on a UFO from last summer today. It has been sitting looking at me for the past 3 weeks. I have about 1/3 of it stitched done on the back. I hand stitch. https://cdn.quiltingboard.com/images/smilies/wink.png More tomorrow!

retiredteacher09 01-16-2021 07:33 PM

ckcowl: Awesome finishes!

WMUTeach: Exciting to be that close to your UFO being finished.

I got sidetracked this afternoon with my sewing after my niece texted that 2 of her nieces and 2 of her nephews were playing basketball tonight. It took me a while to figure out how to watch online but I was able to see parts of all of their games. It's hard to watch 2 games at a time on 2 different devices. LOL! I found out that one of the broadcasting services replays all of the games so I can watch them later.

rryder 01-17-2021 06:46 AM

Wow Ckcowl- congratulations on all five finishes!


Conchalea 01-17-2021 07:03 AM

5 finishes, CK! You are a powerhouse. K is trying some ruler quilting on our current UFO. It will take a while before it's finished. 8 days after our last snow, it will be 70 tomorrow so I'm going to ride. I have just under 2000 miles so far on my motorcycle for my riding group's year (Nov 1-Oct 31) so I need to get my knees in the breeze! My goal for this year is 10,000 miles. My group has a contest every year, & I've only managed 10K once.
I'm going out of town to help my daughter recover from surgery this Friday so I won't be sewing for several days. If K can complete her ruler quilting we may have another UFO to add to the Jan count

ckcowl 01-17-2021 03:31 PM

Thanks for the kudos, it’s nice to feel like I’m productive again, my 8 months of Therapy and recovery from my Traumatic brain injury I didn’t accomplish much- then getting back to work was a slow process too. 16 months after the accident and I am feeling almost back on track and definitely motivated.
I will have a couple mid week days this week ( they are the best for me getting things done) and I have a twin size quilt with the binding hand stitching about 2/3 done- going to get that done and load up a quilt to get quilted. Have to look at that list to see which one I should load. I really want to spend a day decluttering more and organizing my scraps- I have to add the top & bottom borders on the 2020 Temperature Quilt then I can fold that up & set it aside for a little while ( I don’t have backing/ batting for it- it wound up much bigger than I thought it would be) I do have to keep it close though- it’s for my daughter’s birthday in March.
as I settle into a more ( regular) work schedule I should be able to continue to make a good dent in those ufos.

Teen 01-17-2021 06:25 PM

Fantastic finishes, Ckcowl... and, I would love to see your temperature quilt even if it’s not quilted. I’ve been looking forward to seeing it..

I prepped my BH mystery quilt and it’s ready for LA’er. I didn’t make the whole pattern so mine came out to 72” sq. Every bit of it was stash except backing. I almost completely depleted a couple of stash scrap colors used, which is great. I’m kitting up a scrappy using my gazillion 2 1/2” squares for a leader/ended project. I’m not very disciplined in leader/Enders (I forget!). Fingers crossed!

Conchalea 01-17-2021 06:30 PM

I think I'll try krisb's method from last year & have people PM me as they finish a UFO. Put your name & how many UFOs for the current month & I'll try to keep count. With everyone's help, we can keep our tally during 2021.

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