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Conchalea 12-31-2020 04:10 PM

UFO Challenge for 2021
Happy New Year, all quilters!
Welcome to the UFO Challenge for the New Year. Our goal is to complete as many of our Unfinished Objects as possible in the calendar year. What is a UFO? Each quilter decides that for him/herself. For some, it's any project that rolls over from 2020 into 2021. For others, it's a project set aside for a few weeks in order to start a new one. YOU decide what is or isn't a UFO. Of course, we all love to start a new quilt, but we do need to finish our old projects as well. If you no longer love it, hand it off to someone who will. That counts as a finish! Once meetings and gatherings start up again, swap an unloved project with someone else for their unloved project. It will be fresh to you so you may finish it quickly. Some people set goals for themselves, but it certainly isn't required. If possible, share pictures of your completed projects. We love successful completions, and will celebrate with you. This group is very encouraging to each other.

I thought it would be good to start the New Year with a list of UFOs we will bring into 2021.
Mine are:
*Star of the Show, started about a year ago. I only cut it out, but I started it!
*Western-themed quilt. I have all the fabric (I hope) but no pattern yet
*RWB quilt. I'm working on it still. In fact I worked on it today .But It's rolling over into 2021. It may be more of a WIP than a UFO
*Jelly Roll Ripple, which I started Dec 29. So it's really a WIP, rolling over into 2021. I also worked on it today.
*4 tops made by K's daughter. Those are flimsies, so we'll find backs, then sandwich, quilt, and bind them
I think 8 is a nice number for the new year.

Vasilisa 01-01-2021 06:24 AM

Hopping on the wagon!

*Arkansas Crossroads, blocks are ready
*Irish Double Chain, also blocks
*Carolina Chain, cut and kitted
*Seesaw Stars, cut and kitted (I am going to call this one Starry Skies, since the background is navy blue)
*set of seat covers that needs binding

Conchalea 01-01-2021 06:31 AM

Welcome to the 2021 challenge, Vasilisa!
As I looked through my notebook from 2020, I decided to add a few projects to my list. There are still some orphan blocks from K's daughter, & K & I decided on projects for thos months ago. I simply forgot about them due to the mad rush to make holiday hangings. So my total is 10 UFOs for 2021.

oksewglad 01-01-2021 09:00 AM

I'm on board for another year as well.
I have a finished top ready to be trimmed and binding sewn on...maybe next week.
Just off the top of my head I know I want to also finish
*My Gather quilt-- finish piecing
*A Buggy Barn Basket quilt--started this as a QAYG; need to piece the strips of finished blocks together.
*Elaine's quilt--need to make connecting blocks for this Q sized quilt
*My little house quilt--not sure what I want to quilt on it.
***lots of littles and mini quilts!

retiredteacher09 01-01-2021 09:30 AM

Happy New Year!

Thanks, Conchalea, for starting this year’s UFO Challenge again.

I have 4 known UFO quilt tops, plus 1 found in a donation, 1 appliqué pillow top, and 1 appliqué tea towel. I also have orphan blocks to incorporate into quilt tops.

1. HST Challenge-online blocks were offered in 2015 and 2016, I believe. There were 49 blocks in all. The top is ready for sandwiching. This will be for my bed.
2. Applique BOM through my LQS-2017; Need to finish the last month’s blocks. I will be making wall hanging groupings from this project rather than the quilt.
3. 2018-BOM through my LQS using Deb Tucker rulers. Ready for sandwiching and I’m keeping this one too.
4. 2019-BOM through my LQS. Stargazing pattern. The individual center blocks are made. Flying geese borders are next.
5. The pillow top and tea towel were in 2019 and through my LQS.
6. The UFO found in donations is a Trip Around the World. The strips my be leftovers but may be for a small quilt. I will need to investigate. 🙂

Ready, set, go!

Cattitude 01-01-2021 09:55 AM

Thanks Conchalea, I’m in this year. My main focus will be on getting 18 completed tops quilted and bound. I also have 4 completed tops requiring surgery on as they are not worth the time and cost of quilting in current state. When I need a piecing fix I will work on several WIPs including SAS and scrappy Lemoyne Stars.

My goal is 2 UFOs per month and to not begin any new projects this year at all.

Synnove 01-01-2021 11:14 AM

Thank you, Conchalea, for doing this again this year. Count me in for 2021. I expect / hope to finish up my hand quilted Hawaiian quilt and at least begin hand quilting a Dresden plate quilt top from blocks pieced by my great-grandmother. Not sure I'll finish that this year but we'll see. Also currently on the design wall are a fish block baby quilt, and a bear's paw -- my favorite pattern. Also working on Bonnie Hunter's Pine Tree Point, and I would like to incorporate orphan blocks into something. And I started a scrappy flying geese quilt, but only have one unit made so far! Does that count as a start?

petthefabric 01-01-2021 01:44 PM

Withought digging very hard, there are 43 UFO's here, 40 stalled at the quilting part. I'm making a conservitive goal of 1/mo. There must be something about quilting that needs a push to finish. Since the piecing is the most fun, can't loose my happy part of this hobbie/habit/addiction/health treatment/ what ever it might be.

So, there's one quilted, time for the binding and label.

Sync 01-01-2021 04:09 PM

Okay count me in again. Last year I was able to finish 3 UFOs, doesn’t sound like much but that was better than my usual one. This year I’m going to try and finish more than 3.

1. Kimono no niwa - a 2016 Aurifil mini that I’m almost done hand quilting.
2. Nesting Robin - started this in 2015 with a group of internet quilting friends. It’s all ready for hand quilting.
3. On Ringo Lake - this is a 2017 Bonnie Hunter mystery and I need to finish putting the top together, then it goes off to my longarmer.
4. Jewel Box Stars - started in 2018 as a leader-ender project, still have some more blocks to make before I start putting it all together.

WMUTeach 01-01-2021 04:26 PM

I am in again but let's see a list....
1.Green off set barn raising
2.brown ups and downs of 2020
3.Pinwheels from 2000 something
4. Farmers Wife started three years ago
5. one from Wedding Dress Blue - can't remember the name
6. Christmas Exchange block quilt from way too long ago
7 & 8 Two that are just made of scraps and that have no name.

I am sure there are more and if I get these finished this year, my WIP will begin to fall into the UFO pile. Tee-Hee-Hee. See you all soon, right here with lots of finishes.

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