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ArteEmCasa 01-08-2012 04:26 PM

Originally Posted by QuilterMomma (Post 4838636)
Here is a finished ufo. My tablerunner that was put away and forgotten about.

Great autumn tablerunner. Love the feathers.

oksewglad 01-08-2012 06:01 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Glad to hear that people are getting motivated to finish those pesky "wait for me's"
Thanks for the kind comments on the TicTacMo, a Terry Atkinson design from the late '90's.
All I had was to sew the binding on this one--it's sat for about 12 months. I also got some backing and battings cut for some of my AAQI tops and one finished! It's about 24 " square with fast finish triangles on the back.

Quantum Leap 01-08-2012 06:07 PM

So far have spent the past week in bed ill am on the mend now and am rearranging what I will finish as my UFO this month due to not being well but still hope to have something to show before the end of the month . AM hoping to get into the sewing room by the weekend :)
Love the quilts that have been completed just beautiful

Short an Sweet 01-08-2012 06:29 PM

3 Attachment(s)
here r some of the pictures, I ran out of boards so I didnt get it finished yet, the first picture is my shelves b4 and the second is the shelves I have done, and the 3rd picture is what I have left to do after I finish cutting up the boards

Originally Posted by Short an Sweet (Post 4854176)
I haven't worked on any sewing this week but I am working on getting the sewing room cleaned up and organized, I having started with taking all my fabric off the shelves and folding them onto cards so they will stand up on the shelves, hopefully I can finish that this weekend and start sewing on UFO's this week. I will post b4 and after pictures of my fabric tonight after I finish

CrazyQuiltLady 01-08-2012 11:21 PM

Ok, I am offically frustrated. I have tried several times to upload photos of the 2 UFO's iI got completed this weekend but my computer is giving me fits.I will try again tomorrow but from school. Keep your fingers crossed.

annesthreads 01-09-2012 02:35 AM

Originally Posted by Emma S (Post 4855282)
Wow! Great quilts! Sometimes I wonder how so many truly amazing quilts become UFOs. What is your "trigger" for putting a unfinished quilt in the back of the closet? Mine is when I reach the point that I can see what it is going to look like, than the excitement is over.

What a good question - find the answer to this, and the UFOs should gradually vanish! For me it's a mix of being distracted by the next exciting project, and my machine being very temperamental when it comes to quilting - I dread the inevitable battles, and put the finished top aside for a day when I'm feeling stronger, which never comes!

ckcowl 01-09-2012 05:49 AM

for me i guess it varies- sometimes it is when i see the end in site- i put it aside and move on-sometimes right from the beginning- i will (think) this will go together quickly- i can get it done tomorrow- then tomorrow winds up being months later.
sometimes i hit a road block (need to order something- or run out of fabric and need to re-think it) and i set it aside--then a dozen projects later come across it again
sometimes i decide i really don't like it- or it's not coming together like i thought it would- or i simply hate making a primary block for it- then it can take me months (or years) to finish it.
sometimes its frustration- sometimes it's bordom, sometimes it's disorganization (like my 'Over the River' christmas quilt---i finished the embroideries 4 years ago---but misplaced the pattern- so the embroideries went into a box---then around this past Thanksgiving i came across the box---still couldn't find the pattern (which i found yesturday) but decided i wanted to get the quilt together-so i made it into a quilt- with my own ideas- blocks-plan---of course i find the pattern a week after i give the quilt away :)
my oldest UFO is one that was a 'class gone wrong'---and it overwhelms and frustrates me everytime i think about it---it is a large box with over $500 worth of fabrics in it---signed up for this class- spent a fortune on 27 yards of fabulous fabrics- silks, orientals, batiks- had to spend more $$ on special tools, machine feet;
first class -instructor had us cut up all that fabulous fabric! and a king sized batt---then gave us a 'homework sheet' and sent us out the door- i did my homework-which was starting to sandwich/decorative stitch a set of (logs)
next class comes along---and the instructor called in sick ---1/2 an hour after class start time- we were there-set up-waiting---
then a week later she started a new job-and said- sorry i won't be able to do this class!!!
the quilt shop was (almost) as upset as the 4 students---and did give us our class fees back---but that did not change the fact i have a large box of cut up fabric---sometimes i pull out the pattern and start reading it---but it is overwhelming- and i don't know where i am- or ...oh lots of things---
my hubby says i need to clear up my space---sit down and just do that quilt---with nothing else going on around me- he's right---but then another (deterent) is i have no use for the quilt= i do not even know anyone who would want a quilt of silks/orientals- and have so much $$ already in it---who would want to buy it? and what if i could not get permission to sell it----so many things---see- i overwhelm myself with this project---i did pull it out of the closet- the box is sitting under my ironing board- in clear site---poking me---maybe this will be the year...
sorry for getting so (windy) about it- guess it is a passionate topic for me right now ;)

DebraK 01-09-2012 08:18 AM

That is a sad story indeed. Is it possibly salvagable as a different kind of quilt? I would surely like to see you get something out of that expense.

oksewglad 01-09-2012 09:50 AM

ckcowl, as I was reading your thread I kept agreeing with what you said, then the quilt class gone wrong came up. Maybe this is a quilt you just have to say "no" too and say "what if..?" What if you make a different quilt with those beautiful fabrics? What if you make two or three smaller quilts? Look at this in a new way. Sewing with silk may mean you will learn a new quilting technique--google "sewing with silk" and lots of topics will be there to help you. Silk will need a cooler iron, so watch your iron setting.

Kudos to everyone who are making sense of their fabric collections, UFO's, WIP's. Knowing what you have will help along the way and getting those work surfaces cleaned off opens up all sorts of possibilities (as she slinks off into her messy sewing cave-just need to clear off that CW fabric pile up).

In our desire to clean up the UFO's, don't forget to start a couple of new ones, but keep in mind you do not want them to be UFO's and "get er done".

brookemarie19 01-09-2012 12:08 PM

you guys are all doing a great job with your UFOs!! I have not gotten to work on any of mine, and probably wont get to this month as I am trying to catch up on the Orca Bay mystery quilt by bonnie hunter and am so far behind I am afraid if I stop, it will become a UFO. So I keep moving forward and hope that I keep going. It is quite a few pieces lol. I also am trying to do a couple of internet BOM and would hate to get behind on the first month.

CKCowl, that is just horrible the way that teacher did your class. It is very unprofessional on her part. I would hope that you could find something to make it into even if it is not the original pattern. I wish you lots of luck in that venture...

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