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Mkotch 04-01-2019 03:35 AM

I start my day with two cups of strong, brewed coffee, preferably Green Mountain Coffee Roasters French Roast - I live in Vermont so am brand loyal. When we owned a B&B, we served only Equal Exchange French Roast. We tried others but the guests preferred that flavor. I almost never drink hot tea but enjoy herbal iced tea almost every day.

coopah 04-01-2019 04:38 AM

Hubs drinks coffee and makes it with the Keurig. He switches brands every so often to keep things interesting.
I'm a black tea girl and am fussy about how it's made. No restaurant tea for me. They have no clue.

QuiltBaer 04-01-2019 05:22 AM

We drink Peets dark roast here at our house. My son grinds his own beans and prepares it in a French press coffee maker. I use Kcups. I have a cup in the morning and sometimes in the afternoon for a treat. If it's too late in the day I will drink a cup of hot tea, green decaf.
This is very interesting to see what other people drink. I'm enjoying it.

betthequilter 04-01-2019 06:05 AM

I don't know how anyone can enjoy instant coffee. Sorry, instant coffee drinkers!

I only have one cup of coffee in the morning and it is Dunkin' Donuts brand. I use a lot of sugar and milk (cream) so I always say I'm having a little coffee with my milk and sugar. My mom used to warm milk, add a little sugar and then pour brewed coffee into the milk. It was a beige color. She called it French Coffee. Guess that's why I use so much milk in mine to this day.

NZquilter 04-01-2019 06:14 AM

We buy dark French roast beans from Sam's Club and grind it just before we brew up a new pot each morning. Our favorite coffee was the Kirkland Rwandan whole bean coffee from Costco. It was the best! The local Costco stopped carrying it and we've ordered it a couple of times from costco.com, but I keep forgetting to order more when we get low. We don't do many flavored coffees, though I do like the occasional hazelnut roast.

We both love dark roasts and whole bean. My DH drinks his black but I add a bit of 2% milk to mine.

In the summer I always make up a daily jug of iced tea, but nothing replaces the morning cup of joe!

I'm not one for all the fancy latte stuff that many people order each morning from the local Starbucks. It's nice as a treat on my birthday or something, but home brewed through a simple coffee maker is fine for me!

Such a fun topic!

Feather3 04-01-2019 06:25 AM

Originally Posted by Judith1005 (Post 8233888)
I dearly love coffee and used to work for Seattle's Best Coffee. And, yes, I know that they and Starbucks are linked. I don't like Starbucks hot coffee. I find all of it just a bit too bitter for my taste. I love the Seattle's Best lighter roasts. I love flavored coffees. But, not heavy on the sweetness. Just enough to get the flavor and a hint of sweetness.

But, alas, I can't drink coffee anymore. Or at least not more then once in a blue, blue moon. It gives me instantaneous acid reflux. It really stinks. Because I would choose to drink coffee over almost anything else. I like it hot or cold.

And, I have to agree. Once you go with brewed coffee, you never go back. It is a major different taste.

I can drink Iced coffee in teeny doses once in awhile. (But, not often.) I don't mind the Starbucks iced coffee that I have found at Walmart in the cold section. I do buy it occasionally.

I can't drink black teas for the same reason. Bad acid reflux.

It reduces me down to herbal teas. I can't drink green tea because it elevates my heart rate too much. *I liked that too.:( During cool weather, I buy an herbal blueberry tea. And, I really like that one. The trade off is that herbal teas give me dry mouth. So, everything in moderation. And, drink lots of water. :o lol, yeah, I know I'm a mess. But, for the most part, a happy mess.

I have chronic GERD & LPR. So no caffeine or I pay for it big time. Caffeine relaxes the lower esophageal sphincter, which allows acid to flow up. You could try the decaf coffee or teas. I know not as good, but better than nothing.

TheMerkleFamily 04-01-2019 06:54 AM

Coffee! The elixir of life - for me! French Roast... freshly ground... preferably percolated or french press but drip is okay too. If not coffee than it's any type of tea, hot or cold. Other than that, just water for me, thank you. No special flavors just half & half with a touch of stevia and I'm very happy :)

I remember Sanka and Tasters Choice at grandma's when I was a young girl. Tasted great then but I haven't had it in decades.

Three Dog Night 04-01-2019 06:56 AM

My journey started with Folgers Instant and then I got a coffee maker and started brewing coffee (Folgers). No more instant coffee for me. Then someone suggested my husband we should try Costco brand of ground coffee and Folgers was gone. The next evolution was to buying the roasted beans and grinding myself, no more buying ground coffee. Then my manager told me about roasting your own coffee and now I buy green coffee beans online and roast my own at home, I usually roast enough for a week at a time with my small roaster. One plus to this was that the acid reflux my husband suffered was gone. I love going to my favorite website for beans and reading about the different beans and flavors that the beans will produce and you can actually taste the difference. Roasting allows me to get the roast that I want whether it be light, medium or full roast. I roast outside because you are roasting and there is smoke from the process; in the winter I usually buy Starbucks whole beans because it the temperature outside (cold) makes it hard to get a good consistent roast. Guess I am a picky coffee junkie, can't believe that I ever drank instant.

judykay 04-01-2019 07:00 AM

Originally Posted by betthequilter (Post 8234019)
I don't know how anyone can enjoy instant coffee. Sorry, instant coffee drinkers!

I only have one cup of coffee in the morning and it is Dunkin' Donuts brand. I use a lot of sugar and milk (cream) so I always say I'm having a little coffee with my milk and sugar. My mom used to warm milk, add a little sugar and then pour brewed coffee into the milk. It was a beige color. She called it French Coffee. Guess that's why I use so much milk in mine to this day.

This brings back memories, my mom did the same thing for us for breakfast to dunk our toast into.

Anniedeb 04-01-2019 07:54 AM

I am a coffee drinker, or sipper, as my DH calls it. I like to sit, sip and enjoy my coffee. Not a coffee snob, just regular coffee, not flavored either, except for my added splenda and dash of french vanilla cream! I love the smell of coffee. On the other hand, I cannot stand tea. Both the taste and smell turn me off! I think it stems from my childhood, when my grandmother would give us milk tea!

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