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fivepaws 06-09-2011 08:00 AM

Does anyone have a recipe for a sugar-free cake. Two birthdays coming up for diabetic daughters. Sure would like to bake them a cake. Thanks

QuiltE 06-09-2011 08:03 AM

Originally Posted by fivepaws
Does anyone have a recipe for a sugar-free cake. Two birthdays coming up for diabetic daughters. Sure would like to bake them a cake. Thanks

Perhaps take a look at the Diabetes Association website?
Also, Splenda will likely have some recipes.
And of course Google ... I just put in sugar free cake recipes ... and a gazillion links came up! :)

Happy Birthday 5Paws DDs!

(and you know the story, please share your Recipe Reviews once you've made them!)

Airwick156 06-09-2011 08:50 AM

You can EXCHANGE regular sugar for SPLENDA equally.

fivepaws 06-09-2011 10:21 AM

Thanks for your suggestion. Doesn't Splenda change the texture? Does it cook successfully?

marymac628 06-09-2011 12:35 PM

Betty Crocker or Pilsbury (or one of the cake mix makers) have a a box mix that is sugar free.

QuiltE 06-09-2011 12:42 PM

Originally Posted by fivepaws
Thanks for your suggestion. Doesn't Splenda change the texture? Does it cook successfully?

Please read the info on the Splenda site re baking.

While splenda exchanges equally for sugar in some things ... Splenda has specific instructions re baking, and I believe it is advised that you do NOT switch it automatically ... and only use recipes designed for splenda when it comes to baked goods.

Carol's Quilts 06-09-2011 03:53 PM

Originally Posted by fivepaws
Thanks for your suggestion. Doesn't Splenda change the texture? Does it cook successfully?

It certainly does - the cake won't rise properly, the texture is tough and gummy and it won't brown. At least that's my experience. Didn't like it at all.

The makers of Splenda have a lot of hints for baking cakes, the main one of which is not to replace more than half of the sugar in the recipe with Splenda. Of course, they are trying to sell their Splenda Blend for Baking, but I've never used it. Check out their website for all their other hints like using dry milk powder in the recipe, and others.

I am diabetic, too, so when I go to a family birthday party, I just don't eat many carbs all day, kind of saving my day's carb count for dessert. Then I go ahead and have a piece of cake (small and icing scraped off) and, so far, it works for me.

However, you should keep in mind that, even if you do eliminate the sugar, there are loads of carbs in the flour in the cake, and that must be taken into account. Sugar-free does not mean carb-free.

Carol's Quilts 06-09-2011 04:01 PM

Originally Posted by marymac628
Betty Crocker or Pilsbury (or one of the cake mix makers) have a a box mix that is sugar free.

The ones I've seen aren't sugar free, they are reduced sugar and the carb count is not all that different from regular mixes.

Just like "no sugar added" ice cream - the carb count is almost the same as regular ice cream. Always have to read labels.

I found out from reading labels that sugar-free Cool Whip has one MORE carb than regular Cool Whip, and doesn't taste as good!

fivepaws 06-09-2011 07:34 PM

Originally Posted by Carol's Quilts

Originally Posted by fivepaws
Thanks for your suggestion. Doesn't Splenda change the texture? Does it cook successfully?

It certainly does - the cake won't rise properly, the texture is tough and gummy and it won't brown. At least that's my experience. Didn't like it at all.

The makers of Splenda have a lot of hints for baking cakes, the main one of which is not to replace more than half of the sugar in the recipe with Splenda. Of course, they are trying to sell their Splenda Blend for Baking, but I've never used it. Check out their website for all their other hints like using dry milk powder in the recipe, and others.

I am diabetic, too, so when I go to a family birthday party, I just don't eat many carbs all day, kind of saving my day's carb count for dessert. Then I go ahead and have a piece of cake (small and icing scraped off) and, so far, it works for me.

However, you should keep in mind that, even if you do eliminate the sugar, there are loads of carbs in the flour in the cake, and that must be taken into account. Sugar-free does not mean carb-free.

Oops!!! I forgot the carb. bit. The girls are both grown women. One has been insulin dependent since 18, the other has adult onset Has to watch her diet but is only on meds. Thank you sooo much for your advice.

cairns 06-10-2011 03:54 AM

Pillsbury has a chocolate and yellow sugar free cake mix.
The sugar free frosting is good too. They also make
sugar free brownies. I used the yellow cake mix and added
banana's for Banana cake, used it along with splenda brown
sugar and pineapple for pineapple upside down cake.
There are also recipes using diet flavor soda.

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