View Full Version : Pictures

  1. First Meandering Attempt
  2. A child's charity quilt
  3. Butterfly Fairy
  4. My daughters 21st wall hanging
  5. 'Friends' quilt
  6. First row done
  7. Three Little Quilts for AAQI
  8. Chicken wall hanging
  9. Birthday Crown
  10. My Dear Jane Blocks
  11. Flirt Pinwheel Quilt using a Jelly Roll
  12. My Take On a Storm At Sea Quilt for a Heart Defect Survivor “Wear Red for Katie”
  13. Look What I Made Last Night! Ugly Jelly Roll 1600
  14. Ready to be mailed today
  15. Quilt I finished tonight
  16. Sister-in-law's triple irish chain
  17. 3 for Monday...
  18. Blind Spin
  19. Husband wolf camping quilt
  20. converged orphan star block
  21. It's National Quilting day Sat 16th March and........
  22. Mo's Basket (an X-Blocks Quilt) - quilted by Andi
  23. Modern Dresden Progress
  24. Quilt show pictures
  25. Charity Quilts
  26. We are going to be Grandparents again!!
  27. First scrappy quilt
  28. The Heat is On!
  29. Finally Done!
  30. Quilted and on its way home
  31. Farmer's Wife Pony Club Finish
  32. New stash from Craftsy!
  33. The Quilt I made and the Bed Frame Hubby Made...
  34. The quilt that kicked me to the curb
  35. Baby Quilt and Blanket
  36. Need advice on how to quilt this sno ball quilt
  37. dress form pin cushions
  38. 8° MUF finished: "My Hearts"
  39. Double Wedding ring using brides color choice
  40. Yankee Star
  41. Delectable Mountains
  42. Dear Jane A12 B5 B6
  43. Quilts I made for Christmas
  44. my first quilt, an exercise in patience
  45. Holly Hock Quilt--1st one custom quilted on my long arm
  46. DD knot quilt
  47. Horse portrait
  48. The rose quilt
  49. Fabulous Felines for my DIL
  50. Twin sister to my 9 patch scrappy posted a while ago
  51. Chicago Bears Quilt
  52. My version of Spring is in the air
  53. hat & boots
  54. My "Practice" Charity Quilts.
  55. I Spy Quilt for Ethan
  56. cat block suggestions as to how to make a a lap quilt with it
  57. Ellie the Elephant
  58. Vanilla Cake
  59. Please help..picking more fabrics to finish table runner for swap
  60. Radical roosters. WIP pictures
  61. simple baby girl quilt
  62. Turning 20 Again - Cajun Style
  63. just because - a small quilt
  64. It's "consignment shop" day again! H-B-Day to me!
  65. My Finished Mystery Quilt
  66. A twofer quilt
  67. Beauty truly is in the eye of the beholder!
  68. another one quilted
  69. February Projects Completed
  70. Free Motion is my Kryptonite
  71. Baby Quilt for #12
  72. Latest Zentangle Dachshund
  73. 2 quilt finishes, charm quilt and vintage cross stitch quilt
  74. Update: the Cat in the Hat baby quilt
  75. Green Log Cabin - Stars border
  76. my first batik
  77. Big boy camping quilt
  78. My First Completed Project for 2013
  79. My Grandson's new quilt
  80. Starting to put it all together...
  81. Two New Quilts My Sis Made!
  82. I've been busy lately
  83. Dr. Riddell's Quilt
  84. This is Why I Learned to Quilt
  85. Dee's Quilt
  86. quilting again
  87. vera-esque...purse
  88. work in progress Lady bugs on tree
  89. Projects for our new DGD to arrive soon.
  90. My First DNP--Wine Theme
  91. Anchor's away!
  92. Forever in our Hearts
  93. Portrait of Ben-FMQ'd DONE!
  94. Charity Quilt for Children's Hospital
  95. Help with borders for BWR quilt
  96. Cream & Brown Pinwheel Quilt - quilted by Andi
  97. Little Black dress quilt
  98. Glacier Star quilted by Andi
  99. Black, White, Hot Pink Baby Quilt
  100. Fall Irish Chain
  101. Owls in the Tree quilt for niece's GD
  102. My quilts for twin girls
  103. Quilt made for a friend in need
  104. Baby Quilts for TWINS!!
  105. WIP batting advice/question
  106. Finished from my bag of 2.5" 13
  107. Dots on Spots baby quilt top
  108. Birds and Flowers Album
  109. My latest dessign
  110. St Paddy's Day Quilted Table runner
  111. My 1600 quilt
  112. My "Cat Quilt" is Finished
  113. The Tale of Purple Slanty Eyed Kitten
  114. Northern Reflections
  115. quilt from printed vest panel
  116. Anyone know the pantographed used on this?
  117. Modern Dresden Plate...Pebble Quilting
  118. Finally finished
  119. Mystery Quilt
  120. Grandmother's Fan Birthday Quilt
  121. tote spree
  122. DIY Ironing & Cutting Board
  123. For SAHM4605
  124. What I have been doing the last two weeks....
  125. What I did with the scraps of my scrappy quilt :)
  126. Quick...finish it before the snow all melts...
  127. Pink! Pink! Pink!
  128. I figured this out!
  129. Scrappy for my niece
  130. Some pics of Christmas sewing
  131. My daughter’s white/black/red present
  132. Gifts I made for this Christmas...
  133. My etsy practice quilt top
  134. I sure am getting the hang of scrappy quilts-controlled scrappies that is:)
  135. ACU (Army) Easter Baskets
  136. My 3rd quilt/1st baby blanket
  137. Block 1 of Spring is in the Air
  138. My first black/red/white...
  139. Winter quilt top
  140. fleece quilts
  141. Finished my big star quilt !!
  142. 10" tumbler quilt top
  143. My Current Large Quilt
  144. My Mad Murder Spree - Killing Sunbonnet Sue
  145. Rag Flag
  146. recent projects
  147. Circle Attachment Table Runner
  148. Quilt from Grandma
  149. Lucky March Table Runners
  150. Baby Boy Irish (copy cat!)
  151. From Don-isewman--Need a little help
  152. two table runners
  153. JenniePenny's Generous Gift!
  154. my first quilt
  155. A Lion's Tale...the tale of his mane
  156. My first picture
  157. Humble homeade sewing tables
  158. My latest quilting project.
  159. String quilt finished
  160. Finally quilted my daughter,s bed quilt which I pieced before Christmas
  161. I picked out Orca Bay Mystery; Re-do!
  162. Wanted to share pics of my thrift store haul
  163. My friends....pls welcome my new baby "Jordan"
  164. Drunken gaggle of flying geese
  165. How would you quilt this..??
  166. Lollipop clutch with kanzashi flower embellishment
  167. Two I Spy quilts from the swapped fabrics
  168. Red-white and black scrap
  169. I am happy, happy, happy
  170. FINALLY finished
  171. 10-min Block Cathedral Window Quilted
  172. I didn't MEAN to make an UGLY quilt........
  173. Streak of Sunshine Comfort Quilt
  174. My new wip, how would you quilt this??
  175. Bengal Scraps
  176. My New Project Fabric~~~Edyta Sitar
  177. D9P Wedding Quilt Finished!
  178. Kate's Quilt and Cushion
  179. New Quilt for my son!
  180. Quilt Inspired by Unknown Board Member
  181. emergency quilt
  182. give me coffee
  183. labyrinth walk
  184. Gift quilts for 2013
  185. Block of the Month Quilt
  186. Sneak peak at quilt on frame
  187. Reproduction Applique Quilt
  188. Vintage Quilt Tops & Squares Help Date ??
  189. Another quilt finished for another son
  190. Jungle Babies
  191. WIP fun dolly dress quilt
  192. I can not decide
  193. Wonky Log Cabin
  194. Luck O' The Irish
  195. My first Midi Bag
  196. Feelin' Froggy
  197. Grandaughters quilt
  198. donation lap quilt
  199. A few scrappy quilts
  200. Soft Baby Yellow Brick Road for Becca
  201. Wall Hanging-Ricky Tims One-seam flying geese
  202. My last Quilt from Missouri Star Tutorials
  203. I spy/matching quilt
  204. Air Force Quilt
  205. New Pockets A Plenty totes done
  206. Diamond batiks
  207. FINISHED I see Flowers
  208. Trying a bit of regular machine stitching design
  209. OBW maybe??
  210. scrappy quilts
  211. Delaney's Big Girl Quilt
  212. Quilt made to honor my daughter's AF service
  213. Cathy's Turning Twenty quilt
  214. Second completed quilt!!
  215. The Fuzzy Duckling ~ Little Golden Books Quilt ~ FINISHED!!
  216. I love red and yellow makes me happy ;o)
  217. Hot off the machine
  218. combining styles
  219. My Latest Learning Project
  220. Every home should have a cat
  221. Need Color HELP on a Table Runner!!
  222. Potholders for craft show
  223. Outside the box done
  224. Mexican Stars Wall Hanging
  225. A Western quilt
  226. Green and Black Quilt
  227. How should I quilt this?? Opinions please!!
  228. Christmas present!
  229. Woo Hoo!
  230. Americana quilt
  231. I Spy
  232. Frog Quilt
  233. New DNP in Progress
  234. Backing
  235. My latest projects
  236. A baby doll quilt for Sayra
  237. My Daughters Very first Quilt !
  238. Study in Blue. Flowers.
  239. My very first quilt top
  240. eBay quilt
  241. Embroidered baby quilt
  242. Start of sock monkey
  243. Northern Lights Modern Quilt
  244. Tetris quilt for my son
  245. Bargello and Sampler Blocks Quilt
  246. Pink & Brown Charisma
  247. "Anne's looking back at Turning 20" for my SIL - done & ready to mail
  248. Wedding Quilt for Daughter/new Son
  249. Several UFOs completed YAY!
  250. Decisions decisions need design help