View Full Version : General Chit-Chat (non-quilting talk)

  1. Snow
  2. Does Your Husband Help With Chores?
  3. Making and selling American Girl clothes?
  4. I feel sorry for.........
  5. look what santa brought me (Funny)
  6. what my son gave me for Christmas
  7. Homemade implants....hilarious!!!!!!!!!
  8. can't see pictures
  9. Our Christmas babies
  10. Do You Read New Movie Reviews?
  11. i pod carrier
  12. A Relationship on the Mend - Merry Christmas to Me!
  13. Got Snow?
  14. No Quilts for Christmas
  15. raining in Qld in Austrailia
  16. Animal lovers and quilts.........
  17. How to add smiley faces to replys
  18. BIG dog....little kitten!
  19. Harrison Ford wants to kill off
  20. need help with HP battery
  21. Wishes for safe travelling
  22. classical made funny
  23. Aren't these cute?
  24. Just to chat about holidays.
  25. Christmas PJs
  26. Here she is!!
  27. Awesome!!!
  28. HELP!!
  29. Posted Pictures of Squirrel in Dresses
  30. Your biography on the QB
  31. I need a steam mop, any suggestions?
  32. I know this can't be any of us......
  33. Extended Family Christmas Gathering Today
  34. Finally there is proof.................
  35. Boy jailed for having a permanent marker!
  36. Photobucket question
  37. This is the first Christmas snow I remember!
  38. We got snow!
  39. do you miss film as apposed to digital camera?
  40. Snow for Christmas
  41. Rough night made easier :)
  42. Merry Christmas
  43. Gettin old
  44. Have any good family laughs for Christmas?
  45. Beautiful White Christmas!!!
  46. Merry Christmas!!!!
  47. Want to say Merry Christmas
  48. Merry Christmas from my "babies"
  49. Snow in Chattanooga Tn
  50. Quilt inspecting kitty
  51. We have not had any snow on Christmas for a 100 years!
  52. Storm in Utica ?
  53. Xmas is over--are you exchanging anything?
  54. Merry Christmas and Thanks
  55. DD's Not so Merry Christmas
  56. Hey!!!
  57. Would you remarry?....funny!!
  58. still snowing
  59. The older I get.....
  60. OK, spill - What gifts did you receive for Christmas?
  61. Merry Christmas everyone
  62. Let the Games Begin...
  63. Merry Christmas
  64. Angels
  65. Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!
  66. My great Grandson
  67. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
  68. Merry Christmas!!
  69. Happy Holidays from Connecticut
  70. What a wonderful day!
  71. Feliz Navidad
  72. No Longer Dreaming of a White Christmas!
  73. My gift from a friend
  74. Flashlight for Christmas
  75. Merry Christmas!
  76. Not a quilt
  78. OT - We Got an Alabama White Christmas
  79. Merry CHRISTmas everyone
  80. They wouldn't go home!
  82. Still working on gifts. Anyone else up working on theirs too??
  83. Merry Christmas to Admin & Moderators!
  84. Merry Christmas Everyone! Have a great day!
  85. Joyeux Noël
  86. Merry Merry Christmas Everyone!!
  87. Santa hat purses
  88. Thank You!!
  89. Anyone Tracking Santa?
  90. Merry Christmas All
  91. Izabella Christmas Eve
  92. how to get you kids to go to bed tonight
  93. Hope no one is alone tonight?
  94. My Christmas wish
  95. Christmas
  96. To All My Friends
  97. Magic Corn
  98. Pressure Washer vs Sewing Machine
  100. Is Virginia an official state or a common wealth
  101. Christmas wrapping
  102. Seasons Greetings
  103. The cat and the fly....funny!
  104. A Early Christmas Gift
  105. Happy Christmas one and all
  106. mery christmas maxine
  107. To All my QB friends
  108. Merry Christmas from North Louisiana
  109. 40 years of marriage.....funny!!
  110. does anyone know ???
  111. Merry Christmas!
  112. Merry Christmas!
  113. Merry Christmas to all
  114. What do you know about Shaklee?
  115. THANK YOU "MYGIRL66"for the Christmas card
  116. Wishes for a Very Merry Christmas!
  117. not such a good morning
  118. Any Piano Players in the Membership
  119. what a morning! Geesh....
  120. Merry Christmas!
  121. Christmas Eve Greetings
  122. It's here!
  123. Merry Quilting Christmas
  124. The Best Blonde Joke
  125. Our Gingerbread House
  126. Happy Christmas
  127. Happy Holidays to all
  128. I feel so blessed being a part of this Quilting Board.
  129. Merry Christmas
  130. Are You Expecting a White Christmas ?
  131. flu has struck
  132. Need info about
  133. Christmas is early.....the anxiety begins!
  134. 'Twas the Night before Christmas..
  135. A fantastic site to see your first car
  136. Holidays
  137. Your prayers
  138. Picture Perfect Snowfall
  139. My Christmas Eve Day
  142. My Christmas Wish For All of You :-)
  143. what's your fondest memory of Chrismas when you were a child
  144. Merry Christmas
  145. Seasons greetings
  146. Merry Christmas and a Healthy New Year for 2011
  147. Socks....what to do with them
  148. I love a bargain but this is ridiculous! For anyone with a hearing aid.
  149. Merry Christmas
  150. 9:30 pm and I'm off to Walmart
  151. Merry Christmas!
  152. Giggle with the Goats!
  153. Look what I got for Christmas
  154. This years gift from hubby.. a cold!
  155. A bird in the hand.....literally
  156. Too pooped to party
  157. To Everyone Here
  158. Rice Bags
  159. To All On This Board
  160. Help! I need ideas to.....
  161. Do you dance and are 84?
  162. An old photo of me
  163. Futura CE200/HyperFont question
  164. Santa's contract change....funny!
  165. Politically Correct Songs
  166. A Christmas wish
  167. my newest grandson
  168. Smiles Arrived in My Mailbox!
  170. Forrest Gump goes to Heaven
  171. Why Did I Hide Those Cashews??
  172. anybody else out there who runs and quilts??
  173. I'm so happy!
  174. Merry Christmas Everyone
  175. Naughty Parrot - Funny
  176. This is a hilarious little game
  177. Recovering chairs :)
  178. Thank you
  179. Do you update your avatar?
  180. Checking In
  181. The Sewing Machine (song)
  182. We are opening our home to soliders for Christmas!!
  183. Could YOU live here by yourself?
  184. thanks
  185. New meds -- feel great!
  186. A Christmas Poem
  187. My Great Find on Craigslist - NOT................
  188. If your name is Carol and you live in OHIO....
  189. Money donations
  190. hole in the wall
  191. my son isn't too happy with me
  192. Merry Christmas
  193. Christmas is almost here
  194. Vicks Vapor Rub - not a joke.
  195. Christmas gift I got
  196. New Topic : OH NO!
  197. Lost a DAY -YIKES!!
  198. why can't I chat???
  199. Goldfish saga-Please help!
  200. Don't!......funny!!
  201. wanted..........cookie shooter gun
  202. Merry Christmas Friends
  203. A good Reminder of Christmas Charity
  204. Count your blessings
  205. The mooching person who wants to quilt
  206. Should I be santa
  207. Texting Codes
  208. Merry Christmas!
  209. I'm kinda down this morning....
  210. Double reward points at my favorite LQS
  211. Is it offensive?
  212. A Merry Christmas Greeting...
  213. I just want to say...
  214. Thankful
  215. She is here
  216. Merry Christmas from my little furbaby
  217. Bread basket liner
  218. Surprise visitors
  219. Aussie DIU TV Show==Warning, this is STRONG
  221. Baking instead of quilting
  222. Question: How to make an 'easy' denim rug
  224. Funny and a little gross!
  225. Men
  226. My Christmas present is almost here!
  227. Texting for seniors
  228. regular again
  229. So, how's everybody doing?.....
  230. Merry Christmas
  231. The Cat ate it....
  232. Thumbs Up or Down?
  233. My daughter did this for me
  234. Cornish Rex Cat
  235. my pic of the red moon
  236. Today's Birthdays: annt59 beewild cb2 Chef_Beth cindygale dkaz frenchrose jackkip LJSews4Fun meesh57 quiltnutt sandysoup TNquilter
  237. curly Santa beard
  238. Rug that needs repair - Do you know how?
  239. Happy Anniversary!!!
  240. Pics of lunar eclipse
  241. Today ought to be...
  242. You collec t Turtles
  243. Merry Christmas
  244. Heads Up on your paypal account
  245. Ever wonder -What's the average age of QB members?
  246. sent the wrong package
  247. I must be crazy
  248. Senior Texting
  249. High Blood pressure
  250. Bells Angels and Reindeer!!