View Full Version : General Chit-Chat (non-quilting talk)

  1. A wise old Doctor once said.......
  2. A fine example of motherhood.
  3. Dances With The Stars
  4. Spanish Teacher talking about computers----cute!
  5. WalMart sales down & why
  6. IF my body were a car
  7. missing link (funny)
  9. today is Sept 22 the 1st day of fall...............where???
  10. Contest Ends Today, Please help by Voting!!
  11. Sept 22 Aphorisis Eruditely Expressed
  12. I love to machine embroider!
  13. quilters exercise routine
  14. Looking for warmer weather.
  15. Homesick?
  16. Today's Birthdays: bettypodschun bluesnowdoe carolevidak ConnieSue Cornish Maid Deb watkins JacquelineVH janquilts'ncrochets QuiltforPD quiltingbee12 roselady suezburd WackyPup
  17. Finally getting some rain in Indiana, USA how is your weather?
  18. I dont get notification of replys to my topics anymore!?
  19. What children should know before entering Kindergarten?
  20. Babies and a new dress
  21. Men and the things they say!
  22. I'M BACK!! and well(almost)
  23. Quick Help!
  24. PayPal
  25. Important Women's Health Issue -could be used for men, too.
  26. Credit Card Rip-off
  27. I Obviously Have Nothing To Do Today
  28. Whodda Thunk?
  29. I am going through withdrawls here !!
  30. Can't Believe What Happened @ Wally World!!!!!!
  31. Secret Squishy I received a Surprise Box today in the mail, from a Secret Fabric Angel, thank you
  32. Anyone for Coffee?
  33. This Explains Why I Forward Email
  34. Five Lessons - - -
  35. Sept 21's Aphorisis Eruditely Expressed
  36. Good Morning everyone
  37. Old TV Shows
  38. Speaking of Dogs
  39. Trouble with Hotmail email
  40. grandparents rights
  41. Today's Birthdays: agran Barb Stack Beachbaby12 Beth-Anne Bousquet GramyH Jannie LindaH msdb159 niizh patleiby salemmm Vintage Susie yorkiemom
  42. New basset puppy
  43. New little "quilter" on the way :-)
  44. what I've been doing the last two days
  45. Female Problems ...Tuesdays funny
  46. A Funny for the day
  47. Please bookmark and vote daily!
  48. Thought they only did that in the cartoons! :-)
  49. Oh no. My freezer smells funny and it looks like smoke is in it
  50. 6-Year Old Point of View
  51. Infomercials drive me crazy
  52. Twitter Shame??? What in the world??
  53. Georgia Rae
  54. Whee! I can't wait til tomorrow!
  55. I guess he's here to stay (after a little straightening up)
  56. Doc Ole takes the day off
  57. Aphorisis Eruditely Expressed - Monday's saying
  58. Who is your favorite Elm Creek character?
  59. Daddy, How was I born? (joke)
  60. My EMAIL has been hacked!
  61. Delete a post
  62. The Twins are born!
  63. DD PASSED!!!
  64. Grandbabies
  65. Need help from anyone who's OUTSIDE the US
  66. Coin Book
  67. this is me!
  68. Today's Birthdays: afmomto2 carolquilts chance Jean in Ohio Jim's Gem Joan Rosemary mackodamia maggie2122 Pakrat peggyauberry quiltingmama20 SuzyM towens71 velinda
  70. I met a sister quilter...
  71. Momma Bear fishing
  72. Keeping in touch
  73. Bamboo Fabric
  74. I may become a snowbird
  75. Psalms 23 ......... Kitty version
  76. Women's Restrooms...Mondays funny
  77. New laptop
  78. Point and Shoot Cameras
  79. my dog has a chewing problem
  80. Humming Bird Cake
  81. Remember Buddy? Here are some pix.
  82. clutterbug
  83. Anyone suffering with RA?
  84. A question for our English - a BBC Show
  85. My Iron
  86. C pap users
  87. Finally potty trained my kittie. Laugh for the day.
  88. My new Avatar
  89. Thank You
  90. Today's Birthdays: bjinar CAKELSEY chappyquilter City Mouse CruisingStef Edie hazel smith Homespun Jbukoveck Judy in Waco Kbar1 Laura1557 maggiek Promise
  91. Confused about
  92. One more time Thank you all!!
  94. If something happened to you, who would let the QB know?
  95. Senior Citizen Send to all men...
  96. Senior Moments...
  97. Perfect Man...Perfect Woman...Sundays funny
  98. Emi had his first communion...and is not spring yet!
  99. Feeding the Eagles
  100. JOKE: 2010 Naked Fireman's Calendar
  101. Big thank you to mamabird3
  102. Grandkids can be dangerous to your health!
  103. Warning Tip for Dangerous Websites!!!!!!!!
  104. Do you like good movies
  105. Make Ahead Casserole
  106. I was suppose to be doing laundry - got in trouble from hubby ha ha
  107. 20 year Anniversary today for hubby double Transplant (Kidney and Pancreas)
  108. Would Some Have a Chat With My Cat - Please!!
  109. Have you heard about this?? What will they think of next?
  110. soft boot walking
  111. I need a little help
  112. So Overwhelmed!!
  113. Do dreams ever really come true?
  114. cat alarms
  115. Today's Birthdays: EAS fabric9patcher goaf1968 jodimae Joeysnana katybair lilfeather LindaG mamamjs Mary Hen mytwopals Saphire sondra123 SuzGuz Valrw
  116. I made it!
  117. Finally going South!
  118. Does your blood pressure go up when....
  119. I love the new create new topic button!!!!!
  120. City Wide Yard Sale tomorrow
  121. Yippee!!
  122. No more back pain!
  123. Why Women Are So Bright ...Saturday's funny
  124. Computer Virus Question....Help
  125. Bar Harbor Maine people
  126. On West 86th Street, NY
  127. nonpartisan political humor
  128. My son turned 3 today!!!
  129. Guess What??? I'm now a published author!
  130. I've missed you!!!!
  131. a couple of funny six chix cartoons
  132. A question to all Floridians !!!
  133. You must read really happened to me.
  134. Should have kept my mouth shut...
  135. Crab cake...look at this!!
  136. you won't believe this!!
  137. Why Women are Crabby / Fridays funny
  138. Do you have trouble with light when you drive?
  139. Do you have a service dog?
  140. The Husband Store
  141. Coke & Laundry
  142. Yay! We finally got our wedding pics back!
  143. Creating a Blog
  144. My granddaughter is here!
  145. never thought my son would learn to
  146. flashing advertisements
  147. Tears won't stop
  148. Looking for Cross Stitch Pattern
  149. Master chef
  150. Need advice on combining two feather pillows
  151. College Money
  152. Using The Board Questions...
  153. Housework Tips & Tricks (Post yours for us to enjoy)
  154. Local shopping pop up on the board.
  155. Thank all of you!
  156. Problem with green words !
  157. Pics of my fur babies
  158. Happy Thursday Everyone!
  159. Today's Birthdays: Abuelita AmyM charlaraye CraftyGirlCreations Edogirl helen820 Janis Jody 38 mrsk PatCreate pogo2go quilting grammy Suwannee Terry tackybuttons wevans415
  160. I ttook my ambien and it feeels good
  161. Sick Leave - a funny
  162. Warning! Warning! Please Read!
  163. Look!! I have armpits!!
  164. Great Husband
  165. Going Vegetarian
  166. Funny signs and pictures
  167. Address
  168. Sometimes......funny
  169. I have pre-paid burial...
  171. Do any of you use cymbalta for pain management?
  172. Here is my new project!
  173. Cute Story!
  174. Funny
  175. Non-quilting project: A Kindle cover!
  176. Celtic thunder
  177. Awesome site and music
  178. Survivor starts TONIGHT
  179. ADMIN
  180. Quilting Board - How many words game
  181. Daughter in law is in labor!
  182. for Kitteh Luvers
  183. looking for a garment pattern!
  184. I want to sell some items here*how to become a regular
  185. wireless phone charges
  186. Never too late in the day for a good laugh!
  187. It's all your fault................
  188. Looking your age
  189. Very Punny! ;-)
  190. Migraine meds
  191. Men in stockings
  192. Today's Birthdays: beezee54 Betty1 Dmart leakus Material Chic minniepia MissQuilter mrs theo rosequilts swp.ruth tlmassey
  193. What Women Want ....funny
  194. I met up with...
  195. Another: has anyone heard from Ms.Shawn
  196. What is your favorite season?
  197. Question about the board
  198. Has anyone noticed the change in the dates?
  199. never thought it would be so hard to give something away
  200. just what we all need as we get older
  201. For messages to Darlene Loves Chocolate
  202. Quilting Withdrawl
  203. I am so excited because.........
  204. soft cast
  205. Grandparents --ENJOY!
  206. Shopping
  207. Today's Birthdays: astitch aussiegirl BarbC dirty1mom goodluna hcarpanini kat13 lorraine43 NanaJudy Pamlee53 scrappylouisa sewgirls sewnmom Skeat sttchr tebill tonnadesigns wsquilting
  208. Why I love my son...
  210. Doin the Happy Dance....
  211. Habor Freight - I hit the Jackpot
  212. Recent Topics category questions
  213. it worked
  214. re: batik quilt kits from mlaceruby
  215. top and bottom ads
  216. Theft Problem - IMPORTANT MESSAGE: (funny?)
  217. Sights You May Not See Twice In A Lifetime
  218. Doggy having Seizures...
  219. Dyed hair
  220. Post office vs FedX/UPS
  221. Help with Watch??
  222. Breakfast Enchilada's..
  223. Pirates of the Carribean
  224. Do you grow garlic?
  225. Thank You - Exchange Student
  226. Back Pain/Fibermyalgia sufferers try this
  227. Why men shouldn't be advice columnists...funny
  228. ISO Quilters items
  229. Rules of the clothesline...
  230. Darlene Loves Chocolates, is there any news?
  231. JOKE: A Beautiful Message About Growing Old
  232. Have you cleaned your computer/keyboard lately???
  233. How About Them Texas Rangers.......
  234. Expensive organizing... not enough bang for the buck!
  235. Rumbles of Virus on this board- my story
  236. Keeping flies away
  237. International Symbol for Marriage
  238. What are you doing today?
  239. Today's Birthdays: alica1367 BeagleMom billiejholly clherms ersen Georgia Peach jdavis Julianna karenchi knotty quilter Tadpole tayterbug vjengels
  240. Bed Bugs EEEEK!
  241. Granddaughter's Wedding Last Saturday
  242. PINK FREAKS: Is this going to far?
  243. Diary of a house husband......funny
  244. Pretty Woman
  245. I need suggestions
  246. The Lord blessed me today!
  247. Women of Faith
  248. Maride & Dotty Hang Out
  249. Chating with a fellow quilter about Twilight.........
  250. Charlotte, NC