View Full Version : General Chit-Chat (non-quilting talk)

  1. Punch Needle
  2. Check Out This Video of A Dog and Deer Playing
  3. Come for dessert
  4. I got jalapeņo juice in my eye!
  5. Do You Ever Get Fed Up
  6. Silly plurals...!
  7. do you watch your soccer team playing right now??
  8. Washing kitchen floor
  9. Today's Birthdays: arekooh Big Red Cat18 CindySue Clothfiend KR PIXIEONE
  10. Why do ppl dump their pets?
  11. Breakfast For Friday Morning...Especially for QuiltingGrannie
  12. My son became a Journeyman today!
  13. A good day...even with the dentist involved!
  14. How to Catch a Wild Cat?
  15. Has anyone bought from Bonanzle site before? Is it like Ebay???
  16. World's Bravest Mouse
  17. I Do Dog Tricks
  18. What I use to re-fill my hand sanitizer bottle
  19. strange pm ???????????
  20. In Limbo for a couple weeks
  21. Are you retired?
  22. What other hobbies do you have?
  23. Hair styling for little girls with curly hair?
  24. Sound Off!!
  25. I will get to meet "grma33" and her hubby today!
  26. my most exciting news!!!
  27. Today's Birthdays: AliKat Berta Dianne Cheli dkbeck FlipFlops GinBartPA ILove2quilt Jollystitcher1 ligia merrylouw tattoonana13
  28. North Platte, NE Anyone?
  29. Sleeping Problems
  30. Feel so bad for a co-worker
  31. Wonderful 2 hours of quilting at the park!
  32. Kids thought process???!!!!
  33. Motivational & Inspiration Quotes Enjoy!
  34. Are you a Scanner?
  35. Giant Bugs...HIDE!!!
  36. Father's Day
  37. copy a dress
  38. I had a visitor today
  39. Great therapy picture
  40. My sewing advisor
  41. Good Morning
  42. Today's Birthdays: lanieking laralea laynak MaterialPunk nevans-nona PamelaW PennyG PurpleBecca
  43. Will you be making your Christmas Gifts?
  44. Finally back to quilting
  45. Naked During the Earthquake
  46. A picture of Emi looking at apicture of Emi
  47. Favorite thing in my new studio!
  48. Cow
  49. Plumbers
  50. It's Here
  51. Baby Robin update
  52. One picture worth a 1000 words
  54. Bailey the Red-Nosed Reindeer (?)
  55. Bad Weather, Storms, Lightning ,Hail & Tornados Who is getting them?
  56. Rain, Rain Go Away Come Back another Day
  57. I need a little information from a couple of people living in Texas
  58. How do you convert VHS tapes to DVD's?
  59. Too Much To Do; Too Little Time
  60. A giggle for you...
  61. How do you make sweet iced tea?
  62. White coat syndrome....
  63. Today's Birthdays: elainer Jan C judy-fla Lizzydripping Nancy NCfleur RoseB
  64. Chat Room
  65. Book Readers (What books are you reading) Let's Chit Chat
  66. Do you have short, long or fake finger nails?
  67. You know you need to use your readers when....
  68. Coffee and donuts for Tues 6 15 2010
  69. Belkin Router Help Please!
  70. I'm Done With This Quilt Nonsense
  71. Massachusetts Has Everything
  72. New Job
  73. another good read!
  74. craigslit ads
  75. I hate mondays!!!!!!!!!!
  76. Why does meatloaf get a bum rap?
  77. Emi
  78. Finding
  79. Thank you Martina
  80. Flag Day
  81. Ever think of a question you need to asker here..
  82. going home...
  83. Today's Birthdays: lbaade Lindadee marymild pzquilter rubia suzeq
  84. Wedding was beautiful.
  85. Single ladies
  86. I'm computer challenged
  87. Monica Ferris
  88. My Army Daughter
  89. Home from vacation
  90. My crazy weekend
  91. Here but not..
  92. Watch these cute Videos (Animal Videos) Enjoy!
  93. family tree, LOL.....
  94. Interesting coincidence - re: moving treats cat
  95. Today's Birthdays: grannylou Izy jljack kimmers memephyl micki Missi mms61371 Rexene sewmuchmore swablin
  96. What would we do without our family?
  98. Secret to a long marriage!
  99. another dog?
  100. Any hints to help with a little bit of empty nest sadness?
  101. Flowers to Puerto Rico?
  102. Signature pic missing?
  103. Watermelon dress model
  104. MY haul today!
  105. Turkeys
  107. Attention crocheters
  108. DH
  109. trailer trip
  110. FAO dsb
  111. metal roofs vs shingles vs "handyman" vs contractor
  112. Who is in the Miami area...
  113. My Sister Is So Adorable
  114. How my DH and I Saved a Kitty and found a friend.....
  115. Terry Pratchett - English writing satirist
  116. LOL, Getting A New Present today
  117. Bowling Green Ky. and surrounding area.
  118. I need suggestions! Please?
  119. has anyone read
  120. Do you ever feel depressed???
  121. Sisters......
  122. Today's Birthdays: Carol Paoff CeciliaA ConnieF geckogirl Kaye-Kaye nanjam62 odysseyquilter QuiltinCuzn
  123. I met Sewaddicted
  124. Pop-Up Ads
  125. Texas vacation
  127. If I have an ear infection in each ear, do I have two ear infections?
  128. Look what I bought today at an Estate Sale......
  129. Cute Story
  130. Show Us Flower Pictures & Flower Beds! Enjoy!
  131. Inventions/Creations We Never Needed
  132. Understanding My Cats
  133. Do you have any kitchen tips? (cooking, cleaning,storage) Enjoy!
  134. Snack ideas for a dinosaur themed party?
  135. Oven Shopping...My oh my, how ovens have changed! SPEED Ovens!!!
  136. flash flood in Arkansas
  137. Two little boys -- joke
  138. Inspiration
  139. Hummingbirds.......are they visiting this year?
  140. Wired ribbon
  141. Breakfast for all
  142. Ugh.....why this morning?
  143. Is there any way to make a contact list?
  144. More Babies
  145. What can be done for a swollen/broken foot?
  146. Pictures of My Vacation
  147. Moving has started!
  148. Necessities
  149. BABIES!!
  150. Help with a tea party
  151. Wasp Spray!!! A timely hint...
  152. What's for supper?
  153. Sharing from Chigger Holler
  154. Camping & Canoeing = Exciting Weekend
  155. not a thing to do with quilting
  156. Printing
  157. Selvage requests
  158. Looking for an online pattern for a duster hat like on "Little house on the Prarie"
  159. My world
  160. Show Us Your Landscape Photos, Please :-)
  161. Oh the beauty of the country life -pics
  162. Looks like I'm the only one that takes the summer off
  163. Finally Graduating College!
  164. Talked to dd last night....
  165. Breakfast Is Ready!
  166. Today's Birthdays: andifar june6995 Lacelady magpiefeather mbrafford Quilter7x *QuilterWannabee* RatherBQuilting
  167. World's smallest horse
  168. Hawks Win!
  169. Road trip planned
  170. Autism
  171. Need a laugh?
  172. Question about PayPal
  173. Oh my what a day!
  174. anyone else who feels like i do, it just gets to much with life sometimes that you have no energy for crafting
  175. trailer trip
  176. So Excited!! I got a Kindle DX!!!!
  177. Thi is cute ;)
  178. Autism
  179. An indoor swing for my Autistic DGS
  180. Cleaning & Stain Removal Tips (Enjoy!)
  181. LovingIzabella - Izabella Surgery Update
  182. Meeting Fellow Board Members Would you be interested!
  183. A Funny Story...........Who's getting old??
  184. Meeting a fellow board member
  185. Stains on antique dresses
  186. How to stop the itch of chigger bites?
  187. Any great tips for removing nicotine stains?
  188. Fabric or tats?....where would you spend money?
  189. cats!!!! hrumph
  190. Van Nuys, CA need place to stay
  191. Coffes ready
  192. Today's Birthdays: amocha1 Catlady fktsewing harrishs punkinsmom
  193. Cleaning Advice
  194. Is there a way to obtain someone's address without contacting that person?
  195. Downloading from You Tube.
  196. Flu
  197. We have a new baby...
  198. december 21, 2010
  199. What is a Community Benefactor?
  200. Fur Baby Rescue Ideas
  201. If Won Big!!!!!!!
  202. Did you know its Oct 09? LOL
  203. When People Ask For Hand Outs and Donations
  204. Im Having A BAD morning, Need A Hug!!!!!!!!!!!
  205. You Guys Try To Behave Today :-)
  206. It is time...
  207. My new addition
  208. Today's Birthdays: breannabelle Elsie Gayle Lillie marla roserips Stephanie7 stonington
  209. Wish me luck!!
  210. Battle of the Church Signs-Funny
  211. O Beautiful!
  212. Avatars
  213. Ever heard the second verse of our National Anthem?
  214. What is your favorite candy?
  215. Remember Motts?
  216. Size of your family, parents still living?
  217. What's in a name
  218. My little piece of the world
  219. Girls Night Out!
  220. Thinking Of Opening a Donut & Coffee Shop
  221. Childhood memories??
  222. Killer Whale dies at Sea World giving birth
  223. anyone believe in premonitions
  224. We're home!! & pics!
  225. Is there a Gremlin on this board or am I just crazy?
  226. Best lotion, potion, creme for scarring?
  227. Joke Of The Day !
  228. teenager + camping + husband= DUCK!
  229. Cancer Update from Johns Hopkins
  230. Moderators
  231. Thunderstorm Pictures
  232. How can I update....
  233. My own little cabin.....
  234. WEAR Your seat belt - gotta watch this
  235. Good Morning! Here Ya Go.....
  236. Has anyone else visited "Alcatraz"?
  237. Today's Birthdays: canmitch1971 Darlene dr mimi NiceNCLady primitivequilter sapdoggie sas10 sxboyer zyxquilts
  238. Ever wonder how many spams you get.
  239. How does everyone keep up
  240. A Crochet Baby Set
  241. Company Is Gone But More Coming....Food Ideas?????
  242. Pet's 10 Commandments
  243. best way to ship books?
  244. Pigeon forge tn
  245. Orange peelings kills Ants!!!
  246. iPods
  247. You know how somebody is always asking for Pet Peeves
  248. No Place Like Home Waddle
  249. Peaches
  250. Last nights weather