View Full Version : General Chit-Chat (non-quilting talk)

  1. My Bailey
  2. Nine types of intelligence
  3. Unusual Events in History
  4. Got the AC fixed
  5. Today is my 25th Anniversary!
  6. Are you getting a 'Banner Ad' on the Recent Topics page?
  7. Migrain
  8. Thanks-this simple request would mean so much
  9. I Need Help With Word Program
  10. Shipping Cost... Vent
  11. rain rain go away...
  12. Pictures of the Day
  13. Any Computer Virus Experts on Here!!??
  14. An Today's Birthdays: Bernadine betty coe doowopddbop harley kate2 mhunt1717 Stitcher Jen
  15. Teachers flower baskets and link for poems
  16. Not sure if you can help...renters advice
  17. Look What I Ordered Today...............
  18. thank you
  19. Gulf Oil Spill and Seafood
  20. The Grandma test...funny
  21. Our Tenant - Mrs. Robin
  22. The dreaded swimsuit shopping
  23. Is there another Lovetoquilt name out there
  24. New washing machine
  25. Top 10 Reasons Farm Trucks Are Never Stolen
  26. It's my 30th Annevesary today!!!
  27. Painting / art / color question
  28. autistic weighted vests
  29. Nectar Recipe for hummers
  30. I'm going, going, gone!
  31. Today's Birthdays: cindyf DarkGreenEyes drsquilter Kendrid ntaylor PattyH sandyl
  32. Hot Hot Hot
  33. muffin had her puppy
  34. Can you name it?
  35. name the puppy.....poll closes Monday
  36. Do you have hummingbirds and a feeder in your yard?
  37. First chick hatched!
  38. I'm bored...
  39. Aspartame * *Good or Bad?
  40. Finished planting the flower gardens...
  41. Venting---Need to kill my hubby
  42. Today's Birthday is
  43. Diabetics--What do you cook?
  44. Canadian who shop on-line
  45. computer question about power point to open files
  46. I Never Drink Diet Sodas
  47. Did Anyone Go Garage Saling This Weekend?
  48. Breakfast is Ready!!! Come & Get It!!
  49. Bonnie did go to the Netherlands in 2006
  50. Up at 3:45 and I blame menopause
  51. Any Lost fans here?
  52. Blended Frogs
  53. trailer trip
  54. YEAH!!! I DID get My Treadle!
  55. These are soooo coooool!!!
  56. Lookie! I Found a Video Of Marshall Dry Goods!
  57. Cooking disaster
  58. Need Pattern or Picture of an elegant Victorian Christmas Shoe/Boot
  59. pie patterns
  60. mt. carmel gracious offer
  61. HELP! Need your input!
  62. Today's Birthdays: colleen53 etcbymd jaciqltznok JudyG Kindergartenquilter ksroberts liblueeyes mamahippychicky mims missjudy newbee NURSEYBOY sasseyib stpatday
  63. 14! HAPPY BIRTHDAYS on Sat, May 22, 2010 to:
  64. Pet Peeves
  65. Finally able to re-finance!
  66. Got An "Awesome" Present last Night!
  67. Microsoft Word question...
  68. Nature of Posts
  69. To all of you that sent me box tops and labels.....
  70. Tub Mat on the Wall
  71. Women over 40 :)
  72. Note to group
  73. Rating quilts
  74. LOve and Hate Apple
  75. Missed you all!
  76. kittens in the wood pile
  77. It's our FIFTIETH Wedding Anniversary Today
  78. Favorite "OLD SAYINGS"
  79. HAPPY Friday, May 21, 2010 BIRTHDAY to:
  80. Something Stupid
  81. Does this couch make my butt look big?
  82. Hail Storm
  83. Do this today
  84. 2 whole weeks away!!!!
  85. I Finally Got a Picture of a Bear!!!!
  86. I met two of my neighbors today
  87. Where have my emoticons gone?
  88. Put your stuff in storage.......(video)
  89. animations
  90. What cracks you up?
  91. "Mom, I know you're kinda worried about this..."
  92. HAPPY May 20, 2010 Birthday to:
  93. Memorial Day
  94. Good Morning! What would you like for breakfast?
  95. Getting to know you (tell us about your state,country,recipe)
  96. Reduction of time
  97. Diverticulitis...What Not To Eat?
  98. cub scouts and leaders
  99. Thunder Update
  100. Some things you just have to laugh at....afterward you calm down.
  101. is it me?
  102. Cleaning old pyrex
  103. Which One Do You Prefer?
  104. Female bladder surgery
  105. Has anyone tried Amberen???
  106. Retirement Reception
  107. still me,,,
  108. My front yard
  109. doing something wrong
  110. Need 40th birthday gift ideas
  111. ugghh.....sick!
  112. a new pic of me,,, lol
  113. Happy Birthday Sewred
  114. Cruise Info needed
  115. coastienest CradledbyJesus faithsmamaw GrandmaLola granny216 jazzy519 MarthaVA sewred
  116. Anyone on a military base?
  117. This is the church where my son and his girl will be married
  118. Help with turkey, no not DH a cooking turkey
  119. Kaylee's First Concert
  120. Paper is getting narrower and narrower
  121. Have you ever lost your cell phone in your house?????
  122. Just In Case Your Bored
  123. HELP!!!! Colonoscopy
  124. My sister is in the county fair (pic )
  125. If you have a bird that continues to fly into your window.....
  126. I'll be gone!!!
  127. Eddie Lives Close To Marshall Dry Goods
  128. Do You Have United HealthCare Insurance?
  129. HAPPY Tuesday, May 18, 2010 BIRTHDAY to:
  130. How to Clean The gloves required!
  131. Box full of magic
  132. Cleaning the frig!
  133. doggy no no
  134. grass
  135. Pics of the volcano
  136. HELP! childrens story teller Native American? who was he?
  137. OMG...We've Got a New Terrorist!
  138. AZCRAZYQUILTER cafegold2 Candace Dee Honey margaret light mimita Slyghfox
  139. Any Bird Watchers Here?
  140. How did you spend your weekend?
  141. Have you tried Mr Clean Bathroom Erasers?
  142. Little joke...
  143. HAPPY Monday, May 17, 2010 BIRTHDAY to:
  144. I hate flies!
  145. Monday Morning Blahs
  146. Computer Question-please
  147. If I could do it over again I'd----
  148. I love Wordle!
  149. little boy /girl summer outfits
  150. WOOHOO!! Concerts!
  151. I saw Lance Armstrong today.
  152. Do you watch the tv show "Survivor"?
  153. Just what is a sewer?
  154. all time movie favorite?
  155. Movie prices
  156. New Nails
  157. It's graduation weekend!
  158. Do you have plans for Memorial Day Weekend?
  159. Casinos?
  160. Happy Birthday!! Sunday May16,2010
  161. Three days off
  162. Good Morning!!!!!!! Guess What?????
  163. Camoflage PROM dress
  164. Latest photo of Raiden Hope and Bella Faith
  165. Know Anything About Carnitine?
  166. Clothes for the starving
  167. Quilters! cute sayings please read!
  168. HAPPY Saturday, May 15th, 2010 BIRTHDAY to:
  169. Scenes of Oregon
  170. Gotta love the post office...
  171. I might as well put in a doggie door!
  172. Little Bit and her turtle
  173. This Just Ain't Right!
  174. Dog Hair
  175. My Week At The Gym
  176. Emi made it to first base
  177. I got a job!!!
  178. National Flags Brain Game - The Quilt Show
  179. Well I do have blond highlights
  180. Febreze?
  181. Finnegan the Squirrel
  182. Late Christmas gift FINALLY here!
  183. How to have good vision in a downpour, & no cruise control in rain
  184. Michael's
  185. Do you think this little robin lives by a quilter?
  186. Inexpensive Shopping
  187. Using caps
  188. Ad Banners Across Bottom of Pages
  189. We havr more Birthdays
  190. Would you buy a house from this guy??? (video)
  191. My little girl graduates
  192. Today was horseshoeing day
  193. The Bus Is Leaving Soon For Marshall Dry Goods
  194. What do you use to keep tennis shoes clean?
  195. Truths for Mature Humans
  196. Puppy help......what kind to get
  197. Mad Hatters Magic Tea Party
  198. This cat likes to play with water!
  199. Seeking Eternity Bath Powder - Why is price so high?
  200. Puppies and Batting
  201. Malachi is finally here!
  202. I hate to smell dd cooking eggs!
  203. WHOO HOO
  204. Todays Birth days Are
  205. Credit on electric bill ?
  206. American Idol
  207. This board is interferring with my quilting
  208. Awesome IS awesome!!
  209. Will and Guy's (no - i don't know who they are) Random Dog Thoughts
  210. Newest Grandbaby
  211. A jedi?
  212. I feel stupid
  213. Nick Name for Grandma?
  214. Deers & Irish Springs
  215. Silly Bandz
  216. Attention to those that emailed me
  217. hummingbird video
  218. quilt mag renewals, Scam
  219. While in texas,I found these..
  220. Stroll With Me....
  221. Website being spoofed? What to do?
  222. SAtin PIllowCases??
  223. Can anybody tell me WHEN kids start to act mature?
  224. Does your hubby cook?
  225. I'm a Bad Nana! lol
  226. Sooners Please Check In
  227. Mother's Day - 5 Generations
  228. copy machine storage
  229. Who'da Guessed?
  230. Bump question
  231. Tornados in Oklahoma and Kansas
  232. Dh is coming home!
  233. May 11, 2010 Tuesday Happy Birthday!!
  234. I Sure Hope You are Never Too Old.
  235. Which is Smarter? Dog or Cat?
  236. My Mothers Day Gift..
  237. stove cleaning
  238. Not getting emails
  239. Cut Short!!!!
  240. Grand and her fabric postcards I made for her
  241. Wanna see me bald?
  242. Growing Cantaloupe on a trellis
  243. German Polka Tapes
  244. Is anyone a public school teacher from Washington state?
  245. Curtis Ray (link to thread)
  246. Doesn't McD's have enough money, yet?
  247. A boy's outfit I made
  248. "To much Stuff" overload
  249. She's Home!
  250. Anyone else here tv -less?