View Full Version : General Chit-Chat (non-quilting talk)

  1. Red Marbles (Kinda long ~ but worth it)
  2. Smoking Update ~~~
  3. I M REALLY SAD............................MY CHINCHILLA DIED LAST NIGHT
  4. This one is kinda long but very interesting,I've never seen it before.
  5. Wanna see what happens when you plant strawberries???
  6. Finished Painted Tiles
  7. Banned from Target
  8. Rumor Update
  9. Oh this cat is driving me Nuts!!!!!
  10. my son does love his choo choo's!!!
  11. Happy Ending--Get your Kleenex
  12. My cats just crack me up!
  13. Grama's Apron
  14. For the animal lovers out there
  16. Foal Watch For Patches
  17. Pussy cats and such
  18. Hi y'all...I'm still here
  19. Don't fight with your man
  20. A second student vist!
  21. Photos from Borglum's Iris, aka Dad's
  22. The pet store
  23. Animal and Dog lovers will love this
  24. The Cat In the Hat -- On Aging
  25. My new Fur Babies
  26. BBQ Rules
  27. Join me for a Paella in Spain
  28. Congrats K3N!
  29. Those buds in the garden popped!
  30. A student and her parents came for a visit today!
  31. Happy Birthday Karla
  32. Happy Birthday Karla!
  33. ANTS!
  34. Engagement
  35. Car Show & Craft Fair
  36. botchat and newsletter bot
  37. 3 New Foster Kitties
  38. Oops or is it Patches
  39. Flirt is laying down
  40. overseas care package
  41. Susan Boyle Update
  42. Tiger vs Monkey
  43. News on Kennedy Joiner
  44. Someone asked about the dogs....
  45. Foals! Mazie got clipped!
  46. Poll for Flirt
  47. Flower pix!
  48. new office- OK it has potential
  49. Don't laugh too hard
  50. Twins are coming
  51. So...I'm thinking its...
  52. Our new horse!!!!
  53. My Cat Smoky
  54. Pics for you...two of our favourite subjects....
  55. T'is the season... for Convocations!
  56. How about some fun news?!?
  57. no comments needed - just sharing
  58. Summer is coming
  59. Out of work
  60. A funny from CassieMae
  61. Thought for the day
  62. Cute now - in four months, YUM!
  63. Good morning ladies
  64. Do you play games at pogo??
  65. My furbabies
  66. First roses of the season.
  67. can't type in chat!
  68. Winner at dog obedience training
  69. Spring flowers ....
  70. Bringing out the Stupid Stick again......
  71. Does anyone use AIM or MSN messangers?
  72. Diaper Bags
  73. God Bless our Troops
  74. Hug your kids...
  75. Turkey meets Windshield
  76. I am home from my trip to visit my brother in Canada
  77. My empty nest is Blue
  78. POLL FOR PATCHES (horse)
  79. Patches foal watch
  80. Anyone Know What These Flowers Are?
  81. Springtime in Roscoe
  82. Springtime in Roscoe
  83. Our animals
  84. My Weekend...
  85. Auction
  86. And then there were two. . .
  87. My New Grandson
  88. The Storm
  89. Can you cut phlox back after done flowering?
  90. my vegetable garden
  92. The garden is planted!!!
  93. one day.......
  94. Help Me With My Kitty
  95. Will soon have more time!!!!!!!
  96. About marrying the BF...(might be long and corny)
  97. I'm liking this alone time...
  98. Need zippers?
  99. Pic of Patches the Wide Load
  100. Hemming pants tip form I don't remember Thank YOU
  101. The weekend is here and I have photos already!! Flowers and foals.
  102. As Requested--Smoky's Kittens
  103. Barbie Cake
  104. DH's birthday trip to Vallée des Singes (Monkey Valley)
  105. Hubby's giving back to the community
  106. Is the Site Search function getting worse? UPDATE: new search function for the site
  107. Cruising to Alaska Sunday
  108. Anyone on Facebook?
  109. Away for the weekend.. again
  110. My whacko cat is gone
  111. The flaw of a Woman!
  112. Job
  113. My daughter just graduated from College
  114. graduation
  115. Lucky Dog
  116. Looking for picture
  117. Rewards gift cards
  118. Just a quick pic of Dale for the mare stare ladies
  119. Home repair store with husband diary (This is a true story and I have pictures) Part 1
  120. My lilies are blooming
  121. Proud Mom
  122. Clematis Are in Full Bloom
  123. Looking to adopt a dog
  124. I just need to"Whine" for a little bit and then.....
  125. Now where do you all park your ......
  126. Finally got to clean up the veggie plot and look what I found!
  127. Went fishing and
  128. A Message by George Carlin
  129. Prepare to have those heartstrings TWANGED.....
  130. Designer cloth baby diapers
  131. Roy had such a good time
  132. dressing up
  133. Wonderful knitted village
  134. Air Conditioning
  136. Frustration!
  137. I'm soooo glad....
  138. Getting a kitten
  139. VERY effective stress management
  140. Funny!!
  141. This is for all TEACHERS,Paraprofesionals and even Moms. This is GOOD
  142. FINALLY!! After 3 months of hard work..............
  143. Dr Appt update
  144. New Grandbaby
  145. Pics from DD's Sr Prom this weekend.
  146. How old is your brain?
  147. The latest from Britain's Got Talent - cute Cute CUTE!
  148. Sisters and cousins
  149. The Dress part 2!! Pics of my DD in the dress!
  150. !!Not going to be in chat for awhile!!
  151. Last foal pics for the week!!
  152. Feeling better today
  153. editing fun
  154. Under Great, Great Grandmother's Quilt
  155. birthday present
  156. Funny Furry Friends :) :)
  157. The Dress!!!
  158. For those who need a foal fix.
  159. What else I have been doing
  160. Update
  161. Baby kitties
  162. Poor Little Birdie
  163. My #1 Grandbaby, Anna Was Sick And Funny, Today
  164. sick family
  165. I'm QUITTING and need your support
  166. Exciting Ride
  167. This is insane! Pics added
  168. Off for the weekend
  169. UK Quilters - Malvern Spring Quilt Show - this weekend
  170. Chocolate
  171. Just got back from the vet...
  172. How many wives can you have?
  173. Pancho & Maggie
  174. What is up with this weather????
  175. cat bath question
  176. guess who
  177. Oh, To Be 6 Again!!
  178. Laid off..
  179. Time flys!!
  180. On for a bit
  181. tornados
  182. smileys
  183. I'm a new mommy!!!
  184. Doggie question....
  185. What other hobbies do you have??
  186. A special mans birthday!
  187. Blue Diamond Fetches record price
  188. My daughter had her baby girl...Yipee
  189. sight seeing advice
  190. Wanna see my new kitchen floor??
  191. Will Not be in chat for awhile!!
  192. I want to cry! My baby is walking!!
  193. Nice Surprise
  194. Cant seem to cut up your fabric?Here you go!:)
  195. Trying not to sew
  196. Plumbing problems
  197. Happiness is....
  198. bw is on a roll tonite. GETTING MARRIED
  199. Another Funny
  200. Funny for Today
  201. Offer on my house
  202. Hello everyone
  203. wanna go to Italy? for FREE????
  204. Calendar Girls - 10th Anniversary
  205. 1 year now
  206. The "I DON'T WANNAS"
  207. i want a weekend do over - nothing good about it
  208. Bevanger not feeling well
  209. Birthday on Mother's day this year!
  210. How many is from Norway in here, or atleast scandinavia????
  211. Birthday Party
  212. Okay--last horse post till next weekend. I promise! Jazz, the gelding with the fillies/
  213. Rosie and Tucker say hello
  214. True Mom Confessions
  215. Happy Mothers Day
  216. Another way to click for rescue animals
  217. The twins are here
  218. thought this was fitting since mothers day is tomorrow...
  219. who remember clotheslines?
  220. And I Say...OFF WITH THEIR HEADS!!
  221. Photos from the pasture today!
  222. Are You Left-Brain or Right-Brain dominate? FUN! (:
  223. japanese game daughter was in one!!!
  224. what countries are we from?
  225. Just how much joy can be fit into 4 minutes?
  226. Happy Mother's Day
  227. Visitors this morning
  228. website reviewing needed
  229. Mayonnaise Jar & Two Beers...
  230. Artificial turf
  231. The unstopable virus
  233. Get your 2 cents worth
  234. Landed a part time job
  235. Dress Question #2...Markings
  236. Delia Smith vs The Real Woman
  237. Santa Barbara fire only blocks away--- evacuated!
  238. Had to show you "who" I saved from euthanasia.
  239. english as a first language
  240. chocolate fun
  242. From Matthew and his Mom
  243. GRT.GRND.D Keyli Easter Dress Posing
  244. A dress question...more to come!
  245. Spent the weekend with Maddy
  246. Car troubles!
  247. A question for the mommy's out there!!!
  248. Does anyone do embroidery by hand anymore?
  249. sad and scary incident at school yesterday
  250. Mazie's asking for your vote today! Photo/horse contest.