View Full Version : General Chit-Chat (non-quilting talk)

  1. GRT.GRND.D Keyli Easter Dress Posing
  2. A dress question...more to come!
  3. Spent the weekend with Maddy
  4. Car troubles!
  5. A question for the mommy's out there!!!
  6. Does anyone do embroidery by hand anymore?
  7. sad and scary incident at school yesterday
  8. Mazie's asking for your vote today! Photo/horse contest.
  9. We had a bumpy evening with Severe weather
  10. Tucker is on a photo contest--almost too late to vote
  11. Tennessee Strawberries are in!!!
  12. FREE KFC meal
  13. Water Leak...OH MY!!!
  14. West Point
  15. bad week
  16. update on DD HeartAttack
  17. My veggie plot - summer is coming!
  18. Update on DH's Angiogram
  19. Today's Funny
  20. Grand daughter first dance gala
  21. Sigtned the papers
  22. new members
  23. Oldest DD had a heartattack
  24. One procedure down...
  25. He said, She said
  26. In need of help regarding a costume for my daughter for school.
  27. Bad news for me
  28. Chuckle for today
  29. Awesome inspiring story!!!!!!
  30. What a day! (hee hee)
  31. Went to Son's house today...
  32. Finally Back
  33. help removing ink plastic/glue ?
  34. vacation planning for NC
  35. Tucker pics!
  36. Mazie's morning dance routine
  37. Angiogram
  38. A DAY OUT WITH DAD!!! resized LOL
  39. Chuckle for today
  40. BF wants to get married but I want to run...need advice
  41. Kaylee's first Softball Game
  42. Link to Tucker tale and photos
  43. Sock monkey question....
  44. anyone here do clothing before?
  45. A Nest of Wiener Dogs :D
  46. Janome Take Up arm keeps losing thread
  47. teenagers
  48. what happened to Henry?
  49. Chloe foaled!!!
  50. Mommy memories since Mother's Day is coming up!
  51. Upset and need help :o(
  52. One For The Grils
  53. lose 10 lbs quickly
  54. Good morning!
  55. My Kitty
  56. Growing old
  57. Birthday cake
  58. Wisdom Teeth are coming out tomorrow.
  59. Mare update....
  60. Birthday Girl wants breakfast in bed!!!
  61. Finally Spring~the whales have returned!
  62. Doll Swappers, What are we going to do for June?
  63. Wisdom for today.
  64. I wrote a front-page article on my HD forum :)
  65. Butterflies
  66. What every man should know
  67. I wish for you, a sandpiper.
  68. Very sick of people right now...
  69. Just had to show off my handsome son
  70. trying to remember to be grateful for the good things . . .
  71. Son's First Prom
  72. Favorite books
  73. 25 Reasons I Owe My Mother!
  74. So painful a time
  75. Being Curious, How well read are you?
  76. My experience with a cat
  77. MIA for a spell but now back in action....
  78. julie andrews' birthday song
  79. That damn cat
  80. section 44 lol
  81. Swine Flu
  82. Here comes the bride.....
  83. Searching the board
  84. Busy lovely weekend....
  85. What's the temperature where you're at?
  86. If one wants a posting deleted - - -
  87. Installing a husband
  88. Why Women Are Crabby...
  89. 4 Sisters Road Trip
  90. Bea Author Dies
  91. Grandparents and Grandchildren
  92. Chicken sayings anyone???
  93. Help I posted this in wrong place . Maybe this is where it should go..Sorry
  94. tootie ta
  95. I haven't disappeared
  96. My son got his first turkey today, pictures
  97. Anyone have a Blog
  98. Where's Craftybug?
  99. I missed you guys!
  100. Mazie
  101. chat problem
  102. My latest project.
  103. A pooped little man
  104. Down and out
  105. looking for bag pattern snap closure
  106. Susan Boyle - the transformation!!!
  107. It's a girl
  108. Just made an offer on a house
  109. Getting discouraged
  110. Let's Do Something... Update
  111. just a sad day
  112. I'm going crazy!
  113. oh my goodness homework is driving me crazy
  114. Gypsy's ready!
  115. Creativity with {eggs}! :)
  116. Funny
  117. Disappearance
  118. I'm am desperately sleep deprived.
  119. How do you know...
  120. Apology
  121. what is ???
  122. We had a little bit of rain....
  123. Ok, I nearly peed myself lauging - CAT BATHS
  124. This is Awesome!
  125. Is it me or.....
  126. Help copying pictures from pc to cd/dvd disk
  127. Chuckle
  128. To defrag or not to defrag??
  129. What I did over spring break!
  130. Britianīs Young Talent
  131. Wisdom of the Aprons
  132. Help---I can't change my avatar
  133. Dear Dogs and Cats
  134. I am a collector and I collect....
  135. Pennie pockets
  136. Idiot Proof Diet. I admit I need this.
  137. We're Moving
  138. Thinking about
  139. I am falling apart
  140. bookmark
  141. Woke up with a stye
  142. Santa Fe New Mexico Flea Market
  143. My apologies
  144. The gym...
  145. High School Reunion
  146. Mare update--to start a post
  147. Am I being too harsh
  148. More Susan Boyle
  149. Brand new "You know you're a redneck when..." -- These are so bad
  150. Contacts
  151. Time Zones - Who is REALLY online so early?
  152. OMG Admin lol i'm a mind reader lol :)
  153. Aaaahhhh, Springtime in the Rockies
  154. Been Back into Hospital
  155. Just a little related/friend related
  156. Vote for my green bag design?
  157. Pictures of Patty44's equine babies
  158. My BlueBird of Happiness, Gotta see this
  159. Just stuff from the past few days....
  160. Thanks to PurplePassion...
  161. Will someone explain to me what the "mare stare" is?
  162. Rice bag...Dorothy of Kansas
  163. teacup cut out
  164. Vet update on our dog, Serena.
  165. I WON!!! I WON!!!! Hippity Hoppity!!!
  166. Susan Boyle, British singer
  167. Your daily dose of cute!
  168. Wanna see a real blue chicken?
  169. Amma
  170. Girls looked so cute on Easter...
  171. Way cuter than lettuce!
  172. Shophop Gift Certificate winners!
  173. I found out why I've been sick and in pain...
  174. Raising Chickens
  175. Silly question.....
  176. Funny, What People Say Next...
  177. I am back...
  178. Happy Easter to you!
  179. Happy Birthday Mimisharon
  180. Terri???? Kay??? Karla??? Amma??? Calling mare stare buds
  181. Kitchen Disasters
  183. Taxes
  184. Missing pet...
  185. I'm a Great-Grandmother!
  186. What's the time?
  187. Cat in love.
  188. Pictures of Spring Holiday or Easter Doll Swap
  189. May Dotee Doll Swap AND SIGN UP! NEW RULES!
  190. Absolutely hysterical "How the Fight Started..." jokes!
  191. avatars
  192. My first grandchild is here! He's gorgeous!
  194. A huge Thank You From Scrappinmad's Daughter
  195. and they think our hobby is addicting...
  196. Pincushion and Scrap Catcher....add chicken 4
  197. How I make my stash dolls
  198. Taking a Break
  199. For all our animal lovers - Feast your eyes!!!!!!!
  200. Picture of Bat In my Bedroom Window
  201. Patching Blue Jeans
  202. Little Churchs An Angel Whispered (another horse intro)
  203. What else I've been doing....
  204. Crochet Ripple Afghan
  205. Vista Point early morning
  206. Windy Run One Room School House 1889
  207. star in the sky
  208. Who Are You?
  209. 10 Days in Beautiful Destin, Florida
  210. Instructions on sewing a pillow case
  211. Introducing Her Royal Highness
  212. Springtime in Montana!!!