View Full Version : General Chit-Chat (non-quilting talk)

  1. Terri is headed out of NC.....look out VA Beach
  2. Starting quilting class
  3. Heaven's calling
  4. Decorating Blogs
  5. A little ditty about the price of fabric
  6. A smile from God
  7. If you could change one thing about yourself...
  8. Wonderful Gift
  9. Inserting a usable link in signature line?
  10. Not quilt related But I'm sure some can relate
  11. Need Kitchenaid Mixer Cover Pattern
  12. Secrets to a long happy marriage…
  13. Covered light switch
  14. drum bags
  15. beyond the bog coat
  16. ebay surprise
  17. Monday's Birthday's
  18. advertising jingles you can't forget
  19. My 3 wishes what are yours ???
  20. Quilt Label???
  21. End of Season Sale
  22. Sharing
  23. This is beautiful, enjoy
  24. Help Please!!
  25. DISCOUNTS - Save A Little
  26. Just a weeeee bit of a baby
  27. dyeing silk scarves
  28. kids and toilet paper pranks
  29. hidden treasures
  30. Sunday's Birthdays
  31. Dare ya not to use a kleenex when you watch this!
  32. if you live near the coast of MAINE, i'd like some info please
  33. Does anyone wake during the night singing in your head
  34. naked lady lily
  35. My beloved city Tata, Hungary
  36. Have you ever lived outside of the US?
  37. Go Quilter On Line Group?
  38. 40th anniversary
  39. This Doggie Will Make You L*A*U*G*H
  40. Filling the Gas Tank
  41. WalMartians...
  42. Anybody in Japan?
  43. Test
  44. This is Cute
  45. Shell Oil Comments-A MUST READ! - Safety Alert!
  46. Meeting Charming in California - a highlight of my roadtrip!
  47. The Parade to The Bathroom
  48. Throwback Pepsi
  49. Agressive cat
  50. 1940's pattern says to cut a stay 2" x 3"?
  51. granny's crazy quilt
  52. Bicycling Jerseys
  53. School again
  54. Wedding Dress into Barbie?
  55. Guess what?
  56. Today's Shopping Trip...
  57. my fonts on this site are huge..i mean huge! i touched something!
  58. Cute little "monster" I adopted at the beach :)
  59. cat harness
  60. Acronyms
  61. Our new "baby" puppy.
  62. Project Runway play at home challenge #3
  63. Your funnies for today!
  64. serger question
  65. Hummingbird fight
  66. School Again?
  67. getting ready for a craft show
  68. Joined Healthplex but...
  69. Upcoming Quilt Shows
  70. lizards
  71. circles on Etsy
  72. Saturday's Birthdays
  73. Raining in Texas
  74. Nice surprise
  75. What is this part used for/called?
  76. How to catch burglars in the act.
  77. Had to share
  79. General Truths
  80. Pictures of Fabric and socks that I have been dyeing
  81. Would love to take a cruise...which cruise lines do you like, which ones should I avoid?
  82. I'm being a bad girl
  83. shopping for items to use at a NON quilty place
  84. Pear time
  85. The announcement is two weeks late...but here she is!!!
  86. Really need some help, please....
  87. Ok-Can't Wait to Share
  88. Anyone have the new brother PR1000 Embroidery Machine
  89. Pink dish towels with a granny touch
  90. Question about the AccuQuilt dies
  91. Chilly
  92. Mystery yardage...
  93. Friday's Birthdays
  94. Never Mind Fabric ....Have You Priced Quilt Notions Lately?
  95. How many topics do you have in your Watched Topics?
  96. I'm finally getting brave
  97. Estate sale Hamilton Texas Tomorrow
  98. Love and Loyalty between a dog and a little boy
  99. Huge Mosquitos in Michigan, new to me
  100. fabric wrapped around sewing machine heads
  101. Bad Day for Nails
  102. Do you cover your thread rack?
  103. Has Anyone Made Cloth Diapers?
  104. No Green Beans!!!
  105. Texting for Seniors:
  106. I Met Some More Members and Forgot My Camera!!
  107. Any pros or cons on a Handi Quilter II?
  108. DeColourant color remover..have you used it???
  109. Why it is so hot in Texas
  110. Bow Tuck question
  111. Facebook has all your phone numbers!
  112. Uploading pictures from an ipad
  113. Oklahoma...
  114. Putting out thread and scraps for birds?
  115. if you won the lottery?
  116. Help with pay pal
  117. I consider myself a quilter not a sewing fix-it-all!
  118. Use for old sheets?
  119. Thursday's Birthdays
  120. How to handle selling fabric to quilting board member
  121. initials
  122. exercising
  123. How do you season your Cast Iron Skillets?
  124. Wear gloves to prevent burn
  125. how to make a now sew stained glass portrait
  126. I'M RICH!!!
  128. Feels like Christmas....
  129. Anyone read "Diabetes Without Drugs" by Suzy Cohen?
  130. Picture for np3
  131. Name the Quilt Block Quiz
  132. Im going to be an Aunt!!!
  133. World War II: The American Home Front in Color
  134. Pregnancy Q & A & more! funny!!
  135. Video of "silent monks"
  136. Would you get a quilt tattoo?
  137. ISO - Where to buy parts for antique singer sewing machine
  138. Tips
  139. A well tested quilt
  140. Looking for a topic posted yesterday about selling....
  141. Chickens Without Feathers
  142. Replay from the doctor
  143. what is your color personality
  144. Perfume, do you wear it.
  145. Hot Hot Hot, Make yourself a cool Scarf to cool yourself off
  146. another.... How Hot is IT
  147. Directions....
  148. Ignore the Parrot....Funny
  149. Ever "lose" Something in Your Sewing Room?
  150. T-Shirts
  151. help with Avatar!
  152. wish me luck . . . .
  153. Wednesday's Birthdays
  154. Funny--Grandparents Answering machine
  155. What is a Grandparent? by 8yr olds
  156. Windows Are Open in Ohio!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  157. Texas Heat.......
  159. Would like help in finding a retirement community........
  160. Ya gotta love us Texans....
  161. Choosing a watermelon
  162. JOANNS coupons to print??
  163. Some mechanical skills required.
  164. Only female hummingbirds at the feeder
  165. Mailing package
  166. Moose Camp (Joke) :)
  167. WHAT is up with the bow tuck!?
  168. Gift for a teenage girl?
  169. First day of school
  170. Cats
  171. 40 Years Together ...
  172. Need Suggestions
  173. Kona Muslin @ JoAnns?
  174. I may shoot myself
  175. What music do you listen to.....
  176. Love hummingbirds? Take a look!!
  177. Any remedy for fleas
  178. Anyone really dislikes to exercise as much as I do?
  179. replying to 75+
  180. Pioneer Woman website today
  181. sewing for Americans
  182. suggestion for trades and/or sales
  183. cant find post
  184. Iron on transfers
  185. Nylon flags and shredding??
  186. Tutorial for making a fabric basket is done!
  187. Thy quilt is coming!! FUNNY
  188. How my Shepherd spends most of his day
  189. I -pads
  190. Storing old pictures, newspaper clippings, certificates etc.
  191. Kokomo, Indiana area quilters
  192. Over 75-How do you stay active and healthy
  194. Tuesdays Birthdays
  195. Any ladies or gents taking Zumba Classes?
  196. Does anyone else hate pepper?
  197. Casey by window.
  198. Rain at last!!!
  199. Anyone know how to make a Tutu
  201. Need Help locating a previous post
  202. More towels
  203. Lancaster, PA
  204. Can someone near Philadelphia help me please??
  205. London riots
  206. Question on heated rice bags.......
  207. <<>>
  208. <<>>
  209. Balance cushion for sewing
  210. Weber Q Grills
  211. gyno visit
  212. Fantastik Quilting
  213. I won a prize!
  214. My 2 year olds generous heart..
  215. 2 good things happened to us today
  216. I've been asked to be a quest speaker
  217. Please send to Texas
  218. Singer Sewing Machine
  219. Ad's on QB - the strangest thing!!
  220. Have a question for you guys and gals
  221. New Member of Grandma Club
  222. Cake anyone?
  223. postings
  224. Transfering pictures/PDA updates
  225. tv remote says 'Locked' -why?
  226. In RE; Ramifications of drought Texas-Oklahoma
  227. How do u bookmark?
  228. farmer's almanac winter prediction
  229. This must break some kind of record....
  230. No offense meant to my fair-haired friends!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  231. Plastic Canvas Crafts
  232. YOU could have unclaimed money or property!
  233. Monday's Birthdays
  234. Is doing something that scares you , always a good thing?
  235. Tempted to do an act of kindness
  236. I Remember when
  237. help finding a post
  238. Broken light bulbs
  239. Finally able to sit a few minutes.
  240. How did you find this board?
  241. I'm at my sisters now...update
  242. Covered Bridge Festival, Indiana
  243. Anyone use a coffee percolator?
  244. The best thing about vacation in Louisville, Ky.
  245. ever get hungry for something but you can't figure out what?
  246. Any one going to Georgia Quilt Show in October?
  247. Need suggestions for a winter holiday getaway in the US
  248. Is she blonde?
  249. I survived the longest yard sale!
  250. My 6th New Baby