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-   -   Boxy Bullseye and Mini-Tut (https://www.quiltingboard.com/tutorials-f10/boxy-bullseye-mini-tut-t202566.html)

Mariah 10-08-2012 07:40 AM

Love it ou went to a lot of work producing the templates, measurements, ect.....

n2scraplvr 10-08-2012 11:39 AM

Originally Posted by twinkie (Post 5569978)
First, let me say that your tutorial is done very nicely. It is easy to use and understand. I love it. I did one using circles but it had a very different layout, http://www.quiltingboard.com/picture...t-t185454.html . Now, here is my question. Why couldn't you do one just using squares without cutting off the corners, using either layout? As I looked at the pictute of your blocks, this thought came to me and I wanted another opinion.

Thank you, Twinkie, for your nice compliments! I love your quilt and that layout you did is one of my favorites! I almost started to lay my blocks that way but because I've wanted a circle type bullseye for so long that I just decided I would do one of those types later. It's the same layout as you would do with the Fan block and then it's called "Snake in the Hollow" pattern! But of course, you turned it into an ever larger design pattern by the way you did your blocks. I see you missed my earlier comment to someone on this thread, so I'll repost it here in answer to your
question of leaving the squares whole:

For everyone else, I forgot to mention that this quilt is not just limited to a circle shape!! Yes, you can make it a star shape, hexagon, circle, boxy circle, or even just squares or tilt the squares and you'll have a wonky square bullseye!!

Wtg, Twinkie, for thinking about that idea too! I like it and it too would make a great looking scrappy!

My method of doing quarter blocks cuts down on the possibility of getting puckers in the circle like you would get doing the whole circle at once! Plus, I love the fact that there's so little waste of material with my method! Also, I love the fact you don't end up with 4 identical quarter blocks you get from starting with whole circles and then dissecting the blocks and then having to scatter them throughout the quilt so they don't meet up with one another.

Also, this is a good time to tell others about dissecting the Bullseye blocks! If you are making the original Bullseye by cutting out whole circles, there are several ways the blocks are cut. Besides the horizontal/vertical cuts of the 4 qtrs., you can also dissect the block diagonally to get very large pie-shaped wedges. Then you would sew join the longest side of the block to another, where the circles are back-to-back from one another!

Another great thing about these qtr. blocks are the many different layouts you can get from different looks! I realized yesterday I had sewn all my blocks into 4P's before laying them out in a "Snake in the Hollow" pattern to take pics of for the tut. Well, I will do that layout for everyone with my next set of 9 4P's! I really love that look and it looks great with busy scraps!

Also, besides doing a square type Bullseye, I also gave a demo on doing a Hexagon Bullseye! Btw, everyone PLEASE NOTE THAT I WAS WRONG ABOUT THE HEXAGON HAVING TO BE PP. This is not so! I don't know what I was thinking of when I said that but guess I forgot about this quilt being raw edge and it would be VERY EASY to do a Hexagon Bullseye!! NO PP NECESSARY! Also, I was trying to figure out how I would do a star shape and I will come up with a pattern and post the pattern pieces for anyone wanting to do that one! That would look great in scraps!!

Well, thanks Twinkie for your great question! It sure opened Pandora's Box for us as we'll be exploring other shapes for the Bullseye block! :)

p.s. Also, thanks for providing your link and sharing your quilt with us!!

n2scraplvr 10-08-2012 11:46 AM

Originally Posted by twinkie (Post 5570164)
That is what I did in the above post where I showed a different kind of scrappy but I didn't put them back into circles when I was done. It is time consuming but turns out real nice, I think.

Yes! What quilting nurse just described is the way a typical Bullseye block is made. My preference is to make the quarter block first so that I can use lots of smaller scraps of 3" - 4".

n2scraplvr 10-08-2012 11:47 AM

Originally Posted by Mariah (Post 5570614)
Love it ou went to a lot of work producing the templates, measurements, ect.....

Thanks, Mariah! So glad you like my quilt so far! :)

n2scraplvr 10-08-2012 01:42 PM

I found some links for those of you who want to see some samples and layouts:

Here's what a Hexagon Bullseye will look like:

here's what it looks like frayed:

Scroll down the page to see this Bullseye w/black background

Here's one w/the blocks laid in a flower shape:

So you see there are many ways to lay this block out!! I even saw a serpentine Bullseye so have fun playing with your layouts! :)

katesnanna 10-08-2012 02:56 PM

Thank you for sharing your technique with us.

raedar63 10-08-2012 03:05 PM

Beautiful ! I love scrappy quilts! Great links too . thanks.

SueDor 10-09-2012 02:11 AM

Really cute!!! I love your scrappies!

n2scraplvr 10-09-2012 10:09 AM

Thanks everybody sooo much!! In trying to get some links for you yesterday, I got attacked w/6 threats, lost everything in my C drive, all pics, everything, but it's no big deal! It's all restored now, PTL!

I have a great star shape I want to post the pattern for you will love. I drew lots of star shapes yesterday in trying to come up with something nice and think I have it. Will get that posted soon!!

n2scraplvr 10-09-2012 10:47 AM

At this link, you can see a pic of a star-shaped Bullseye. It's quite different looking, so my pattern will be built around something similar to this Fons & Porter design. This is just a 1/2 block pattern, but I will come up with something similar because I can't wait to try this one too! haha!!


After drawing many qtr. blocks yesterday of star shapes, I realize something like the Twirling Triangles pattern above must be achieved because what happens when you draw star shapes in a quarter block, it becomes like a Hexagon Bullseye unless the segments are broken down. So that's what I'll be working toward and hopefully, we'll have a nice Starry Bullseye pattern soon!!#@!#$%!!!

Oh, this one is going to be cute, fun and yes, we want this to be easy! We may even do a PP raw-edged one!! Whoa, I don't think anyone has ever done that one before! It'll be interesting what we achieve!!!

You know me.....I can't rest until we get this one developed and in gear!! lol.:hunf:

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