UFO 2023 Challenge

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Old 01-08-2023, 01:36 PM
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Default UFO 2023 Challenge

It’s that time again where we start our new UFO thread for the year. Anyone one can be a part of this thread. All you need to do is have a UFO, complete the UFO, hopefully post pic of UFO(s). But first we have some guidelines for this challenge.

I have read and heard numerous definitions on what is a UFO? So to keep us all on the same page we will use the definition we have used for several years. “If you consider it a UFO, then it’s a UFO.” This is a thread where we may state our monthly & yearly goals. (It’s okay to change them along the way). Then you can give us some history on the UFO(s); like how many years has it been a ufo? What may have stopped you from completing the ufo? What changes you may make now verses what was the original pattern/plan? And any other fun info about the project. Like I was going to make a baby quilt and now the baby is 50’s old. I have a Raggedy Ann doll I started to make for my niece and now it’s going to go to her daughter.

I consider a UFO completed if it has a top, batting (any kind), a backing, & binding, or pillowcase finish. So finish it the way you like. Also, you can file the UFO in file-13 (trash can); recycle all the fabric to your stash or scraps; gift to friend, guild, or board member; or any other way, but it’s no longer on your list of UFO’s. It all counts.

Once you complete a UFO, just let us know, so we can congratulate you on your hard work & accomplishment. And always remember we all love pics of completed UFO’s.

Again this year I will not be counting the monthly or yearly UFOs.

I have decided (for my self) to use the American Patchwork UFO challenge 2023 and I have change the monthly list. I listed 24 UFOs, 2 per month. At the start of each month I pick a number from 1-12 and complete the numbered project for the month. This may help me reach my goal = complete at least one UFO that only needs to be quilted and binded. And one quilt in the piecing stage per month. For the month of January I will complete BHMQ-2020 & quilt a lab top. The BHMQ 2020 is a alternated king size quilt (~90” to 120”), I have the 12” blocks completed I just need to sew the sashing and top together. Then cut the backing, batting, binding. And quilt. The lab (dog) +top is a throw and I need to decide on the backing & cut the backing, batting, binding to complete. This seems like a fun way to complete my UFO’s for me. So my final yearly goal is to complete 24 UFOs.

So hop on board the UFO flying saucer and let us know what you are working on and completing. So enjoy sewing.
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Old 01-08-2023, 06:27 PM
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Thanks for starting this thread, happylab!

I haven’t completed any UFOs for several years. However, I have not added any to my list either.

I think I have 6 UFOs. 5 are assembled tops. One has the blocks completed but I plan to make them into pillow covers and/or wall hangings. I like the blocks with applique but the finished sample was pretty but not my style.

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Old 01-09-2023, 04:52 AM
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If I could finish a UFO every other month it would still take me a couple of years to get them all done! I am slowly chipping away on them. I've found that putting them on a list and posting on the door of my studio so I see the list as I go in and out helps keep me on track. I finished four last year but also added five more to the pile! At this rate I'll never get caught up. LOL This year my mission is to finish more than I add.
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Old 01-09-2023, 05:34 AM
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I just knew this thread would show up again! A little patience and more time to finish up a UFO! Right? I have my UFOs hanging in my closet with backing and flimsy on pant/skirt clip hangers. I thought I had a nicely reduced list but over the weekend I found two more. OK, I am up to 11 for the year. Rats, I just thought of another, Farmer's Wife, that I started long ago. I may just give up and sew the blocks I have finished together and skip trying to do them all. Tee-Hee-Hee! So as of today, I have 12 UFOs staring at me. Onward ever onward.
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Old 01-09-2023, 09:15 AM
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My goal is finish what I start this year. That way I don’t add.

For about a day there wasn’t anything to sew, but would be receiving projects. That’s when I pulled out a UFO. New Bonnie Hunter clue, 2 sets of BOOM blocks, triangle quilt (see thread in ‘pictures’), b-day candy swap to cut, there’s ~5 in progress, the UFO went into a drawer with thread and quilting templates. Even the metallic thread and needle.

NO MORE. BRAIN, quit thinking up more projects. I keep telling myself. STOP already. Do I listen? That stash in the garage will keep. Don’t even look at it!

Even at night it won’t stop. Have insomnia.
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Old 01-09-2023, 01:20 PM
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I counted up 18 UFOs that range in age from one to seven years old. Most are at least half done and all are throw sized quilts except for a couple of table runners I lost interest in. My goal is to finish at least one a month and not to add any more. Thank you, Petthefabric for that idea. So, I will complete what I start this year instead of putting it aside to tackle something else. Let the fun begin!
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Old 01-09-2023, 04:03 PM
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Thanks for starting another UFO Challenge thread. I wasn't posting much on the Quilting Board last year, not much quilting done either, work was really crazy. This year will be different! So far I have made a small UFO list that I want to finish this year. For January, I want to finish a 2021 Cotton Cuts Puzzle Mystery. I have all 10 sections ready to piece together. I should be able to get this together and off to my quilter by the end of the month. My 2nd project for January, is an EPP star baby quilt for my granddaughter. (this was started last year so not much of a UFO ) I just started to put the borders on this one and hope to have it quilted by the end of January ........ might have to push this to February.
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Old 01-10-2023, 02:40 AM
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I always seem to have about 14 UFOs going at all times. Some of them are tops that need quilting, and one is generally a knitting project. I do finish, but slowly. I like the idea of picking one each month to finish or at least devote the majority of time to. Thanks for starting this thread for 2023.
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Old 01-10-2023, 06:09 AM
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So far this year I've finished a doggy quilt using orphan blocks and scraps, a blue/white queen size quilt, pattern from Quilted Twins called Norwegian Snowflade, an embroidered Wedding Ring lap size quilt by Anita Goodesign and now working on another quilt pattern from Quilted Twins called Trail Mix in purples and yellows. That is going to be a doozy as the blocks are all 6", there are 5 different blocks, just getting them in order can be confusing. Now these quilts I've mentioned are only quilt tops at the moment but they're off my design wall and ready to be quilted which my goal is to get them done this year along with the other 9 quilt tops waiting to be quilted. I do have another UFO on the frame, partially quilted called Irish Chain, queen size in greens and whites. All these quilts are made from quilts, orphan blocks and some yardage. Bought no fabrics including backings.
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Old 01-11-2023, 06:16 AM
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Congratulations Snooze2978, on completing your doggy quilt. Yea!!!!

Welcome back everyone. I’m looking forward to a fun interactive year. So let’s get those lovely UFOs off our list this year.

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