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Cari-in-Oly 01-12-2016 12:27 PM

Originally Posted by SteveH (Post 7431915)
Miriam - I think you skipped the "practice swearing" step(or two)

I think that's a given, lol.


miriam 01-12-2016 12:42 PM

Originally Posted by SteveH (Post 7431915)
Miriam - I think you skipped the "practice swearing" step(or two)

That do it?

ArchaicArcane 01-12-2016 09:00 PM

Originally Posted by SteveH (Post 7431915)
Miriam - I think you skipped the "practice swearing" step(or two)

Wait, I was supposed to limit that to one or two steps? Maybe that's what happened. I sprinkled liberally throughout... like fairy dust. Rude fairy dust.

Cari-in-Oly 01-13-2016 12:11 AM

Originally Posted by ArchaicArcane (Post 7432356)
Wait, I was supposed to limit that to one or two steps? Maybe that's what happened. I sprinkled liberally throughout... like fairy dust. Rude fairy dust.

ROTFLMAO! I can't tell you how many times over the years I've heard one of my kids say "MOM!! That was RUDE!!"
I usually respond with "Yes but well deserved."


SteveH 01-13-2016 08:40 AM

Originally Posted by Cari-in-Oly (Post 7432394)
ROTFLMAO! I can't tell you how many times over the years I've heard one of my kids say "MOM!! That was RUDE!!" I usually respond with "Yes but well deserved."


LOL, same here but my reply is usually "but was I wrong?"

ArchaicArcane 01-13-2016 12:20 PM

Originally Posted by Cari-in-Oly (Post 7432394)
ROTFLMAO! I can't tell you how many times over the years I've heard one of my kids say "MOM!! That was RUDE!!"
I usually respond with "Yes but well deserved."


It always makes me smile when I get told that in that type of situation because it means I "done good" in instilling the values system but I have an opportunity to show where rules are made to be broken. Plus I love the look of "Did my MOM just say THAT?" ;)

Spicermommy 01-15-2016 12:40 PM

Thanks for the tips.
I'll have to find patience because I have the oil, brushes, and swearing parts in bulk!

miriam 01-15-2016 02:15 PM

NEVER let a sewing machine know you are in a hurry.
Some times I think swearing at the machine just makes it madder.

Spicermommy 01-16-2016 09:50 PM

Originally Posted by miriam (Post 7431746)
Time out

I believe you're right. Onward I go!

Carol_G 01-18-2016 02:52 PM

I can't thank you enough for this post, Glenn. I got a one owner 1950 201-2 in cabinet with practically no wear. But when I started wiping all the dust and crud off, all this "stuff" started coming off like amber powder crystals. I had no idea what it was or what to do. Dish detergent soapy water took the gold off leaving silver. I freaked out and frantically started looking for information. My search led me here. And thanks to this post, now I know what to do to restore this lovely machine. I've started practicing on a 66 which is turning out really good even though it only had a few deep scratches, but I've run into a snaffoo...

There's some kind of melted rubber or tape, or something stuck to the side of the machine where the wires are. Kerosene isn't removing it, and I'm scared of using any kind of solvent. It kinda looks like someone had electrical tape there, or maybe a rubber band. Does anyone have any ideas of what to use? or what to do???

Thanks, Carol

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