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-   -   I think we've gone crazy! Vintage machines left and right! (https://www.quiltingboard.com/vintage-antique-machine-enthusiasts-f22/i-think-weve-gone-crazy-vintage-machines-left-right-t200122.html)

cabbagepatchkid 09-30-2012 05:25 PM

pinkCastle....they are all beautiful!! :thumbup:

I had a parlor cabinet that I finally gave away because in my opinion it made the room look dark/crowded. I think it was the fact that there was no light coming through from underneath and the wood was quite dark even though in pics it looked a lot lighter.

pinkCastleDH 09-30-2012 05:38 PM

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Originally Posted by cabbagepatchkid (Post 5553061)
pinkCastle....they are all beautiful!! :thumbup:

I had a parlor cabinet that I finally gave away because in my opinion it made the room look dark/crowded. I think it was the fact that there was no light coming through from underneath and the wood was quite dark even though in pics it looked a lot lighter.

We were both surprised how small the cabinet was but the walnut finish was just not right for the house with its mostly light oak floors and trim.

miriam 09-30-2012 05:57 PM

I've lost count how many machines I have right now. It is very addictive isn't it?

pinkCastleDH 10-01-2012 04:18 AM

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Originally Posted by miriam (Post 5553151)
I've lost count how many machines I have right now. It is very addictive isn't it?

You've got that right! These are all machines that we've picked up since mid-August. Not all of the machines, just some that we haven't yet moved beyond the dining area.

miriam 10-01-2012 06:40 AM

perter than fine china!

icon17 10-01-2012 06:47 AM

Originally Posted by pinkCastleDH (Post 5553673)
You've got that right! These are all machines that we've picked up since mid-August. Not all of the machines, just some that we haven't yet moved beyond the dining area.

How do You EAT off of those Things? LOL

pinkCastleDH 10-01-2012 06:51 AM

Originally Posted by icon17 (Post 5554023)
How do You EAT off of those Things? LOL

We don't. Got to be good for the waistline, right?

QuilterGary 10-01-2012 10:40 PM

I guess I only have about twenty machines but I had to slow down due to going back to work but I am getting ready to retire again. The last time only lasted a month. I am in the market for a longarm now.

pinkcastle 10-02-2012 04:11 AM

QuilterGary, which longarm are you considering and why?

pinkCastleDH 10-02-2012 05:52 AM

and still more...
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A 66 that we bought off of eBay because the seller was threatening to part it out and a 101 added for completeness (yes, it would/will need rewiring but I'm not too afraid of that.) The 66 is our third but is quite possibly the most pristine machine we've got - pictures don't begin to do it justice even at their original resolution. The depth of the decals is amazing, I've seen hints of it from other machines with this decal set but wow!

Caroline S 10-02-2012 07:12 AM

Awesome 66, nigh on perfect. I wonder if she ever was used much? Please do tell us about your adventure re-wiring the 101.

pinkCastleDH 10-02-2012 07:19 AM

Originally Posted by Caroline S (Post 5556659)
Awesome 66, nigh on perfect. I wonder if she ever was used much? Please do tell us about your adventure re-wiring the 101.

I will, though I imagine that's way, way down the list since Herself will have the 201s, 15-91s, 66s and 99s for her vintage sewing needs. Oh, and the 221 of course - can't forget that one. Did I mention that this is getting out of hand? Personally I'm looking forward to getting the Red Eye and 115 up and running in treadle cabinets and learning how to use the hand crank machines. Maybe set one of the Whites up as a treadle as well if I can find the space for Yet Another Treadle Cabinet.

JudyTheSewer 10-02-2012 08:00 AM

Originally Posted by harrishs (Post 5505252)
<snip> I call them my choir because they are mostly Singers I am really happy for you!

That is so cute!

JudyTheSewer 10-02-2012 08:19 AM

You have acquired a beautiful collection of machines that are in great condition. I enjoyed looking at them. Thanks for the pictures.

pinkCastleDH 10-02-2012 08:57 AM

Thanks, Judy. Of course other than the New National we've only taken pictures of the ones that are in the best condition :) I need to spend some time taking shots of the others so I have before pics to compare with after pics once they're all cleaned up. When I take the pictures I'll post them.

pinkCastleDH 10-02-2012 09:56 AM

and still more....
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Originally Posted by pinkCastleDH (Post 5556942)
Thanks, Judy. Of course other than the New National we've only taken pictures of the ones that are in the best condition :)

Oops. I forgot a couple that are actually in pretty good condition but hadn't gotten their mugshots yet. We almost didn't buy the 201 - we certainly didn't need it. It seemed like a really good deal, though, on a beautiful machine. Almost as nice a condition as the 66 but it's not shined to the same degree and the decal style isn't as ornate. The featherweight is also in pretty nice shape and I'm not sure why it hasn't been featured here before - Herself was certainly happy enough when it arrived! Last in this group is a Damascus. We know next to nothing about them but it was cheap and the decals looked cool :)

pinkCastleDH 10-02-2012 10:05 AM

and the Whites
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These two are somewhat sad in a fashion. The first one came with the base but no top. Easier to ship that way! Then I got a note from the seller - after he'd shipped it- that he'd found the top. AAARRRGGHH! Yep, the machine was flopping around inside the case and turned the base into kindling while punching an ugly hole in the top. The second came with a case but the base broke apart during shipping and the machine caused some damage to the case itself. I think the base will be fixable but I'm less sure of the top. After these (and the 128 that wasn't quite so bad) we've decided that we're going to be very, very picky about who we buy machines w/cases from in the future. Both of the sellers made good on the damages (as did the seller of the New Home zigzag machine) but still.

oregongirl 10-02-2012 12:12 PM

oh how fun! you've gathered a wonderful collection and it looks like they go perfectly in your home. I love those elaborate decals - why aren't things made beautifully now? don't you wonder about that sometimes?

pinkCastleDH 10-02-2012 12:24 PM

Originally Posted by oregongirl (Post 5557376)
I love those elaborate decals - why aren't things made beautifully now? don't you wonder about that sometimes?

Well, there are different types of beauty (Braun and Apple get lots of kudos for a certain clean design and I tend to agree) but I wish there were more ornate, beautiful designs that didn't necessarily go for gaudy. Herself and I were talking about it the other day when we were trying to decide what machines to focus on for our collection. Some of the machines of the late 19th to mid 20th centuries seem to capture both the clean lines of the minimalist school and the fun and/or pretty ornamentation and those are our first priority. Some of the purely minimalist looks (e.g. the 201) are just plain graceful, thoough - in fact I suggested the name Grace for that 201 when I first saw it.

Once I get it cleaned up the New National is going straight to display in the dining room. It was made just a few years after the house was built and it looks like it belongs. I think a parlor cabinet with Collete, the Red Eye, would also go well :)

pinkCastleDH 10-06-2012 08:54 AM

Catching up some...
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A pair of 15-91s, one a centennial, the other in much nicer shape. The 66 is the machine that I intend to work on first as its decals are in the worst shape of any of the machines we've bought and if I screw something up I'd rather it wasn't something too unusual or something in really nice shape.

pinkCastleDH 10-06-2012 09:02 AM

Finishing up
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Our first 27. I love the sphinx decal set! Then today's find, our second 27, with the Persian decals. Gorgeous decals though the machine's dirty and the cabinet isn't in particularly good shape. The puzzle box was a surprise, though - I didn't know about it when I went to look at the machine.

That leaves just a 201 that's still in its art deco cabinet and that cabinet is buried under another cabinet so its pictures will have to wait. As I remember it's in pretty nice shape and was being used up until fairly recently.

miriam 10-06-2012 03:08 PM

Looks like it is just only dirty - you'll manage it. LOL

pinkCastleDH 10-06-2012 03:17 PM

Originally Posted by miriam (Post 5566804)
Looks like it is just only dirty - you'll manage it. LOL

Fortunately only one of the others we picked up today is grimy. The others all look very nice (though the 128 is missing a slide plate.) The Frister & Rossmann is gorgeous!

miriam 10-06-2012 03:57 PM

I'll send the DGKs up to help clean - they love digging grime and dirt out of the corners with Qtips - whole boxes of them - dirty on one end and discard.... next time the Qtips will have the ends cut off so they can do the other ends... Wilbur goes after screws with a screwdriver - laughing with glee...

pinkCastleDH 10-06-2012 04:06 PM

Originally Posted by miriam (Post 5566876)
I'll send the DGKs up to help clean - they love digging grime and dirt out of the corners with Qtips - whole boxes of them - dirty on one end and discard.... next time the Qtips will have the ends cut off so they can do the other ends... Wilbur goes after screws with a screwdriver - laughing with glee...

Miriam, how's the little guy doing?

miriam 10-06-2012 04:12 PM

Originally Posted by pinkCastleDH (Post 5566887)
Miriam, how's the little guy doing?

Well he is responding to medication!!! Sores are healing. He is sleeping at night with out moaning and crying and thrashing about. We don't know how the sinus is - he has nose bleeds less frequently than last week. Some icky gunk came out this morning. He is terrorizing his sisters with the diarrhea though... He thinks is he does it right he can produce loud music at will... AHEM... Well he already figured out how to burp... Now this... He's working on it... LOL

miriam 10-06-2012 04:13 PM

Too bad you don't live close - I could fix you up with a bunch more machines.

pinkcastle 10-06-2012 04:24 PM

Just what we need!! LOL We really need to slow down. I can't believe how addictive this is!

pinkCastleDH 10-06-2012 04:46 PM

Originally Posted by pinkcastle (Post 5566929)
Just what we need!! LOL We really need to slow down.

Wait a second! If she's got a nice light oak parlor cabinet that's surplus to her needs we'd be selfish not to make the trip to take it off her hands. What kind of community member do you want to be? Really, it's not that far....

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