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-   -   My dream 301A is a nightmare (https://www.quiltingboard.com/vintage-antique-machine-enthusiasts-f22/my-dream-301a-nightmare-t243051.html)

Cecilia S. 03-25-2014 05:04 AM

MamaKitty, you are doing a noble job of this. I am very happy that you are sticking with it! You will get this stitcher up and running - that is a given. Hang in there :-)

Prim Quilts 03-25-2014 06:46 AM

I love my 301A s. It will be well worth the hassle when you get it going. I am sure you will eventually. My first 301A came from a thrift store for $10. They were holding it for me and told me that hadn't tested it. It was on my wishlist and I figured whatever it was, it could be fixed. It did not have a good life before coming here. It was in a cabinet. It was absolutely filthy. The tensioner was in pieces, but luckly all the pieces were there. My best guess is they changed the needle and it wouldn't sew (because they put the needle in wrong........and yes you can put the needle in wrong, because they did it). So then they took apart the tensioner. Then they couldn't put it back together (even though they had the manual). So then it was sentenced to live out the remainder of it's time in prison (aka the damp basement) where the cabinet became all moldy. Evidenlty someone got tired of walking around it, or someone passed away and it went to the thrift store where I got it. I use it almost every day and it is loved......so much so that I got another one just like it (but clean) from an antique mall. The moldy cabinet got ditched though. My machine also came with lots of goodies. Good luck!!!!

miriam 03-25-2014 07:07 AM

One thing nobody has mentioned. Are there any burrs on the throat plate, the hook or the bobbin?

MamaKitty 03-25-2014 07:16 PM

Tammi, this is what I have done today:

1. Thread (top and bottom) - previously using Gutermann 100% cotton. Today changed to Coats & Clark Cotton

2. Needle - previously changed needle that came with machine to a new Dritz universal 14. Today changed to a new Dritz universal 11. Flat side has always been to the left. Needle has always been threaded right to left.

3. Bobbin Case cleaning - tried Jamie Wallen's tip of using pin under leaf spring. No lint/dirt but went ahead and read your instructions to disassemble unit. Cleaned with isopropyl alcohol and Q-Tip. No dirt came off on Q-Tip so I guess the first time I cleaned it without disassembling the unit it got clean.

4. Bobbin Case tension - used Jamie Wallen's tip of having the tension set so the bobbin will stand up in your hand but not lift up. I had previously used the "bounce test" others recommend. Tried test sews with tension changed the width of the screw slot each time.

5. Bobbin - Sits flush in bobbin case. Isn't warped (checked with digital caliper). Unfortuantely, it's the only one I have of the correct size. If anyone can recommend a reliable brand I can get at Joann's or maybe a LQS, I'll run out tomorrow and get some.

6. Upper tension - Had previously dis- and reassembled unit per instructions in user's manual. Decided once more couldn't hurt. Watched your ON machine video and followed step by step. Did the Fast tension test and got the same results as your video.

After all that, and in sew testing during adjustment of the bobbin case tension, there is no difference in the stitches. Still look like those in my original post with bobbin thread showing on top of fabric.

Miriam, I have checked for burrs on throat plate, hook and bobbin. Also checked the guides through which the thread runs. Nothing.

Prim Quilts, this one was in such better condition to start with than your poor first 301A that it should appreciate its life now and straighten up and fly/stitch right! ;)

Cecilia, you have no idea how much I needed to hear that right now :) Every time I say I'm gonna put this thing on the curb, my husband just laughs. He's a retired auto mechanic and used to fiddling with little bits and pieces that don't want to play nice together. I think he's getting quite a kick out of watching me and this machine. I've restored a 15-88 and a 128 previously with no problem. This one is not going to get the best of me. Well, it was until I read your comment but I guess I have another round or two in me.

ArchaicArcane 03-25-2014 08:35 PM

2 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by MamaKitty (Post 6645034)
1. Thread (top and bottom) - previously using Gutermann 100% cotton. Today changed to Coats & Clark Cotton

2. Needle - previously changed needle that came with machine to a new Dritz universal 14. Today changed to a new Dritz universal 11. Flat side has always been to the left. Needle has always been threaded right to left.

Both Gutermann's Cotton and the Coats and clark are usually at least a 50wt. What does the C&C thread say for weight? The one I have here is a 50wt but lots are 40wt. The lower the number, the thicker the thread.

As a general starting place - 50wt = 80/12 or a 90/14 needle, 40wt may do OK with a 90/14, but you may need a 100/16. Definitely don't go down a needle size when you go up a size in thread.

You're better off with a 90/14, and I would suggest Schmetz or Organ needles. They're usually a known good needle. Dritz, I can't say I know anyone who uses them. Singer needles are also not what they once were.

Going down a needle size will cause the same effect of tighter tension in some ways.

Originally Posted by MamaKitty (Post 6645034)
3. Bobbin Case cleaning - tried Jamie Wallen's tip of using pin under leaf spring. No lint/dirt but went ahead and read your instructions to disassemble unit. Cleaned with isopropyl alcohol and Q-Tip. No dirt came off on Q-Tip so I guess the first time I cleaned it without disassembling the unit it got clean.

4. Bobbin Case tension - used Jamie Wallen's tip of having the tension set so the bobbin will stand up in your hand but not lift up. I had previously used the "bounce test" others recommend. Tried test sews with tension changed the width of the screw slot each time.

With the bobbin tension a little looser, as per the way that Jamie suggests it, you may want your upper tension set a little lower than usual. Instead of about a 4-5, maybe a 3 - 4.

Originally Posted by MamaKitty (Post 6645034)
5. Bobbin - Sits flush in bobbin case. Isn't warped (checked with digital caliper). Unfortuantely, it's the only one I have of the correct size. If anyone can recommend a reliable brand I can get at Joann's or maybe a LQS, I'll run out tomorrow and get some.

I can't name a single LQS around here that carries featherweight bobbins. Typically for local, you'll need to go to a Singer shop. Otherwise, if you're in the states (Which I think you are, by the Joann reference), I'd say Sew-Classic is your best bet.

Originally Posted by MamaKitty (Post 6645034)
6. Upper tension - Had previously dis- and reassembled unit per instructions in user's manual. Decided once more couldn't hurt. Watched your ON machine video and followed step by step. Did the Fast tension test and got the same results as your video.

If that's the case, you should have pretty reasonable tension between 3 and 5. Try it at about 3.5 ish because of where we put the tension on the bobbin case.

Originally Posted by MamaKitty (Post 6645034)
After all that, and in sew testing during adjustment of the bobbin case tension, there is no difference in the stitches. Still look like those in my original post with bobbin thread showing on top of fabric.

In your original post - post 7 in this thread? With the tension jacked to 9 as it was, I would expect your bobbin thread to show on the top. When we talk of loops on the top, it's actual loops. What you're seeing at 9 in that photo is only a little tighter than "the top of the bald headed man" as Jamie Wallen will say. (Was that in the video, or did I learn that in class with him?) That's an indication that your top tension is likely too tight or bobbin tension is too loose - at 9, your top tension is significantly too tight, as we'd expect. It's rare to get true loops on top. What gives the "top tension too tight away" is the fact that the top thread is laying on top of the fabric.

So, and I mean no offense with the following, since you say you're not a seamstress, I'd like to know the exact settings you have on your bobbin case and upper tension.

How many turns from tight is the bobbin case tension screw?
What is the number on the upper tension after you've done the reassemble and the fast tension test?

Here's what I think should give you pretty good stitches, since your machine is basically set up to my specs now ;)

Needle: 90/14
Thread: 50wt Cotton
Upper Tension: 3
Bobbin Tension: about 1/2 - 3/4 turn from full tight

That should give you a result similar to this:
Top side:
Bottom Side:

You'll notice that on the top stitch line of stitching shows "the bald headed man" (tan thread is bottom thread) - that was the setting at 3.5 for my machine.

The second row of stitching is a little below 3 for me. This machine was set up before I figured out the "2" setting rule that I talk about in the video, so it might be a little off from what yours is, but it shouldn't be by much.

Notice though that if we turn it over, the stitching has switched, the bald headed man shows up on the bottom row of stitches. That means that "perfect" tension with these 2 threads would have been somewhere between 3.5 and 2.75ish. This is also somewhat affected by the fact that my bobbin thread is Aurifil and therefore very light compared to the weight of the C&C in the top, so properly matched threads might require slightly higher top tension.

ArchaicArcane 03-25-2014 09:00 PM

I need to mention that I went down to check the tensioner on my 301 and noticed that the shorter tensioners (the 301 and the FW for instance) don't have their tension posts flush with the knurled nut until they're about full tight, so roughly 9 - 10. Set like that you get full range of movement. If you set it so the nut and post are flush at 2, you get adjustment from 1 - 3 max.

Other than that, my machine is set per Jamie's video and my posts and videos.

MamaKitty 05-10-2014 01:02 PM

My abject apologies for seeming to have abandoned this thread. Silly little thing like a heart attack got in the way of progress on this project. All's better now and I'm back to it. Decided that since the only thing I hadn't touched on it is the bobbin case, I'd see if there was possibly a problem there. Removed it and found a whole squirrels' nest of thread. Cleaned that up, replaced it and it sews like a dream. I'm eternally grateful for all the assistance I have received and if I ever learn enough will attempt to pass on the good karma :)

Mrs. SewNSew 05-10-2014 03:20 PM

Oh my Lord! I love the way you just dropped that right in there..a heart attack! I hope it wasn't the machine that gave it to you! I'm glad to see you are still with us and got your machine fixed too. Now sit back, relaaaax and sew something.

Cecilia S. 05-10-2014 03:30 PM

Originally Posted by MamaKitty (Post 6711587)
My abject apologies for seeming to have abandoned this thread. Silly little thing like a heart attack got in the way of progress on this project. All's better now and I'm back to it. Decided that since the only thing I hadn't touched on it is the bobbin case, I'd see if there was possibly a problem there. Removed it and found a whole squirrels' nest of thread. Cleaned that up, replaced it and it sews like a dream. I'm eternally grateful for all the assistance I have received and if I ever learn enough will attempt to pass on the good karma :)

Mama Kitty!

I hope you are okay!

Happy Healing.

barny 05-10-2014 05:16 PM

MamaKitty: So glad you are okay. I've been reading all these things from everyone trying to help you find your problem. I've just never seen so much help and so intense. It's just wonderful from all of you.

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