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pinkCastleDH 11-03-2012 02:12 PM

New machines followed us home
9 Attachment(s)
So it's been two weeks. Withdrawals have set in. Shakes and fever. Well, maybe not that but...

First up was the reason we were out and about today. The same person we've purchased several of our machines (13, 48k, 28, Seidel & Naumann, etc...) from had a New Home with the treadle base. We've decided to concentrate mostly on the Singers and New Homes but we only had treadles for the Singers. Not only did we pick up the machine and base that we went for, he tossed in the irons for a later base with what looks to be ball bearing connections. Wow is that smooth and quiet!

On the way home we stopped in at the antique store where we'd purchased our first New Home machine a little bit ago (also on the way home from buying machines from the same individual, now that I think of it.) While Herself was asking if they had any sewing machines for sale I spotted one sitting up out of the way :) Looked German but no name evident. High arm, transverse shuttle, solid looking bobbin winder, fiddle base, hand crank, large mother-of-pearl snowflake inlaid into the bed. Bentwood case, herself does our negotiating and she got the price down some so it came home with us. Looking around at various sites it looks like it's probably a Stoewer. On Needlebar it looks like the Premier is a very good match.

No idea on dates for either machine yet but all-in-all it looks to have been a successful day on the hunt.

MimiBug123 11-03-2012 02:23 PM

VERY nice! You had a good hunting trip today!

Quilt Novice 11-03-2012 04:22 PM

Wow great finds!

cabbagepatchkid 11-03-2012 04:28 PM

Wooooo Hooooo! Both machines are gorgeous!!! :thumbup:

JudyTheSewer 11-03-2012 04:28 PM

Excellent! They are both spectacular but I especially like the decals on that hand crank! They are different than anything I've seen.

mo-rie 11-03-2012 04:39 PM

Beautiful machines! Just think of a treadle as a "winter exercise program". Enjoy!

csharp 11-03-2012 04:47 PM

My mouth is open, they are so pretty....we went looking today too, and I had to pass on what we found...no room

pinkCastleDH 11-03-2012 04:57 PM

The New Home's decals aren't that great but I do like the face plate. We really got it for the base so we can play with our other New Homes. The second set of irons I'm planning to use for a base for the New Home CZ - slip the motor belt off and on with a treadle belt. The action of the treadle is so smooth and quiet that I expect it to mate up well with the smooth rotary machine :)

The hand crank was a surprise - we don't see that many of them in antique stores around here. I think that's only the second or third we've seen. They're great for adding to the collection since there's no cabinet to take up space and no wiring to worry about.

AuntieD 11-03-2012 05:00 PM

Beautiful machines!!

DanofNJ 11-03-2012 07:07 PM

Super Nice!!! The Fiddle Base is Spectacular.

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